Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell

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Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell
Thumbnail of the video
Publisher JynX
Channel JynX
Released 24 June 2012
Duration 5:03
Platform Niconico

Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell (永訣する臨界点, Eiketsu-suru rinkai-ten) is a Niconico video uploaded by Trick Nostalgie. It is a music video about the Wings of Magritte. Uploaded on 24 June 2012, this was published before JynX created the modern Len'en Project. At the time of creation, JynX was known as "JinX", as shown at the end of the video.

General Information[edit | edit source]

The video's full title is [Touhou-Styled Original Composition] Theme Song of the "Wings of Magritte": "Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell" (【東方風自作曲】『マグリットの翼』テーマ曲---「永訣する臨界点」). This gives the suggestion that JynX was working towards a Touhou-based style for the theme before they branched to making their own style of music.

According to the video's description, the song's full title is "Fumbling Dimensional Tour ~ Breaker and Pursuer /* B-P-B */ Protection against Breach ~ Request Colorful Dreams, Detest Empty Illusions" (手探りの次元歴遊 ~ Breaker_and_Pursuer /*_B-P-B_*/ Protection_against_Breach ~ 色夢を請い、空幻を厭う). Due to its ridiculously long name, JynX has also adopted the shortened name "Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell" (永訣する臨界点). Apparently, the shortened name is not a shortening of the original title, but instead of its meaning.

When asked about the video, JynX was surprised about how the fandom knew about its existence, explaining that it is a secret for a later time, and that they might make an arrangement of the theme in the future.[1]

In the video itself, it shows a series of drawings. It shows Haru and Hoojiro Shitodo doing miscellaneous things on the train, like reading and drinking tea, and at the end walking on the train's tracks. Interestingly, Haru's face was kept out of view the entire time. At the time, both were completely unknown characters.

Video Description[edit | edit source]

ZUN曲っぽくないって? 奇遇だな、私もそう思う。
次元間超越特急列車『マグリットの翼』テーマ曲 ---「永訣する臨界点」
正式な曲名は「手探りの次元歴遊 ~ Breaker_and_Pursuer /*_B-P-B_*/ Protection_against_Breach ~ 色夢を請い、空幻を厭う」

It doesn't sound like a ZUN-style song, you say? What a coincidence, I think so too.
Interdimensional Transcending Limited Express Train "The Wings of Magritte" Music Theme: "Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell".
The formal name of the song is: "Fumbling Dimensional Tour ~ Breaker and Pursuer /* B-P-B */ Protection against Breach ~ Request Colorful Dreams, Detest Empty Illusions"
But! It was omitted because it was too long. By the way, the short name is not a shortening of the words, but the meaning behind them.
The drawings in the video are just sketches, I hope you don't mind.

Video images[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]