Earthen Miraculous Sword/Music
Music List[edit | edit source]
Title Screen
あやかりも忌む憩い 〜 Need_umbrella! Ayakari mo imu ikoi |
Repose That Detests Even Good Luck ~ Need umbrella! |
OP曲ですね。 |
Yep, this is the opening song. |
Stage 1 - Shrine Road's theme
損いのない功徳 〜 go_to_work...? Sokonai no nai kudoku |
Unfailing Piety ~ go to work...? |
一面の道中曲。 |
The stage one theme. |
Stage 1 Boss - Jun Amanomiya's theme
カラクレナイ乃ナガグツ Karakurenai no nagagutsu |
Crimson Boots |
雨降り妖怪のテーマです。 |
This is the theme of the youkai that makes it rain. |
Stage 2 - Unlost Woods'theme
ディープウェイヴァー Dīpu ueivā |
Deep Waiver |
迷えず、又は迷いの森をイメージしました。 |
I based this on an image of the Unlost Woods (or perhaps the Lost Woods). |
Stage 2 Boss - Shou Amanomori's theme
ずるべた海索麺 〜 Act_the_FOOL_HAHAHA Zurubeta umizōmen |
Slimy Umizoumen ~ Act the FOOL HAHAHA[a] |
ナメクジもどきの曲です。 |
This is the theme of the pseudo-slug. |
Stage 3 - Path from the Shrine Road to the Human Village's theme
帰路は失われど 〜 KEEP_IN Kiro wa ushiwaredo |
Though the Way Home Is Lost ~ KEEP IN |
无現里全体の雰囲気を題材にした曲です。 |
The subject of the song is the overall atmosphere of Mugenri. |
Stage 3 Boss - Lumen Celeritas's theme
プリズミックアクセル Purizumikku akuseru |
Prismic Accelerator[1] |
アホ偉人の曲。 |
This is the theme of the idiot hero. |
Stage 4 - Sodden Decaying Garden's theme
糠を舐りて米に及ぶ 〜 What's_the_matter? Nuka wo neburite kome ni oyobu |
Lick the Bran to Reach the Rice ~ What's the matter? |
四面道中の曲です。 |
This is the stage four theme. |
Stage 4 Boss - Hibaru Kokutenshi's theme
二束三文マネービルダー Nisokusanmon manēbirudā |
Dime-a-Dozen Moneymaker |
四面ボス曲・・・なのか? |
This is the stage four boss theme... or is it? |
Stage 5 - Road of the Haniwa's theme
ラディカルヒストリー 〜 双眸に穿たれた記憶 Radikaru hisutorī ~ Sōbō ni ugatareta kioku |
Radical History ~ Memories Engraved in the Eyes |
五面道中曲です。 |
This is the stage five theme. |
Stage 5 Boss - Sukune Katano's theme
埴輪相撲 〜 End_of_immolation Haniwa sumō |
Haniwa Sumo ~ End of immolation |
五面ボス 片埜宿禰の曲です。 |
This is the theme of Sukune Katano, the stage five boss. |
Stage 6 - Ritual Site's theme
悠久の眠りを、刹那の瞬きを Yūkyū no nemuri wo, setsuna no matataki wo |
An Eternal Sleep, a Passing Instant |
六面道中曲です。 |
This is the stage six theme. |
Stage 6 Boss - Adagumo no Yaorochi's theme
深い徒雲の下で 〜 Mow_Down! Fukai adagumo no moto de |
Below a Deep Vanishing Cloud ~ Mow Down![g] |
六面ボス 徒雲八尾呂智の曲です。 |
This is the theme of Adagumo no Yaorochi, the stage 6 boss. |
Stage 6 Hidden Boss - Tasouken's theme
ただ一つの煌き Tada hitotsu no kiraki |
A Single Glimmer |
隠しボス 蛇叢剣の曲です。 |
This is the theme of Tasouken, the hidden boss. |
Extra Stage - Path from the Shrine Road to the Human Village's theme
瞬きを埋める雪色の勝景 Matataki wo umeru yuki-iro no shōkei |
The Snow-Colored View That Buries the Instant |
EX面道中曲です。 |
This is the extra stage theme. |
Extra Stage Boss - Adagumo no Saragimaru's theme
モノアイ 〜 Ironic_FATE Mono ai |
Mono Eye ~ Ironic FATE |
EXボス 徒雲蛇穴丸の曲です。 |
This is the theme of Adagumo no Saragimaru, the extra boss. |
Ending theme
殺陣役者どもの茶番劇 〜 Routine_eventually Tateyakusha domo no chabangeki |
Farce of the Sword-Fighting Actors ~ Routine eventually |
ED曲です。 |
It's the ending theme. |
Staff Roll theme
朽縄啼き抜小路 〜 Stream_VISION Kuchinawa naki nukikōji |
Alleyway of Unfounded Fears ~ Stream VISION[h] |
スタッフロール曲です。 |
It's the song that plays during the staff roll. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Umisoumen (海索麺) is a Japanese dish made out of the eggs of a sea hare.
- ↑ The song contains a section of the traditional Japanese children's tune Tōryanse (You May Enter). Particularly famous due to its possibly ominous lyrics and its playing in certain pedestrian crossings in Japan. A particularly ominous line that sparked the many theories JynX mentions here is "Going in is easy, but returning is scary/difficult", which potentially relates to entering/exiting Mugenri.
- ↑ This appears to be a reference to the character from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
- ↑ Through the Len'en Maniacs' Quiz, it was revealed that this was "Haniwa's Martyrdom" (埴輪の殉死 Haniwa no Junshi), which JynX composed in December 2010.
In the title, "Junshi" (殉死) (translated as "martyrdom") means "following the lord in death", and refers to the practice of vassals committing ritual suicide after death of their lord. - ↑ Gap moe is an anime term referring to an attractive trait of a character that is contradictory to their normal behaviour.
- ↑ This is probably a reference to Kirby.
- ↑ Adagumo, or vanishing cloud, is Yaorochi's family name. It refers to the concept of ephemerality, giving the impression of a cloud that disappears as soon as you reach out to touch it.
- ↑ kuchinawa naki (朽縄啼き, lit. "shrieking at rotted ropes") is a reference to the Japanese saying hebi ni kamarete kuchinawa ni ojiru (蛇に噛まれて朽縄に怖じる, lit. "To be bitten by a snake and from then on be afraid of rotted ropes"). The saying refers to people who are overly scared or cautious because of a single bad experience with something.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Interview with JynX (2015): Question 6