Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Suzumi's Bad Ending
Story | Good Ending A Good Ending B |
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The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
どこかの建物の一室。 |
Inside a room of some building somewhere. | |
薄暗い部屋の中にわずかに差し込む光を見て、 |
The otherwise-dim room was pierced by a weak ray of light, | |
横になった体をゆっくりと起こしながら、窓を少し開け、 |
Slowly getting up from a sleeping position, they opened the window by a hand's breadth, | |
その後、寝汗をかいていたことに気が付き、 |
Afterwards, they realized they'd sweated a lot during the night, | |
顔をタオルで拭きながら冷蔵庫に向かい、 |
After drying themself off with a towel, | |
ガラスのコップに注いでから口をつけ、 |
Filling a glass with the beverage, they gave it a sip, | |
コップを机に置き、ベッドに座りながらしばらくの間うつむき、 |
They placed the glass on the table and went to lie face-down on the bed | |
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To be continued...? |
To be continued...? | |
ROUTE4 Bad_End... |
Route 4: Bad End... |