Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Shrine Team's Haze Scenario
Story | Neutral Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in the game if you were to always take the haze (left) route.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Senri Shrine Road | |
Tsubakura |
『天が鏡を割る』ねぇ・・・ |
"Heaven shall split the mirror", huh... |
Shion |
いろんな解釈ができるね |
It can be interpreted in a lot of ways. |
Yabusame |
ハラキリー! |
Like hara-kiri! |
Tsubakura |
介錯な、それは |
That's beheading you're thinking of. |
Shion |
くそ~・・・巧いなぁヤブサメ |
Man... You sure are clever, Yabusame. |
Tsubakura |
そうかぁ? |
Is that so? |
Yabusame |
えへへ~ |
Ehehe. |
??? |
そこの方々、ちょいとちょいと |
You three, would you stop for a moment? |
Shion |
おぉ、またゲテモノだ |
Ooh, more cruddy food. |
Souko Shirami ENTERS | ||
??? |
? 何を言うとるんだい? |
Hm? What are you babbling about? |
Yabusame |
ニオイはいいよぉ~ |
You smell really good~ |
??? |
バカ言ってないで、早くお家に帰りなさい |
Don't be silly, now. Hurry back home. |
Shion |
そうなの? どうするツバクラ? |
Is that right? What do we do, Tsubakura? |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・ |
...... |
??? |
むっ、ツバクラとな・・・・? |
Hm. Tsubakura, you say...? |
Yabusame |
おー、バレたよーツバー! |
Ohhhh, you got found out, Tsuba! |
Tsubakura |
はいはい、イカにもタコにもその通りだが |
Yes, yes. Indeed and in heed. |
Souko |
そうでしたか、いやはやこれは失礼した |
My word! Please forgive me, then. |
Shion |
おや、ツバクラを知ってるの? |
Oh, do you know Tsubakura? |
枯れぬが花 |
Unwithering Flower | |
Souko |
知ってるもなにも、この魔除けの札を |
Why of course I do. Tsubakura-sama here was the one who made |
Yabusame |
へー、ツバってちゃんと仕事してたんだ |
Wow, you actually did your job, Tsuba! |
Shion |
意外~ |
That's surprising. |
Tsubakura |
失礼な奴等だ |
What a rude lot. |
Souko |
おかげ様で今日この日まで厄を避けてこれました、 |
Thanks to you, misfortune has avoided me to this day. |
Tsubakura |
へ、へ~・・・ |
I-I see... |
Shion |
ふ〜んツバクラ〜、もしかしてアレ |
Hey, Tsubakura? |
Souko |
へっ? |
Huh? |
Tsubakura |
う~ん、そうだな、その手もあるな |
Hmmm... Yeah. I guess that's an option. |
Souko |
はいぃ!? |
What?! |
Yabusame |
ごめんねぇ~、そういうことらしいの♪ |
Sorry, looks like that's just how it is♪ |
Souko |
意味が分かりません! 私は襲われるのですか!? |
I don't understand! Why would you attack me!? |
Tsubakura |
公務執行妨害ってことで、哀れな通りすがりは |
And thus was the pathetic passerby justly exterminated |
Souko |
納得できませんっ! |
I do not agree to this! |
Shion |
ゲテモノは美味いらしいからねぇ、たまには良いかも |
Even cheap food can be tasty, so just once in a while might be nice... |
BGM: 花よ散れ ~ Consumed with JEALOUSY! |
BGM: Scatter, O Flowers ~ Consumed with JEALOUSY! | |
Souko |
本気のようですね・・・・運動は不慣れなのですが、 |
It seems you're serious... I'm not used to exercising, |
Tsubakura |
まぁ無理しなさんな、絶対勝てないから |
Well, don't push yourself. You won't win either way. |
Souko |
後で絶っ対っ、説教してやります! |
I am absolutely going to give you a lecture later! |
Souko Shirami DEFEATED | ||
Souko |
初めから勝てるなどとは思ってませんでしたよ |
I didn't think I could win, anyway. |
Shion |
むー、やっぱり魂吸えないでやんの |
Rrrgh... I just can't suck their soul up! |
Yabusame |
このヒト死なないみたい、だからゲテモノなのね |
It looks like they can't die. Guess that's cheap food for you! |
Tsubakura |
不老不死か、そいつはすっごく困った |
They're immortal? Wow, that must suck. |
Souko |
しかし解せません、 |
But I don't understand. |
Tsubakura |
いや~、そりゃ、ねぇ~ |
Uhh, well... y'see... |
Shion |
『あの札、適当に書いたってバレたらマズイから、 |
"I actually just wrote whatever the heck on the charm, |
Tsubakura |
いいかドアホキメラ、素敵な言い訳を考えてる最中に |
Listen here, you braindead chimera. If someone's trying to come up |
Souko |
なんだい、そういうことだったのですね |
What? That was it? |
Tsubakura |
返金は受け付けてないからな? |
You're not getting a refund, though. |
Yabusame |
ツバ、やっぱり仕事してませんでした |
So Tsuba didn't do their job after all. Figures! |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 |
The Unlost Woods | |
Tsubakura |
なんかザコどもが随分と盛ってるな |
The small-fry sure are lively around here. |
Shion |
春だもんねぇ |
It's spring, after all. |
Yabusame |
頭おかしくなっちゃってるのかな? |
Maybe they all went crazy or something? |
Tsubakura |
どうやら戦争ごっこでもおっぱじめたみたいだな |
It seems like they're startin' up some kinda war game. |
??? |
そのとーり! |
That's right! |
Yabusame |
うぅ? |
Huh? |
Kujiru Kesa ENTERS | ||
??? |
やぁ、 |
Hey there! |
Tsubakura |
俺が『愉快な仲間』の方じゃない事を祈る |
I'm praying that the "delightful buddies" part doesn't mean me. |
Shion |
あぁ、あなただったのね |
Ah, it's you. |
唯一且つ数多なる者 |
The Person Who is One, And Yet Many | |
Kujiru |
おや、バレてたのかい・・・参ったな |
Whoops, you caught on...? |
Yabusame |
ナメクジには塩! |
Salt to the slugs! |
Kujiru |
残念ながら、そんな弱点はとっくに克服済みさ! |
Sorry, but I've overcome that weakness long ago. |
Tsubakura |
そういう問題なのかぁ? |
Was the flavor the problem? |
Kujiru |
そんなことより、君らは何故こんなところにいる? |
Anyway, why are you guys here? |
Shion |
異変ではないみたいだしね |
Yeah. There's no incident going on, after all. |
Tsubakura |
酒の為だな |
We're looking for saké. |
Kujiru |
酒ぇ? キミらはそんなものの為に |
Saké? You're obstructing us |
Yabusame |
ツバにとってはそれが全てなんだよ! |
Saké is everything to Tsuba! |
Tsubakura |
語弊があるような言い方をするんじゃない、 |
Don't say it like that, |
Shion |
違ったのかぁ~ |
Aren't you~? |
Tsubakura |
怒るぞ? |
Do you WANT me to get mad? |
BGM: スラグエージェント |
BGM: Slug Agent | |
Kujiru |
とにかく、これ以上僕等の邪魔をするなら |
Anyway, if you insist on getting in our way |
Yabusame |
虎に猿? |
You're going on vacation to retaliatory measures?[a] |
Shion |
え? |
Eh? |
Tsubakura |
とらざるな |
Stop resorting to puns. |
Kujiru |
ナメクジなめんなよっ! |
Don't you make fun of us slugs! |
Kujiru Kesa DEFEATED | ||
Kujiru |
ナメられました |
I got slugged-out... |
Yabusame |
にがぁい・・・ |
How bitter...[b] |
Tsubakura |
本当に舐める奴があるか |
They might be called namekuji, but you shouldn't actually lick them. |
Shion |
エスカルゴみたいにはならなかったね |
Didn't end up tasting like escargot, huh? |
Kujiru |
オリーブオイルがあったら死んでいた・・ |
Good thing you don't have olive oil, otherwise I would die... |
Yabusame |
あるよーっ! |
Oh, I got some! |
Tsubakura |
寄生虫がいるだろうから、喰うなよ? |
No, no, don't eat them. They've probably got parasites. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 |
Tsubakura |
いい加減ザコどもがやかましいな |
The small fry are REALLY making a racket now. |
Yabusame |
これじゃお酒も探せないよ~ |
We can't even look for saké like this... |
Shion |
実際手がかりも何もないしね、ごりむちゅー |
It's not like we had any clues in the first place, either. We're pretty much blind! |
??? |
止まれ! 怪しい奴らめ! |
Stop right there, you suspicious beings! |
Tsubakura |
みなさんストーップ、どうやら赤信号のようですよ |
Okay everyone, time to stoooop. Looks like we've hit the traffic light. |
Kaisen Azuma ENTERS | ||
??? |
お前ら、ここが『蜻蛉軍』の陣屋と知らないのか? |
Don't you know this is the campsite of the Dragonfly Army? |
Yabusame |
なに、それ? |
What's that? |
??? |
ぐぐ、ここに近づく奴らみんな同じ事を言って・・・ |
Grrr, that's what everyone asks... |
Shion |
そんな軍、无現里には存在しないハズだよ |
There's no army with that name anywhere in Mugenri. |
Tsubakura |
っと、ウチの歩く百科事典が申しておりますが? |
...So says our little walking encyclopedia. So? |
??? |
新たに誕生したのだ! 馬鹿にするなよ!? |
We're a recently-formed army! Don't mock us, alright?! |
Yabusame |
へー |
Huh... |
Tsubakura |
そう |
'Kay. |
Shion |
大変そうだね~ |
Sure sounds tough~. |
??? |
くそっ、まるで関心がない・・・ |
Bah, they don't care at all...! |
Tsubakura |
? |
Hm? |
??? |
いくら城が現れ迎え入れたとはいえ、 |
I mean, sure, the castle popped up and everything, |
Yabusame |
なんか愚痴ってるよ、このカエルさん |
It looks like Froggy's complaining about something. |
Tsubakura |
カエルなのか、あれ? |
Wait, what? That's supposed to be a frog? |
月を仰ぐ三つの足 |
Three-legged Moon Seeker | |
Kaisen |
そこの方! 見る目があるねぇ! |
You have good eyes! Indeed, I am a frog! |
Yabusame |
えへへ~、誉められちった♪ |
Ehehe~ They praised me♪ |
Shion |
カエルって尻尾あるんだっけ? オタマじゃないの? |
Pretty sure frogs didn't have tails? You sure you're not a tadpole? |
Tsubakura |
まだまだ未熟な証拠だな |
Must mean that they haven't quite matured yet. |
Kaisen |
言うなっ! まだ式を走らされてから間もないから |
Don't say that! I only just activated as a shikigami, |
Shion |
式? 誰かに使役されてるの? |
Shikigami? You're being employed by someone? |
Kaisen |
まぁね、どこぞのナメクジなんかより |
Yes, well. I'm far higher-ranked than |
Tsubakura |
ナメクジってさっきの奴か? |
Slugs? Like the one we met a while ago? |
Kaisen |
クジルは同僚だが、会ったのかい? |
Oh, so you met my colleague Kujiru? |
Yabusame |
弾いたよん♪ |
We defeated them♪ |
Kaisen |
よっしゃっ! よくやった! |
Alright! Well done! |
Tsubakura |
同僚じゃなかったのか? |
Thought they were your colleague? |
Kaisen |
あんにゃろー、僕より早く起動したからって、 |
That impulsive little slug! They were getting all high and mighty, |
Shion |
おぉ、言うね~ |
Preach it~. |
Kaisen |
しかも自分の分身を使って戦場を跋扈するってか |
And then they took over the battlefield with those clones of theirs |
Yabusame |
なんだか可愛そうになってきた |
I kinda feel sorry for you now. |
Tsubakura |
どうやら忙しいみたいだし、 |
Seems like you're a bit busy right now. |
BGM: 酔狂の舞 ~ This drunkard! |
BGM: Eccentrically Drunken Dance ~ This Drunkard! | |
Kaisen |
おおっと待った待った、この先は我等の城 |
Woah now, hold it! Our castle is up ahead, |
Tsubakura |
やっぱりこうなるんだな 分かってたさ |
Yeah, this is what always happens. I knew it. |
Kaisen |
強行突破かい? やめときな |
Barging your way in? You better not. |
Shion |
尻尾の多い妖怪って強いイメージあるもんね |
Youkai with a lot of tails do have the impression of being pretty strong. |
Kaisen |
妖怪じゃなくて霊獣だっての! |
But I'm not a youkai. I'm a sacred animal! |
Tsubakura |
心底どっちでもいいから、さっさと始めよう |
From the bottom of my heart, I could not care less about which you are, so let's get going already. |
Kaisen |
本気のようだね、いいだろう・・・・ |
You seem quite serious. Very well... |
Kaisen Azuma DEFEATED | ||
Kaisen |
いやあれだね、三対一は卑怯ってなもんだ |
No more! Three on one is just cowardice! |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ戦う前に言えよ |
Then say that before we fight. |
Kaisen |
見栄っ張りなんでね |
I was tryin' to show off. |
Shion |
ずっと向こうに建物があるっぽいね |
It looks like there's a building or something way in the distance there. |
Yabusame |
門があるよ! 折角だからここから入ろうよ! |
It's got a gate! We came all this way, so let's go inside! |
Tsubakura |
っというか、門からしか入れないように |
...In fact, it looks like there's a barrier set up |
Kaisen |
三名様ご案内~ |
Tickets for three it is, then~. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・城が見えてきたな |
...The castle's come into view. |
Yabusame |
けど、なんだが見えにくいねぇ |
It's weirdly hard to see, though. |
Tsubakura |
あれが奴らの根城か |
Guess that's their headquarters, then. |
Shion |
奴らってだーれ? |
Who do you mean, "they"? |
Tsubakura |
ほらっ、さっきのカエルとか、ナメクジとか |
Like, y'know, the frog and slug from before. |
Shion |
なんか全体的にヌメヌメブニブニしてるね |
All of them are slimy and squishy types, huh? |
Yabusame |
ヌメブニ軍団だね♪ |
It's the Slimesquish Army! ♪ |
??? |
あっ、こいつらですよ主様! |
Oh, Master! That's them right there! |
Tsubakura |
あん? |
Huh? |
Garaiya Ogata ENTERS | ||
??? |
そうです、こいつらです! 我々を打ち破った者は! |
That's right, it was these guys! They're the ones who shot us down! |
Yabusame |
あー、カエルとナメクジだ! |
Ah, the froggy and slug! |
Kaisen |
誰がナメクジだ! |
Who are you calling a slug?! |
Kujiru |
カエルってちゃんと言っていたでしょ?キミの体が白いのは白痴を意味してるのかい? |
They said FROG too, weren't you listening? Is your body as white as the inside of your head? |
Kaisen |
っんだぁとコラ、ナメクジぃ!白いのはお前だって一緒だろーがぁ! |
--Why, you stupid little SLUG! You're white too, aren'tcha?! |
Kujiru |
皮肉の内容を理解してないようだね、白痴ガエル |
Guess my sarcasm was too hard for you to understand, you blank-headed frog! |
Kaisen |
あぁん!? |
Tsubakura |
お前ら、うるさい |
Quiet down, will you? |
??? |
すみませんね~ ウチの子達が・・・ |
Goodness, I'm sorry. |
Yabusame |
ウチの子? カエルとナメクジの親御さんなのー? |
Children? Are you this slug and this frog's parent? |
Shion |
それじゃあなたはいったい何類なの・・・? |
Then just what species ARE you...? |
??? |
いちおう人類です・・・親ではなく主なのです この式たちの |
Well, I'm pretty much human... I'm not their parent. I'm the master of these shikigami. |
Kaisen |
まぁ僕らのほうが年上だしな、どちらかといえば僕らのほうが親なのかもな |
Well, we're the older ones, anyway. If any of us are parents, I guess it's us two. |
Kujiru |
主様はお若いにも関わらず、我らを使役できるほどの才能の持ち主なのさ |
Despite their young age, Master is powerful and talented enough to control us. |
Tsubakura |
へー、すっげ |
Huh... Amazing. |
??? |
闡裡神社の神主になれるほどの才能はありませんけどね |
Although I'm certainly not talented enough to become a Senri Shrine priest. |
Yabusame |
神主って才能が必要なの~? |
Does being a priest need talent~? |
Shion |
ツバクラはよく天才って言われてるねー |
Everyone does say that Tsubakura's a genius! |
Tsubakura |
俺はサボりの天才だからな |
That's because I'm a genius at slacking. |
??? |
その闡裡神社神主さんが、我々の陣営に何の用ですか? |
So, what business do you Senri priests have in our encampment? |
Tsubakura |
おたくの軍の最高指導者に用があんだけど、アンタがそうかい? |
Got business with your top commander. Would that be you, or...? |
一叢の英雄 |
Hero of the Masses | |
Garaiya |
いいえ、違います・・・我々の指導者は新皇でございます |
No, not me... Our leader is the New Emperor. |
Yabusame |
新皇~? 文門さん? |
New Emperor? You mean Fumikado-san? |
Kaisen |
文門を知っとんのか!? |
You know Fumikado!? |
Kujiru |
ガライヤ様があのような奴に従うわけなかろう・・・! |
Garaiya-sama would NEVER follow such a person...! |
Garaiya |
文門さんは私の同僚であって、我々の言う新皇ではありませんよ |
Fumikado-san is my colleague, but they are not the New Emperor we speak of. |
Shion |
けど文門さんは自分が新皇だって言ってたよー? |
But Fumikado-san said they were the new emperor, right? |
Tsubakura |
あれは自称だろ |
Well, self-proclaimed emperor. |
Garaiya |
我々の新皇は自称ではありません |
Our emperor is not self-proclaimed. They're a genuine emperor, having been welcomed by the Dragonfly Castle. |
Yabusame |
へ~、よく分かんないけどなんか凄い人がいるんだね~ |
Huh~ I don't understand at all, but it seems like they're a super amazing person~. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあそいつにしか用はないからお前さんとはこれでサヨナラだ |
'Kay. We've only got business with them, so it's adieu to you guys. |
Garaiya |
そういう訳には、いかないでしょう? |
You know that won't be happening, right? |
Tsubakura |
いかないですかね? |
Won't it be? |
Kaisen |
いくかボケーっ! |
Garaiya |
我々も新皇に仕える身としては、侵入者を見過ごすわけにはいきません |
As supporters of the emperor, we certainly can't let any intruders pass. |
Shion |
じゃ~、このヒト食べれるの? |
Sooo, can I eat that human now? |
Tsubakura |
そういうことらしいな |
Looks like you can. |
Shion |
わ~い♪ ご馳走だね~♪ |
Yaay~! Thanks for the feast~♪ |
Yabusame |
また遊べるんだね~♪ |
Time to play again~♪ |
Garaiya |
闡裡神社神主のお二人と戦えるなんて、まことに光栄でございます |
It's truly an honor to be able to fight the two priests of the Senri Shrine. |
BGM: ヒーロー見参!! |
BGM: The Hero Arrives!! | |
Tsubakura |
そんなに喜んでもらえるってんなら、今度から金でもとるか |
If you're that pleased, maybe we ought to charge for it from now on. |
Yabusame |
楽しみながら商売できるね~♪ |
We can do business while having fun~♪ |
Garaiya |
仙術と武術、双方を極めた私の力、 |
I have mastered both Taoist magic and martial arts. |
Garaiya Ogata DEFEATED | ||
Garaiya |
まいりました・・・・・・ |
I admit defeat... |
Kaisen |
ぬしさまぁーーー!! |
Masteeer!! |
Kujiru |
くっ・・・我々さえいなければ、こんなことには・・・ |
Ghh... if only we hadn't been here, this wouldn't have happened... |
Tsubakura |
? どういうことだ? |
Hm? What do you mean? |
Kaisen |
そうだっ! 主様は我々の使役と |
Yeah! Master was focusing most of their power on controlling us and keeping us active! |
Kujiru |
本来ならば、闡裡の神主にさえ遅れを取るはずがない! |
Normally, not even the Senri priests should be able to get the upper hand against them! |
Garaiya |
やめなさい二人とも、見苦しいですよ |
Stop it, you two. Have you no shame? |
Yabusame |
じゃあ、今度は元気な時に遊びましょーね♪ |
Then, let's play again sometime when you're feeling up to it! ♪ |
Shion |
魂もその時に食べてあげる♪ 元気なほうが美味しいしね♪ |
I'll also eat your soul then, too♪ It'll be way tastier if you're feeling better♪ |
Garaiya |
お情けには感謝いたしますが、負けは負けです |
I appreciate your mercy, but a defeat is a defeat. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ先に進ませてもらうぜー |
Well, let's get going already. |
Garaiya |
お気をつけください・・・新皇は私の弟子なのですが |
Do take care... the New Emperor is my pupil, |
Yabusame |
新皇サマが弟子なの? |
The emperor is your disciple? |
Shion |
変なのー |
Weird~! |
Tsubakura |
まぁ・・・面倒くさそうだけど、行くとすっか |
Well... that sounds like it'll be a pain, but let's just go. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 |
The Dragonfly Castle | |
Yabusame |
すっごいクルクルするよ~? |
Woah, the whole place is totally spinning~! |
Shion |
目が回りそうだねー |
My eyes are spinning in their head~ |
Tsubakura |
深酒した時にこの城は無理だな |
This would be impossible to deal with if I were drinking right now. |
Yabusame |
ゲロゲロだね~♪ |
There'd be puke EVERYWHERE! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
まぁたぶんこれは侵入者対策の仕掛けなんだろうな |
Well, it's probably a method of dealing with intruders. |
Shion |
迷っちゃいそうだもんね~ |
I wouldn't want to get lost in here~ |
??? |
貴様ら、待て! |
Hey you, wait! |
Yabusame |
はい、待ったよー? |
Yes, we're waiting? |
Para ENTERS | ||
??? |
いいぞ! そのまま帰れ! |
Good! Now you leave! |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ帰るか |
Let's leave, then. |
Shion |
だねー |
Yeah! |
??? |
ま、待てっ! |
H-Hold on! |
Tsubakura |
嘘に決まってんじゃん |
I was lying. Duh. |
Yabusame |
からかい甲斐のある人だねー |
This person sure is easy to tease! |
??? |
貴様らーっ! 私を侮辱するかー! |
You fieeeends! Are you trying to insult me?! |
Shion |
それでキミはさー、誰なのー? |
So, like, who exactly are you, anyway? |
奪われた全知全能 |
Stolen Omniscience and Omnipotence | |
Para |
私の名は『パラ』 |
My name is "Para". |
Tsubakura |
すっげー安直な台詞 |
Suuuper cheap line. |
Shion |
言ってて恥ずかしくないのかな? |
Aren't you embarrassed to say that out loud? |
Yabusame |
パラって、パラベラム弾のこと? |
"Para"? Like parabellum bullets? |
Tsubakura |
お前は相変わらず変なことは知ってるな |
You always know some really weird stuff, huh. |
Para |
あのなぁ・・・いい加減にしろよ! |
Could you... give it... A REST?! |
Yabusame |
空をね、静かにしたいんだー♪ |
We want to make the sky all quiet~.♪ |
Para |
・・・・なるほど、争いを止めたいんだな |
...Ah, I see. You want to stop the war. |
Tsubakura |
なんかそう言うと正義の味方みたいだな |
We kinda sound like heroes of justice when you put it that way. |
Shion |
闡裡神社って正義の味方じゃないの? |
Aren't the Senri Shrine people heroes to begin with? |
Yabusame |
・・・・・そうなの? |
......Are they? |
Tsubakura |
んなわけないだろ |
Like hell they are. |
Para |
だが、争いを止めたいと言うのなら都の連中に言うんだな |
However, if you want to stop the war, go tell it to the capital's army. |
Shion |
そうなの? |
Really? |
Tsubakura |
まぁこっちの方まで軍隊が来てるってことは |
Well, since their army has come all the way to our place, |
Para |
我らの部隊が結成されてなければ、 |
If our forces hadn't been established already, |
Tsubakura |
べつに妖怪のもんでも、都人のもんでも、 |
'S not like there's a big difference |
Para |
貴様ぁ・・・・闡裡神社神主でありながら、 |
Why, you...! You call yourself a Senri priest, |
Yabusame |
全然知らないよー♪ |
Not a clue~! ♪ |
Shion |
シオンちゃんはちょっと知ってます |
I know a little bit. |
Tsubakura |
あんま興味ない |
Don't really care. |
Para |
闡裡神社とは无現里の支配者だと聞いていたのだが・・・ |
I heard that the Senri Shrine were the overlords of Mugenri... |
Tsubakura |
そもそも支配してないし |
We're not lording over much of anything to begin with. |
Para |
やはり、この国はアイツが治めたほうが |
I knew it. Perhaps this land really should be |
Yabusame |
アイツ? |
That person? |
Shion |
ドイツ? |
Which person? |
Tsubakura |
フランクフルト? |
Witch persons?[c] |
Para |
なんなんだ、お前らは・・・ |
What is with you people...? |
Tsubakura |
そうそう、争いを止める方法なら今、思いついたぞ |
Oh, yeah, I thought of a way to stop the war just now. |
Yabusame |
なになにぃー? |
Ooh, ooh, what is it? |
Shion |
『どちらかが負ければいい』ってのはなしだよ? |
"One side just needs to lose" is a no-go, alright? |
Tsubakura |
・・・じゃあ、『みんな死ねばいい』 |
...Hmm, then how about "everyone straight-up dies"? |
Yabusame |
ド極論だー♪ |
Para |
お前ら・・・頭、大丈夫か? |
You... are your heads all right? |
Tsubakura |
そういえば過去に何度か、頭を強く打ったことがあるな |
Now that you mention it, I did hit my head pretty hard a lot of times in the past. |
Shion |
それで天才になったんだねー |
And that's how you became a genius, right? |
Tsubakura |
違うし、そもそも俺は天才なんかじゃない |
No, no. I'm not a genius in the first place, see. |
BGM: ミクロコスモス ~ Homunculus nightmare |
BGM: Microcosm ~ Homunculus nightmare | |
Para |
あーもー! 話が全然進まないっ! |
Augh, whatever! This conversation's not going anywhere! |
Yabusame |
最初っからそう言えばいいのに~ |
You shoulda just said that from the start~! |
Tsubakura |
類することは言っていたけどな |
They said more or less the same thing, though. |
Shion |
駄弁が過ぎたね~ |
Looks like idle-chat time is over~. |
Para |
覚悟するがいい! |
Prepare yourself! |
Para DEFEATED | ||
Para |
つ、強い・・・・闡裡ってのはここまで強いものなのか? |
S-So strong... Were the Senri lot supposed to be this strong? |
Yabusame |
周りの白い子たちを守りながら戦ってるから |
Maybe it just felt that way because you were protecting |
Para |
こいつらは私の仲間だ・・・ |
These are my brethren... |
Tsubakura |
先代神主のアイツを知らないのか? |
Do you, like, not know who the last head priest was? |
Shion |
僕は記憶でしか知らないけど、みんな怖がってるよねぇ |
I only know of them from people's memories, but everyone was real scared of 'em. |
Para |
情報としてでしか知らないのだ・・・ |
I only know second-hand information... |
Shion |
シオンちゃんもだよー♪ |
The same as Shion-chan! |
Yabusame |
新生児が多いねぇ~ |
What a lot of newborns! |
Tsubakura |
・・・ベビーブームか? |
...There a baby boom happening? |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
浮舟の間 |
Tsubakura |
なんか玉座っぽいところについたな |
Looks like we've reached a throne-looking place. |
Shion |
じゃあここに新皇さんってのがいるのかな~? |
So is the New Emperor person supposed to be around here? |
Tsubakura |
さっさと出てこーい |
C'moooon out, will ya! |
??? |
なんダ? パラはやられたのカ? |
What's THIS? Para was defeatED? |
Tsubakura |
呼ばれて出てくる新皇・・・ |
Wow. An emperor who comes when you call them... |
Taira no Chouki ENTERS | ||
??? |
呼ばれて出てきちゃ悪いカ? |
Is it so bad to respond when someone CALLS? |
Yabusame |
提灯が喋ってる!! |
The lantern's talking!! |
??? |
これは私の式ダ、私は声を発することが出来ないからナ |
This is my shikigaMI. I can't produce a voice of my own, |
Shion |
あー、だから何か口にくわえてるのに喋れてるのねー |
Oh, so that's why you can talk even with that thing in your mouth. |
Tsubakura |
さっき会った奴も、式神を使役していたな |
That person we met back there used shikigami, too. |
??? |
ガライヤのことカ? この式はアイツから貰ったものダ |
Oh, you mean GaraiYA? Yes, I received this shikigami from THEM. |
Yabusame |
僕も欲しい! |
I want one too! |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ貰っとくか |
Wanna borrow one, then? |
??? |
まてまテ、お前らの目的は他にあるのだろウ? |
Hey, hey, waIT. You're here for a different reason, rIGHT? |
Shion |
あー! そうだよ! |
Oh! That's right! |
Yabusame |
えー |
Aww. |
Tsubakura |
どうせぶっ飛ばすんだし、貰ってもいいんじゃないか? |
We're gonna send them flying anyway. Can't we just grab it? |
??? |
無理だナ・・・・ |
Not happenING... |
Shion |
寝言は寝て言えってことだね |
Better save the sleep-talking for when we're asleep, then. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ寝ながら戦ってやろうか? |
So how 'bout we fight while sleeping? |
??? |
驕り・・・怠慢・・・油断・・・・・・ |
Greed... sloth... carelessness... |
Yabusame |
闡裡神社ってそんなに偉いの? |
Is the Senri Shrine that important of a place? |
Tsubakura |
そんなに偉いんだったら |
If we're so important anyway, |
??? |
私が新皇となった今、闡裡は過去の存在なのだヨ |
Now that I am the New Emperor, the Senri too shall be a thing of the PAST. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあもう仕事しなくていいのか? |
So we don't hafta do any more work, then? |
Yabusame |
やったー♪ |
Hooray~! ♪ |
Shion |
なんだか喜んでますよー |
I guess we're celebrating now! |
??? |
だガ、新皇としての実力を部下に示すためにモ |
However, to display my power as emperor to my underLINGS, |
Tsubakura |
結局やらなきゃならんのね |
Gotta fight in the end, eh. |
Yabusame |
存分に遊べるよー! |
We get to play a whole lot! |
Shion |
この人の魂、食べやすそうだけど |
This person's soul looks easy to eat, |
??? |
そもそもお前ラ、何故ここに来たのダ? |
In the first place, why did you come hERE? |
Tsubakura |
なんでだっけ? |
Why are we here? |
Yabusame |
せんそーせんそー |
War! Waaaar! |
Tsubakura |
あぁそっか |
Oh, that. |
??? |
貴様らハ・・・なんて意思の弱い奴らなんダ・・・ |
You lot are actuaLLY... pretty noncommittal, HUH...? |
Tsubakura |
まぁ実際はどうでもいいしな、ごっこ遊びの戦争なんて |
Well, to be honest, this play-fighting war doesn't really matter to us. |
Yabusame |
けどお酒探しには邪魔なんだよね~ |
But it's getting in the way of our saké hunt! |
??? |
よく分からんガ・・・私に何をしろというのダ? |
I don't really get it, BUT... uh, what exactly are you telling me I to DO? |
Shion |
『みんな死ねば、戦争は終わる』って |
"If everyone dies, the war will be over!" |
Tsubakura |
そういうこった |
Yep, that's it. |
??? |
闡裡の神主は相変わらず危険な思想をもつナ・・・ |
The Senri priests' ideas are just as dangerous as evER... |
Tsubakura |
永遠に死ねとまでは言わない |
I didn't say you gotta die forever. |
Yabusame |
お酒が見つかるまでのあいだね~♪ |
Until we find our saké is fine~♪ |
??? |
さっきから酒がどうとか言っているが・・・ |
You've been talking about saké for a now while... |
Shion |
つまり、新皇さんはしばらく死んでて、ってこと♪ |
Basically just die for a little while, New Emperor♪ |
??? |
なるほド、お互いに目的は一致しているわけカ |
Ah, I SEE. We have the same goal regarding each other, THEN. |
Tsubakura |
しばらく死なす前に名前を聞いといてやるよ |
Before you die for a little while, let's get your name, |
陽炎の内の新皇 |
The New Emperor Amidst the Heat Haze | |
Chouki |
いまさらカ・・・私は『平 蝶鬼』 |
Well, finalLY... My name is "Taira no Chouki". |
Shion |
平・・・・緑髪の人と同じ姓だね~ |
Taira... That's the same name as that green-haired person~. |
Tsubakura |
しかも同じく自称新皇 |
Same self-professed title, too. |
Yabusame |
お知り合い~? |
Do you know each other? |
Chouki |
文門のことカ・・・・ |
You speak of FumikaDO...? |
Chouki |
そう、文門は殺ス・・・・ |
Yes, I shall kill FumiKADO... |
Shion |
物騒な話題ばかりだね~ |
They sure like to talk about alarming stuff! |
Tsubakura |
俺達も他人のこと言えんがな |
Not that we have any right to judge. |
Chouki |
貴様らが文門を倒したことは聞いていル、 |
I've heard about how you defeated FumikaDO. |
Yabusame |
なんか戦う理由変わってな~い? |
Uh, is it just me, or did they change their reason for fighting? |
Tsubakura |
意思が弱いのはお互い様のようだな |
Looks like we're both pretty noncommittal, here. |
Chouki |
=黙レ! 貴様らを潰す理由はたくさんあル |
SileNCE! I just... have plenty of reasons to crush YOU! |
Shion |
このヒトなんか面倒くさーい |
This person seems like kind of a paaaain. |
Tsubakura |
そういう奴はさっさと黙らせるに限る |
Gotta shut these kinds of weirdos up nice and quick. |
Yabusame |
経験者は語るよー |
Speaking from experience! |
Chouki |
そうだナ、これ以上は何も語ることはあるまイ |
Yes, preciseLY. There's no need to discuss things any furTHER. |
Shion |
結局、どの理由で戦うの? |
So what reason are we fighting for, in the end? |
Tsubakura |
その話を掘り起こすとまた長くなりそうだから、省略 |
Getting back into that will probably take forever, so let's cut it short. |
Chouki |
お互いに相手の存在が気に食わなイ・・・ |
Neither of us appreciates the other's preSENCE... |
Yabusame |
なんかバカっぽい台詞 |
That's kind of a dumb line. |
Tsubakura |
実際バカなんだろうよ、戦争や復讐なんてする奴は |
That's 'cause they're kind of a dumb person, plotting wars and revenge and stuff. |
Chouki |
闡裡は煽るのが好きだナ・・・ |
You Senri lot certainly enjoy mocking your opponENT... |
Shion |
それもありがちな台詞だね~ |
That's a pretty cheap line, too. |
Chouki |
黙レ! これからがカッコイイんダ! |
Oh, shut UP! It's gonna be cool in a secOND! |
Tsubakura |
その台詞で既にもう台無しだけどな |
You already kind of blew it with that line. |
Chouki |
アー! もうッ! 前置きは結構! |
AUGH! ENOUGH! No more preamble! |
Yabusame |
そういうシンプルなの素敵~ |
See, that kind of simple stuff is best~. |
Tsubakura |
物事は単純に限る |
Just have everything be nice and plain. |
BGM: 亡き月の王 |
BGM: Ruler of the Deceased Moon | |
Chouki |
しかと知るが良イ! 我が名は蝶鬼! |
Know this WELL! My name is Chouki! |
Taira no Chouki DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Originally making puns on the word "torazaru"; Kujiru says "shudan wo torazaru wo enai" (can't avoid taking measures), then Yabusame says "tora ni zaru" (tiger and monkey).
- ↑ "Nameru" is a verb that can mean "to lick" or "to look down upon". Kujiru's complaining that they were looked down upon, and Yabusame's literally licked them.
- ↑ Original pun: aitsu (that person) --> doitsu (which person, but also "Germany") --> Frankfurt.