Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Kuroji's Good Ending B
< | Bad Ending Good Ending A |
Story |
The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
儀式場、天に蔓延る叢雲は千々に散りだし、切れ間から注がれる日の光・・・ |
The ritual Site. The gathering of clouds spread over the sky gradually dispersed, and the sun's light poured down through the gaps... | |
ヤコブの梯子・・・もとい薄明光線が |
A Jacob's ladder... properly known as crepuscular rays. | |
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こわいこわい、と肩を竦めながら黒巫鳥は八尾呂智に背を向けた |
Kuroji shrugged, muttering "ooh, so scary," and turned away from Yaorochi. | |
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こうして異変は解決(?)した。 |
And thus, the incident was resolved(?). | |
もっとも、黒巫鳥がわざわざ出向かわなくても |
In the first place, it would've resolved itself | |
どういう経緯なのか黒巫鳥は知らなかったが[a]、栓抜きに変わり果ててしまった神器は、 |
Kuroji didn't know what had led up to this point, but it seemed that in its unfortunate new form | |
そもそも八尾呂智はこの剣の力で何をするつもりでもなかったようだし、 |
Yaorochi apparently had no intention of using the sword's power for anything in the first place, | |
ただ、今回の異変で傷ついた者が確かにいることを、 |
But please, don't forget that there were indeed people who the incident | |
そういう意味では、黒巫鳥の行動は意義のあるものであったと言えよう。 |
In that sense, Kuroji's actions could be described as significant. | |
・・・っと、黒巫鳥はそういうことにしておいた。 |
...Well, that's how Kuroji decided to think of it. | |
To be continued ---- EXTRA_STAGE... |
To be continued in the Extra Stage... | |
ROUTE3 ALL CLEAR!! <おめでとー!、 こんなオチですみません ・・・> |
ROUTE 3 ALL CLEAR!! <Congratulations! Sorry about the twist ending...> |
- ↑ These highlighted in grey were removed in v1.10a.