Earthen Miraculous Sword/Documentation/Readme (Trial)
This is the readme.txt that exists in both the trial versions Evanescent Existence and Earthen Miraculous Sword. See here for the full release version.
readme.txt[edit | edit source]
鏈縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence.体験版
鏈縁蛇叢釼 ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword.体験版
Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence Trial Version
Len'en Tasouken ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword Trial Version
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◆1:あいさつ |
◆1: Greetings | |
この度は拙作を手にとって頂き、有難う御座います。 |
Thank you very much for downloading this game. | |
プレイしていただけば分かるとおり、某巫女さん弾幕STGにすご~く似てます。 |
As you'd probably realize just by playing the game, it's extremely similar to a certain series of shrine maiden STG games. | |
けどよく見れば全然似てないのよ、だいぶ。(特に曲) |
But if you look carefully you'd find that they're not similar at all, I think. (Especially the songs.) | |
ちなみに拙作では『符』じゃなくて『牌』なのよね、どうでもいいこだわり。 |
By the way, this game uses "Cards" instead of "Signs", a rather minor difference really. | |
何気に今作がゲーム処女作なんですよね。(ゲームもどきは何度か作ったけど) |
Anyways, this is actually my debut game. (I have made several game imitations before, though.) | |
さて、体験版だからあんまりしゃべることがないんで、 |
Welp, there's not much more to say, being trial versions and all, | |
あ、完成版も無料配布の予定だからよかったらやってみてね。 |
Oh right, the full version is going to be free as well so please give that a try as well! | |
◆2:このゲームの含有物 |
◆2: This games' contents | |
・Le01.exe -- 1作品目のゲーム本体 |
・Le01.exe -- The 1st game itself | |
◆3アンインストール方法 |
◆3: How to uninstall | |
ゲーム本体が入ってるフォルダごと消去してください。 |
Please just get rid of the folder the game is in. | |
◆4:何か問題があったら |
◆4: In case of questions | |
同フォルダ内の「FAQ.txt」の内容をご確認ください。 |
Please check the "FAQ.txt" in the same folder this file is in. | |
ご感想とか要望とかもドーゾ。 |
Feel free to also voice your thoughts and requests and such. | |
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◆5:晩御飯がしゃぶしゃぶでしたら |
◆5: In case you're having shabu-shabu for dinner | |
こんなことしてないで、早くそばつゆと柚子胡椒を買ってくるんだ! |
Stop what you're doing and go buy some soba sauce and yuzu pepper, quick! | |
◆6:更新履歴 |
◆6: Changelog | |
2013/09/08 Le01&Le02 ver 0.01a 体験版完成 |
2013/09/08: Le01 & Le02: v0.01a - The trial version completed. |