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Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Suzumi's Scenario
Story | Extra Scenario | > |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
永い参道--約束の土地 |
Long Shrine Road: The Promised Land | |
彼の地をヒトは无現里と呼ぶが、 |
Humans call that land "Mugenri", | |
BGM: 損いのない功徳 ~ go_to_work...? |
BGM: Unfailing Piety ~ go to work...? | |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
Jun Amanomiya EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
さてさて、異変解決の旅の始まりね~ |
Alrighty, and so begins my journey to solve this incideeeent! |
Suzumi |
・・・それにしても、毎度のことながら |
...Still, while it's the same as every time, |
??? |
あ~ こんなとこでなにしとるんじゃ? |
Ahh? What're you doing in a place like this? |
Suzumi |
私、ザコって興味ないのよね |
Meh, not interested in small fry. |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat Between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
はぁ? わちがザコじゃって? |
Hah? You saying I'm a small fry? |
Suzumi |
ザコでしょ? 最初に出てくるんだし |
Aren't you? You're the first one to show up, so... |
Jun |
はぁ~、見識が狭いというか、 |
Sigh, such narrow-mindedness. |
Suzumi |
あら、そこまでいうならあなたの力、 |
Oh my, oh my. Well, if you think your blade is sharper than mine, |
Jun |
うん? いや~、 |
Mmh? Ahh, weeell, y'see, |
Suzumi |
そういうわけにはいかないわよ♪ |
Oh, but that simply won't do at all. ♪ |
Jun |
あー、これはヤブヘビじゃったかな? |
Oh dear, I knocked over a hornet's nest, didn't I? |
BGM: カラクレナイ乃ナガグツ |
BGM: Crimson Boots | |
Suzumi |
痛めつけてあげるわ♪ |
Lemme give you a reeeeal good thrashin'. ♪ |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
やっぱりザコじゃない |
Knew it. Just a small fry. |
Jun |
そりゃそうじゃ だってザコじゃもん |
Aye, I s'ppose I am but a measly small fry, after all. |
Suzumi |
あんまり図に乗ると殺すわよ? |
Pushing your luck too much could get you killed, you know. |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 |
文字通り『蠢く』その森は |
That literally "wriggling" forest | |
BGM: ディープウェイヴァー |
BGM: Deep Waiver | |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
Shou Amanomori EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
はぁー・・・憂鬱だわ |
Haaaaaaahh... I'm so boooooooored. |
Suzumi |
なんで私ばっかりこんな役回りなのよ~ |
Why's it always me who gets stuck with all the boring work? |
??? |
くぅらぁー!! |
HEY, YOU!! |
Suzumi |
あぁ・・・・でたわよ |
Ahh... and here they are. |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
??? |
おまえだな! 潤にひどい事した奴はー!! |
YOU! You're the one who gave Jun a hard time!! |
Suzumi |
えぇ、そうよ |
Yep, that's me. |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
ゆるさーーんっ! |
Suzumi |
なら殺すしかないわね |
Guess there's no option left but murder, then. |
Shou |
え? |
Eh? |
Suzumi |
許されない以上、もう私には |
If you won't forgive me, then there's no |
Shou |
ちょ・・・いくらなんでも極端じゃない? |
Wai... hey, isn't that a bit extreme?! |
Suzumi |
仕方のないことなのよ、 |
Sorry, there's no other way. |
BGM: ずるべた海索麺 ~ Act_the_FOOL_HAHAHA |
BGM: Slimy Umisoumen ~ Act the FOOL HAHAHA | |
Shou |
どういうことー!? |
What do you mean by thaaaaat!? |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
ま、今日のところはこんなところで |
Eh, on second thought, I'll forgive you. |
Shou |
ありがとうございます・・・ |
Tha- thank you so much... |
Suzumi |
アルディがいない時に殺しをやったら |
If I killed someone while Ardey wasn't around, |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
泥濘への一歩 |
A Step in the Mud | |
参道から人里へと通ずる道、 |
The path from the shrine road to the human village. | |
BGM: 帰路は失われど ~ KEEP_IN |
BGM: Though the Way Home is Lost ~ KEEP IN | |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
Lumen Celeritas EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
あー、退屈ね |
Aaaahhh, I sure am bored. |
Suzumi |
玄鳥様に会いに行くわけにもいかないし |
I can't head out to meet Tsubakura-sama or anything. |
??? |
にっこー! にっこー! |
Sun! Liiiight! Sun! Liiiight! |
Suzumi |
なんかウザイのがきたわ |
And now there's another pest showing up. |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
??? |
見たことない人間! 犯人確定っ! |
A human I've never seen before! Culprit confirmed! |
Suzumi |
えぇ、私が犯人よー |
Yeah, sure, I'm the culprit alright. |
??? |
やはりそうか! |
I knew it! |
Suzumi |
あぁ、誰かと思ったら |
Oh, now that I think about it... |
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
僕ぉご存じか! |
You know about me!? |
Suzumi |
なんか・・・ |
Huh. |
Lumen |
そのとおり! |
Yes, that's right! |
Suzumi |
肯定するのね |
You're not even denying it. |
BGM: プリズミックアクセル |
BGM: Prismic Accelerator | |
Lumen |
って、バカー! |
...uh, I mean, moooooooooron! |
Suzumi |
光の速度でノリツッコミするのね |
Now you're going with the joke at the speed of light. |
Lumen |
犯人には光の鉄槌! |
The culprit shall be crushed by the infinite weight of light! |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Lumen |
この僕が・・・・負けた・・・だと? |
Does this mean... I... lost? |
Suzumi |
そんな驚くようなことじゃないでしょ |
It's nothing to be surprised about, honestly. |
Lumen |
おなかが減って力が出ないよぉ~ |
I just can't fight all that well on an empty stomach, is all! |
Suzumi |
あなた・・・けっこう面白いヒトなのね |
You're... actually pretty interesting, huh. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
雲下、潤い腐る庭 |
The Sodden Decaying Garden Beneath the Clouds | |
日の光が当たらぬこの事態は、 |
With no sunlight shining down, this situation | |
BGM: 糠を舐りて米に及ぶ 〜 What's_the_matter? |
BGM: Lick the Bran to Reach the Rice ~ What's the matter? | |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
Hibaru Kokutenshi EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
光が差さず、枯れて、腐った森・・・ |
A withering, rotting forest that the light can't reach... |
Suzumi |
こんなとこにも跋扈するんだから |
Those youkai must really be made of tough stuff, |
Suzumi |
・・・なんか、くさそう |
...I bet they reek. |
??? |
くさいものにはお任せあれ! |
If it reeks, leave it to us! |
Suzumi |
はぁ? |
Huh? |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
??? |
くさいものにお困りでしたら、 |
If horrible stenches are giving you trouble, |
Suzumi |
なんでくさいものと金融会社が関係あるのよ |
What do horrible stenches even have to do with a credit firm? |
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
なんだか臭う会社ってことで |
It's a firm with a rather fishy smell, you see. |
Suzumi |
自分で言っちゃうのね |
That coming from an employee. |
Hibaru |
っていうのは冗談として、 |
I'm just kidding, of course. |
Suzumi |
困ってないわ |
Nope. |
Hibaru |
でしたら!ウチの金融会社へ!今なら! |
If you do! Our firm! Offers! A service! |
Suzumi |
なにからツッコミ入れればいいか |
If I'm supposed to smack you with a paper fan and call you an idiot, |
Hibaru |
何が何でもノルマを達成しなくちゃ |
I've got a quota I have to meet |
Suzumi |
貴方の事情なんて知らないわよ |
I don't really give much of a hoo-hah about your issues. |
BGM: 二束三文マネービルダー |
BGM: Dime-a-Dozen Moneymaker | |
Hibaru |
そういうことでしたら! |
Well, if that's the case! |
Suzumi |
どういうことなのかしらねぇ |
Oh? Whatever might that be? |
Hibaru |
ここのルールはこういうことには |
It just so happens that the rules of this world |
Suzumi |
・・・・・あっそ |
...'Kay. |
Hibaru |
借金王に、私はなる! |
The Monarch of Debts - is what I shall be! |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Hibaru |
借金地獄があなたを待っている・・・ |
A debtor's hell awaits you... |
Suzumi |
なんなのよあなた・・・ |
What the heck's with you, anyway...? |
Hibaru |
やっぱり力づくは無理でしたかぁ~ |
I suppose brute force wasn't of any use, after all... |
Suzumi |
あなた・・・けっこう凄いヒトなんだから、 |
You... are actually a pretty amazing person, |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
埴輪街道、儀式場前 |
The Road of the Haniwa Leading to the Ritual Site | |
素焼きの埴輪が |
Here on this path with unglazed | |
BGM: ラディカルヒストリー 〜 双眸に穿たれた記憶 |
BGM: Radical History ~ Memories Engraved in the Eyes | |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
Sukune Katano EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
・・・なんかおっきいハニワだぎゃねぇ~ |
...That shure is a huge haniwa they got here, gyah... |
Suzumi |
これが儀式場だって言うんだから |
Pretty shurprising that they're callin' |
??? |
あんた、どこのだぎゃさんだぎゃ? |
Gyah, hey! What kinda yah-sayer are you? |
Suzumi |
あら、ハニワちゃん |
Oh my, if it isn't our cute lil' haniwa! |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
無垢なる天才埴輪 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa | |
Sukune |
ぷー! だぎゃは僕の専売特許だぎゃよ! |
Bleh! That 'yah' stuff is my schtick, yah! It'sh patented! |
Suzumi |
そうだったのね、知らなかっただぎゃよ |
Oh, 's that right? Yah, sorry 'bout that, dinn't know. |
Sukune |
また言ったにょ! |
N'you're still sayin' it! |
Suzumi |
意外とちゃっかりしてるのね |
Wow, didn't expect you to be that shrewd. |
Sukune |
そんなことより、ここに何のようだぎゃ? |
Regardlesh, whaddaya want, yah? |
Suzumi |
だぎゃだぎゃ、うるさいわね・・・ |
Yah, yah, oh my god, shut up... |
Sukune |
あーっ! 二回分の使用料だぎゃ! |
Aaaaargh! That'sh double the royalties for yah! |
Suzumi |
・・・もうなんか面倒くさくなったし、 |
...This is already getting annoying, |
BGM: 埴輪相撲 〜 End_of_immolation |
BGM: Haniwa Sumo ~ End of immolation | |
Sukune |
むー! 儀式につきものの邪魔者だぎゃね! |
Mmmmmrh! You're one o' those interlopers that rituals always get, aren't yah?! |
Suzumi |
儀式ってのは邪魔されるために |
Rituals exist to be interrupted, you know~ ♪ |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
負けだぎゃー |
Gyaaah, I lost... |
Suzumi |
こう見ると、戦争の時に比べて弱いわね |
Now that I look at you, that was pretty weak compared to during the war. |
Sukune |
戦争? なんのことだぎゃ? |
War? What'chah talkin' about? |
Suzumi |
近い未来の話よ |
The near future. |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
儀式場内部~夕晴 |
Inside the Ritual Site ~ Clear Evening Sky | |
雲下に聳える強大な土器、 |
A giant clay container, rising beneath the clouds. | |
BGM: 悠久の眠りを、刹那の瞬きを |
BGM: An Eternal Sleep, a Passing Instant | |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
Sukune |
使用料をまだもらってないっちゃ! |
HEY! I'm still waitin' on those royalchies! |
Suzumi |
しつこいハニワだぎゃね~ |
Y're such'n persistent haniwa, gyah. |
Sukune |
延滞料もせしめてやるじょ! |
I'mma squeeze some late fees outta yah, too! |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
雲が割れてるわね・・・・・ |
The clouds just split apart... |
Suzumi |
こういうのは記憶で見るより |
I've seen stuff like this before in memories, |
??? |
貴様、何者だ・・・? |
You... who are you...? |
Suzumi |
そして蛇さんの登場ね |
Lo, the snake entereth. |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
? 俺のことを知っているのか? |
Hm? Do you... know me? |
Suzumi |
知ってるわよぉ、八尾呂智ちゃん♪ |
Quite well, Yaorochi-chan. ♪ |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
! 名前もか・・・・ |
...! Even my name... |
Suzumi |
も~、しつこいわねぇ |
Aw geez, so insistent... |
Yaorochi |
話にならないな、酔狂者を相手するほど、 |
Clearly, you're of no mind to discuss things. I'm not so tolerant |
Suzumi |
私の正体よりも |
Instead of questioning my identity, wouldn't you be more interested in my intentions? |
Yaorochi |
たしかに、 |
Certainly. |
Suzumi |
そうね~、思ってみれば、蛇叢釼の使い方も |
Let's see... Thinking about it, I don't really have any use for you |
Yaorochi |
! |
Ah...! |
Suzumi |
さぁ、なんでかしらねぇ~♪ |
Hmmm, how do I, indeed...? ♪ |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・なるほどな、 |
......I see now. |
Suzumi |
あなたって、本当に被害妄想が激しいのね |
You know, you have one heck of a persecution complex. |
Yaorochi |
俺はもうこの剣を手放すわけには |
There is no longer any way you could ever |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
'Kay. |
Yaorochi |
たとえ貴様が無垢なるものだろうが、 |
So even if you were someone of absolute purity, |
Suzumi |
別に狙うなんて言ってないわよ |
I didn't say I was after it or anything. |
Yaorochi |
構えろ・・・・ |
Prepare yourself... |
Suzumi |
驚くほど難聴な蛇ね・・・・ |
Wow, you're pretty hard-of-hearing, snake... |
BGM: 深い徒雲の下で 〜 Mow_Down! |
BGM: Below a Deep Vanishing Cloud ~ Mow Down! | |
Yaorochi |
貴様の命、斬りおとしてやる! |
I will cleave your very life in twain! |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has at least 3 petals in the Cloud Flower gauge | ||
『・・・力を示せ』 |
"...Prove your power." | |
Tasouken LAST SPELL | ||
Tasouken DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued and didn't face Tasouken | ||
If player has not continued and faced Tasouken | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ For some reason, Hibaru's boss title does not appear in-game.