Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Scoundrel Team's Neutral Scenario
< | Haze Route | Story | Brilliant Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in-game whenever you stay on the current route (taking the middle route) or are about to switch back to an already-visited route. Otherwise, you will encounter one of the Haze or Brilliant route bosses, depending on the route you are entering.
For stages 1-5, Neutral route bosses are picked at random. On the 6th stage, each boss can be reliably found on a specific cell, and some bosses can appear randomly on cell 6:0. See remarks about specific bosses for more details.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Kurohebi[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Hooaka |
どうしたん? クロじぃ |
Whassup, Kuro-jii? |
Kuroji |
その呼び方はやめろ、歴史から存在を抹消するぞ |
Quit calling me that. I'll erase your existence from history. |
Aoji |
"あいつ"のことを考えてたんでしょ? |
You're thinking about them, aren't you? |
Kuroji |
奴が動いてるとなると |
Yes. If they're on the move, |
Hooaka |
まぁいつものことだからいいんじゃねーの? |
Eh, that's how things always are anyway, so who cares, right? |
Aoji |
また殺伐とした日常になるのかぁ |
So it's gonna be back to our brutal daily lives... |
??? |
サツバツっ! |
Brutalityyy! |
Kuroji |
噂をすれば、影みたいなものが出てきたぞ |
Speak of the devil and a shadowy thing emerges. |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
よー、クロ仲間じゃないか! どうかしたかい? |
Hey, if it isn't Kuro and friends! What's up with you guys? |
Hooaka |
どうかしたのはお前の方じゃないのか? |
Uh, aren't you the one that something should be up with? |
Kurohebi |
? なんのことだ? |
...? What do you mean? |
Kuroji |
・・・どうやらまだ影響は出てないみたいだな |
...Looks like their influence isn't affecting them yet. |
Kurohebi |
へー、何かあったのか? |
Huh~? Did something happen? |
Aoji |
ここでこいつを仕留めといたほうがいいんじゃない? |
We should really dispose of Kurohebi here and now, right? |
Hooaka |
アオキが怖いこと言ってるよぉ・・・ |
Wow, Aoki, you said something real scary just now... |
Kuroji |
こんな子に育てたつもりはないのになぁ |
I certainly don't remember raising you to be this way. |
Aoji |
普段よっぽど怖いこと言ってる人達に |
I don't wanna hear that from a couple of siblings |
BGM: メイドインブラック ~ Double Snake |
BGM: Made in Black ~ Double Snake | |
Kurohebi |
おー、やる気かい? |
Oh, you wanna fight? |
Kuroji |
ま、奴の手数を減らしておくのもアリだな |
Well, it does serve to reduce the number of options they have too. |
Hooaka |
まぁそもそも今回玄鳥を嗾けたのはクロじぃだしな |
Eh, plus you are the one who goaded Tsubakura into heading out this time, Kuro-jii. |
Kurohebi |
よーし、じゃあやったるか! |
All right! Let's get to it! |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
よーし、負けた |
And there we go! I lost. |
Kuroji |
こいつ単体ならまるで問題ないな |
If it's just Kurohebi we're up against, there's no problem. |
Hooaka |
じゃ、焼いとく? |
'Kay, should I burn 'em? |
Kuroji |
ウェルダンでな |
Make it well-done. |
Kurohebi |
やめぇー! |
Nooooo! |
Aoji |
逃げた |
They bolted. |
Kuroji |
逃げるのには便利な能力だ |
That ability of theirs is quite good for bolting. |
Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Kuroji |
さて、例の噂についてだが・・・蒿雀の意見は? |
About that rumor... Aoji, what do you think? |
Aoji |
全然意味が分かんない、です |
I don't really get it at all. |
Kuroji |
だな、私も同感だが・・・頬赤は? |
Same here... Hooaka? |
Hooaka |
酒 |
Booze. |
Kuroji |
玄鳥ならそう考えるだろうな |
I'm sure that's what Tsubakura's thinking. |
Hooaka |
だからわざわざ教えてやったんだろ? 玄鳥に |
So that's why you went out of your way to tell Tsubakura? |
Kuroji |
まぁな、あいつを釣るには |
Well, if you want to lure Tsubakura out, |
Aoji |
流石にそこまで単純ではないと思うよ・・・ |
Still, I don't think it's that simple... |
Kuroji |
それに、酒を口実に色々やりたいことも |
Other than that, I imagine they just wanted to use sake as an excuse |
Hooaka |
色々って? |
Various things? |
Kuroji |
そうだな・・・たとえば... |
That's right... for example... |
??? |
おや、そこを通るのはいつぞやの・・・ |
Hey, didn't you pass through here the other day? |
Kuroji |
こういう奴からサンプルを入手するとか |
Collecting samples from these things. |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
サンプル? なんのこっちゃ |
Samples? Whazzat? |
Hooaka |
またあいつ変な生物作ってるのか? |
Are they making weird creatures again? |
Kuroji |
お前の腕を再生させたのもその研究の応用だろうからな、 |
Your arm was regenerated thanks to the application |
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
今度は三人連れで妖怪退治かい? |
Are you exterminating youkai with three people today? |
Aoji |
妖怪退治・・・って、そんなことやってるの? クロ |
Youkai extermination... Do you do that, Kuro? |
Kuroji |
金になる妖怪がいたら捕まえてるけどな、 |
I hunt youkai that have a bounty on them |
Jun |
へーそうかい、札付きは大変じゃの |
Being targeted is very serious indeed. |
Kuroji |
ちなみにそこのお前も賞金首だ |
It just so happens that your head is worth something. |
Jun |
えぇ!! なんでじゃ! |
Eeeek! Why's that!? |
Kuroji |
悪さをした・・・っというわけじゃなく、 |
You did a great evil... Not really. |
Hooaka |
雨降らせられるんだろ? 便利だしなー |
They can make it rain on command, right? Seems handy. |
Jun |
うぅ、そんなことになっていたなんて、 |
Ooh, I didn't have the slightest clue |
Aoji |
平和な日々をおくっていたんだねぇ |
You were merely living out your days in peace, huh? |
Kuroji |
雨は降らせられるのに、脳みそは能天気なことだな |
Even though you can fill the sky with clouds, your head remains empty. |
Jun |
それで・・・わちはどうなるんじゃ? |
So... what 'bout me? |
BGM: 韓紅に水は括る ~DYE~ |
BGM: The Water Dyed in Crimson ~DYE~ | |
Kuroji |
言っただろ? 金になる妖怪は捕まえてるって |
Did you forget what I just said? I hunt youkai that can make me money. |
Jun |
いやじゃぁ~~! |
Noooo! |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Jun |
もう駄目じゃ・・・終わりじゃ・・・ |
This is it... The end has come fer me... |
Hooaka |
っで、これから宝探しに行くってのに、 |
We're still treasure hunting, |
Aoji |
重いのはいやだよ |
I don't want to deal with something so heavy. |
Kuroji |
しまったな・・・こういうミスは前にもした気がする |
Oops... I feel like I've made this mistake before. |
Jun |
じゃぁ見逃してくれい! |
Well, then let me go! |
Kuroji |
・・・首だけじゃダメかな? |
...Do you think we can just take their head? |
Jun |
ぎゃぁぁぁああ |
Gyaaaaah! |
Hooaka |
希少価値なんだから殺しちゃダメでしょ |
It's not worth it to kill something so rare. |
Kuroji |
ダメか、じゃあ行くか |
No use, then? Well, let's go. |
Jun |
縄は解いていってくれじゃー! |
Please untie these ropes first! |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Kuroji |
鏡か・・・ |
A mirror, huh...? |
Aoji |
噂の鏡のこと? |
Are you talking about the mirror in the rumors? |
Kuroji |
あぁ、いったいどういうものなのか気になるな・・・ |
Yeah, I wonder what it actually is... |
Hooaka |
割れること自体が大変なことみたいだから、 |
It breaking seems like a pretty big deal, |
Aoji |
鏡といえばウチの家、鏡がひとつもないんだよ |
Speaking of mirrors, we don't have one in the house. |
Kuroji |
そういえばそうだな |
So it seems. |
Hooaka |
っていうかクロじぃが鏡嫌いだから |
You won't let us have one |
Kuroji |
だってイヤだろう? 自分が反転して移るなんて |
Aren't they unpleasant? The way it inverts your image and moves with you. |
Aoji |
そんな意味が分からない理由で置いてなかったんだ・・・ |
So you didn't get us one because of such a weird reason...? |
??? |
あっ! お前は・・・ |
Ah! You're... |
Hooaka |
ぬぬ? |
Hmm? |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
??? |
いつかの黒い奴・・・ |
The black one from before... |
Kuroji |
記憶にない |
I have no memory of you. |
Aoji |
金にならないことだから覚えてないのかな? |
Do you not remember anything that doesn't involve money? |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
ぐぐぐっ・・・あのときの屈辱、忘れるべからず! |
Grrrr... I won't forget how you humiliated me back then! |
Hooaka |
よくいる天然ものだな、こいつも |
Another idiot. |
Kuroji |
扱いやすいな |
This will be no problem. |
Shou |
前も同じようなこと言われたぞー! むかつく!! |
You said the same thing before! You make me sick!! |
Aoji |
用が無いなら早く弾いちゃおうよ |
If they aren't good for anything we might as well just get rid of them now. |
BGM: アクト・ザ・フール ~ HAHAHA |
BGM: Act the Fool ~ HAHAHA | |
Kuroji |
だな |
Agreed. |
Shou |
なっ、ま、待って! まだ何も・・・ |
Hey, wait! I didn't do anything... |
Hooaka |
直火焼きでいきやすよー |
Let's grill them with direct heat! |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
アメフラシ、というものを以前玄鳥に勧められて |
Tsubakura once offered me |
Hooaka |
それでどうだったん? |
How was it? |
Kuroji |
味はともかく、二度と食べたいとは思わん |
Taste aside, I wouldn't want to eat it again. |
Aoji |
なにがあったの・・・ |
What happened...? |
Shou |
あの・・・こっちは無視? |
Er... am I being ignored? |
Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Aoji |
空が・・・相変わらず賑やかだね |
The sky is still as crowded as before... |
Hooaka |
こりゃ歩いていった方がいいんじゃね? |
Wouldn't it just be better to walk at this point? |
Kuroji |
地面だと視界が悪い |
Visibility on the ground is worse. |
Aoji |
けどターゲットはどうせ玄鳥でしょ? |
But I bet they're targeting Tsubakura anyways, right? |
Kuroji |
確かにそうだが、我々に危害が及ばないとは限らない |
That's true, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer harm anyways. |
Hooaka |
現に俺は腕やられたからね |
I did already lose an arm after all. |
??? |
おうおう、どっかで見た顔やと思うたら |
Hey, hey, I know that face! |
Kuroji |
あぁ? |
Hm? |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
??? |
いつかの守銭奴やないか |
Ain'tcha that miser from before? |
Hooaka |
かぼちゃが飛んでる!? |
Is that a flying pumpkin?! |
Aoji |
すごーっ! |
Wooow! |
Kuroji |
また珍しいもんに乗ってるなぁ |
I see you have another interesting item with you today. |
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ |
Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga | |
Tsugumi |
こいつはやらんで? |
And what of it? |
Hooaka |
クロじぃがナスをボロカス・・・? |
Kuro-jii trashed an eggplant...? |
Aoji |
なんだか意味が分からないよ |
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. |
Tsugumi |
んで、今回は何をしでかそうってわけなんや? |
So, what're you planning on ruining this time? |
Kuroji |
別にお前に用があるわけじゃないがな、 |
I don't have any particular use for you, |
Tsugumi |
だからやらんといってるやろ |
Thought you'd say something like that. |
Hooaka |
そんな言葉、何の意味もないんだよなぁ~ |
Words can't help you now. |
Aoji |
ご愁傷様です |
My condolences. |
Kuroji |
っというわけだ、観念しろ |
Just give up already. |
Tsugumi |
まったくわけ分からんがな |
I don't get you at all. |
Aoji |
ですよねー |
I know, right? |
BGM: レッツエンド号 ~ to run away! |
BGM: Let's 'n Go ~ to run away! | |
Tsugumi |
けどまぁ、かかってくるってんならええで |
Well, if you wanna go, that's fine by me. |
Kuroji |
返上じゃなく返済するはめになるぞ? 借金のな |
Aren't you going to end up in debt again instead of being reimbursed? |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Tsugumi |
卑怯や! 大勢で取り立てに来おって! |
Coward! Collecting payment with such a large group! |
Kuroji |
おいバカども、カボチャは傷つけるなって言っただろ? |
Hey, idiots. I said not to damage the pumpkin, didn't I? |
Hooaka |
言ってねぇよ |
You didn't say anything. |
Aoji |
言ってません |
Not a thing. |
Kuroji |
んー? そうだったかな~? |
Huh? Is that so? |
Tsugumi |
相変わらず勝手なやっちゃなー |
As selfish as ever, I see. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Kuroji |
・・・戦乱の時代か... |
...So we're in a wartime era, are we...? |
Hooaka |
おや? 軍師の血が騒ぎますか、閣下? |
Oh? Is your military strategist blood starting to stir, Your Excellency? |
Aoji |
血と火薬の匂いはまだしないようだけどね |
It hasn't started to smell like blood or gunpowder yet, though. |
Kuroji |
嫌なことを思い出させるな |
Ugh, don't remind me of all that awful stuff. |
Hooaka |
いや~鬼の目にも涙、 |
My~, so even a demon can be moved to tears! |
Aoji |
なんかことわざの使い方間違ってない? |
I think you're using that idiom wrong? |
??? |
おっ! 下衆が三人集まってますねー! |
Oho! Here we have a gathering of three lowlifes! |
Aoji |
あぁん? |
Ehh? |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
??? |
闇があるところに光登場! |
Where there is darkness, light takes the stage! |
Kuroji |
あぁ、なんか見たことある奴だな |
Ah. I vaguely remember seeing this person before. |
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
見たことあるもなにも、ルーメンです! |
What do you mean, 'vaguely'? I'm Lumen! |
Hooaka |
こいつなに? |
Who's this? |
Lumen |
ルーメンです! |
I'm Lumen! |
Kuroji |
以前出くわした変なやつだ、火力は相当だがバカだ |
A weirdo I ran into some time ago. They boast a lot of firepower, but they're an idiot. |
Lumen |
バカって言う奴がバカなんだもんねバーカ |
Only idiots call people idiots, ya idioooot! |
Aoji |
なんかすっごい札が巻かれてるよ |
Those... sure are some talismans you've got there? |
Lumen |
封印札なんだよね、邪魔なのこれ |
Yeah, sealing talismans! They're a total pain. |
Hooaka |
封印? 何で封印されてるんだ? |
Sealing? What're they being sealed for? |
Kuroji |
前に封印が解けかけたとき、山をいくつかふっ飛ばしてた |
The last time they almost came unsealed, they blew up a few mountains. |
Aoji |
・・・そりゃ封印しといたほうがいいね |
...Guess they're better off sealed then, huh. |
Lumen |
むー! 何故だ! |
Hmmph! And why's that?! |
Kuroji |
バカなのは封印しても直らないか |
Looks like even the seals can't fix your idiocy. |
Lumen |
そういえばお前、今日こそ秘密を教えてもらうぞ! |
Hey, speakin' of which! Today's the day you're finally gonna tell me that secret a' yours! |
Kuroji |
私の秘密か? いったい何のことやら |
My secret? What on Earth do you mean? |
Hooaka |
クロじぃは秘密だらけだぜ、 |
Oh, Kuro-jii's full of secrets. |
Kuroji |
死刑 |
Death penalty. |
Aoji |
家族が減っちゃうね |
Welp, guess our family's about to get smaller. |
Lumen |
なんかお前ら変な奴らだね、気にいったよ! |
You three are really weird, you know. I like you! |
Hooaka |
何か気に入られたぞ |
Look out, they took a liking to us. |
Lumen |
よーし、君らを救ってあげよう! 光あれ! |
All right, I hereby grant thee salvation! Let there be light! |
Kuroji |
・・・どうしてそうなる? |
...Why, though? |
Aoji |
『死』は救済、ってことじゃない? |
They mean "death" is salvation, I'm guessing? |
BGM: プリズミックドライブ |
BGM: Prismic Drive | |
Lumen |
そういうこと、来世で善行をツミなさい! |
Exactly. Repaint your good deeds in the world beyond![a] |
Aoji |
積み? 罪? 仏教? 基督教? |
Repeat? Repent? Buddhism? Christianity? |
Hooaka |
そんなこと気にしてると死ぬぞー |
If you start sweatin' that small stuff, you'll wind up dead. |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
勝ったね! |
We won! |
Lumen |
迷える子羊を救えず、残念無念だーっ! |
I couldn't save these lost lambs! What an awful pityyyy! |
Kuroji |
迷惑な奴だ、そのうるさい口も封印しといてやろうか |
What a nuisance... Shall we seal up that noisy mouth of theirs, too? |
Hooaka |
死人に口なし系ですかい・・・ |
Are you one of those 'the dead have no mouths' types...? |
Lumen |
これ以上は封印やめてほしーな♪ |
I'd appreciate not gettin' sealed any mo~re! ♪ |
Sese Kitsugai[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Kuroji |
しかしどこの世界でも |
Alas, no matter which world you're in, |
Aoji |
その元凶になりかねない人が言ってもねぇ・・・ |
That's rich, coming from someone who could totally be the cause of one... |
Hooaka |
クロじぃの場合、他人同士を戦争させて、 |
For Kuro-jii, it's okay if others go to war, |
Kuroji |
勝手な妄想で私を中傷するんじゃない、 |
Don't slander me with those wild delusions of yours. |
Aoji |
妄想だといいんだけどねぇ・・・ |
I sure hope that's a delusion... |
Hooaka |
実はこの戦争を引き起こしたのも、 |
But the cause of this war |
Kuroji |
そんなわけないだろ・・・・ |
Of course not... |
Kuroji |
しかし、この戦争の元凶か・・・・・ |
But just who could it be...? |
Hooaka |
へぇ、もしかしてそれって..... |
Hmm, do you mean..... |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
正義の骨髄、参上! |
The Bone Marrow of Justice has arrived! |
Aoji |
ずいぶんとヘンテコな子が現れたけど・・・ |
A very strange child has appeared... |
??? |
よっ! 久しぶりだな黒いの! |
Heeey! It's been a while, black one! |
Kuroji |
・・・お前は、私の金を盗んだ奴だな |
You... You're the brat who stole my money. |
Hooaka |
そんな恐ろしいことして、 |
I'm surprised you maintained your original shape |
自分探し中の骸 |
A Corpse in Search of Themself | |
Sese |
へへっ、アレはもともとセセのものだったの! |
Ehehe, it was Sese's to begin with! |
Kuroji |
そうか、反省の色なしか・・・・・ |
I see, so you don't regret what you've done...? |
Aoji |
そんなこと一度も思ったことないけどね |
I have never once thought that. |
Hooaka |
泣いてる子供でも騙すだろ、クロじぃは |
The one who will deceive even crying children, that's Kuro-jii! |
BGM: ネクロマスター |
BGM: Necromaster | |
Sese |
悪い奴だなー! 正義の骨盤、セセが成敗したる! |
You're a bad guy! The Pelvis of Justice, Sese, shall punish you! |
Kuroji |
いいかい、この世は金を持つ者こそが"正義"なのだよ |
Listen, kid. The only "justice" in this world belongs to those with cash. |
Hooaka |
汚ねぇ正義だな |
What dirty justice... |
Aoji |
悪の組織を買収してそう |
You would think they're part of an evil organization. |
Sese |
前に負けたときの復讐してやる! |
Sese's gonna take revenge for before! |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Sese |
負けたー! |
Sese looost! |
Kuroji |
世の中の厳しさを思い知るんだな |
Now you understand the cruelty of this world. |
Hooaka |
三人がかりで大人げないとは思わないんですかね? |
Wasn't it kinda immature of us to gang up on them with three people? |
Aoji |
勝てばよかろうなのだー、でしょ? どうせ |
Well, either way we won, so it doesn't matter, right? |
Sese |
汚いやつらだな! |
You're all scum! |
Kuroji |
・・・だいぶ誤解されてる気がするんだが |
...I'm feeling rather misunderstood. |
Hooaka |
たしかに・・・1割ぐらいは誤解かもな |
Yeah, sure... by about 10%. |
Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Aoji |
そういえば最近のご飯は前より良い物になってきたよね! |
Come to think of it, we've been eating better food recently! |
Kuroji |
だいぶ金が貯まってきたからな |
We've saved up quite a lot of money, after all. |
Hooaka |
どうせ汚い金だろうけどな |
The fact that it's all dirty money notwithstanding! |
Kuroji |
失礼な、真っ当な労働の成果により得た金だ |
How rude! Said money is the fruit of hard, honest labor. |
Aoji |
真っ当と言えるのかなぁ? |
Can you really call it honest...? |
??? |
あ・・・っと |
Ah... whoops. |
Kuroji |
おっと、逃がさん |
Oh, whoops. You're not getting away. |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
??? |
ひっ・・・! |
Eek...! |
Kuroji |
いけないなぁ、親友に会ったらキチンと挨拶しなきゃ |
That won't do. You're supposed to greet your friends |
??? |
誰が親友だ! 悪魔めっ! |
Who are you calling a 'friend', you demon?! |
Hooaka |
だれ、こいつ? |
Who's this? |
Kuroji |
そういえば紹介してなかったな、仕事の取引先の相手だ |
Right, right, I hadn't introduced you before. This is the aide of a business client of mine. |
Aoji |
あぁ、例の金づるさんか |
Oh, you mean our financial supporter? |
Kuroji |
確か名前は・・・・なんだったけか? |
Let's see, your name was... what, exactly? |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
イヨザネだ! 親友なら名前を忘れるか! |
IYOZANE! Would you seriously forget a real friend's name?! |
Hooaka |
いや~、かわいそうに・・・運が悪かったんだねぇ |
Yikes, poor thing... They must've had real bad luck. |
Aoji |
けど助ける気ないでしょ? |
Although you're not gonna lift a finger to help, are you? |
Hooaka |
だってアレのおかげで晩御飯がおいしくなるんだろ? |
'Course not! They're the reason for all those tasty dinners of ours, ain't they? |
Aoji |
そっか、じゃあ仕方ないね |
My, really? Guess that's too bad for them. |
Iyozane |
悪魔に仲間がいたなんて、知らなかった・・・ |
I had no idea that the demon had allies... |
Kuroji |
仲間、っというか血縁だがな |
Less 'allies' and more 'blood relatives', really. |
Iyozane |
悪魔の血筋か・・・ |
So a demon's bloodline... |
Aoji |
ひどい言われようだね |
That's a horrible thing to say about someone. |
Hooaka |
まぁあの黒いのが血縁じゃ・・・ねぇ? |
Well, we are the black one's relatives... right? |
Kuroji |
時にイヨザネくん、納期が少し過ぎてるようだが・・・ |
By the way, Iyozane-kun, it's already a bit past the due date... |
Iyozane |
い、いや・・・もうちょっとだけ待ってもらえないかなぁ |
W-well, no... Could you maybe wait just a little longer...? |
Hooaka |
こんなところで取立てしてるよ・・・ |
They're demanding a debt payment here, of all places... |
Kuroji |
君の上司の実家は大層金持ちだそうじゃないか、 |
Your superior's family is quite the wealthy bunch, no? |
Iyozane |
だから、その平氏の宝物を今鑑定して、 |
I swear, we're having the Taira clan's treasures appraised right now! |
Aoji |
今とんでもないこと言ったよね |
Oh, they just said something real juicy. |
Hooaka |
売っていいもんなのか・・・? |
Is it really okay to sell those...? |
Kuroji |
駄目だな、約束どおり返済額を倍にする |
Nope, not waiting. I'll be multiplying the return payment as per our contract. |
Iyozane |
そんな約束してないじゃないか! |
I never signed a contract like that! |
Kuroji |
今からするのさ |
You'll be signing one shortly. |
Hooaka |
もはや脅迫、恐喝の類だな |
This is pretty much blackmail by now. Or extortion. |
Aoji |
むしろ強奪だね |
Straight-up robbery, more like. |
BGM: 幽霊うごく波と風 ~ not steady body |
BGM: Waves and Wind That Sway the Spirits ~ not steady body | |
Iyozane |
い、いい加減にしろよ! それならこっちが勝って、 |
G-Give this all a REST already! If that's how you want to do it, |
Kuroji |
無理だと自覚していることを実行することは |
Going through with something you know to be impossible |
Iyozane |
う、うるさい! もうこうするしかないんだ! |
S-Shut up! I have no choice left! |
Aoji |
なんか本当にかわいそうになってきた・・・ |
Uh, okay, now I really am starting to feel bad for them... |
Hooaka |
クロじぃは絶対地獄行きだな |
Kuro-jii's definitely going straight to hell someday. |
Kuroji |
まぁいいさ、なら白黒はっきりしようじゃないか、 |
Fine, then. In that case, let's make it nice and clear! |
Iyozane |
なめるなよ! もう負けるわけにはいかないんだ! |
Don't mock me! There's no way I can lose now! |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Iyozane |
もう・・・ダメだ・・・ |
I can't... go on... |
Hooaka |
何で前に二人相手で負けたのに、 |
Why'd they think they could win against three of us |
Kuroji |
さて、それじゃあ約束どおり返済額は5倍だな |
All right. Just as the contract says, I'll be expecting 5 times the payment. |
Iyozane |
へぁ!? 2倍じゃ・・・ |
Wha?! Not 2 times...?! |
Kuroji |
5倍だ |
5 times. |
Iyozane |
ひ、ひどい・・・・ |
Y-You're awful... |
Aoji |
クロぉ、さすがにかわいそう過ぎて、 |
Kurooo, c'mon, don't be that hard on them. |
Hooaka |
金の味がしそうだな |
Yeah, it'll just taste like cash. |
Kuroji |
まったく、お前らは甘いな・・・ |
Oh, honestly. You two are so soft... |
Aoji |
クロ! 流石! 実はやさしい!! |
Kuro! Hooray! You really are nice, deep down!! |
Hooaka |
今日は槍でも降ってくるんじゃないか? |
What's next today? Spears fallin' from the sky? |
Iyozane |
けど倍の倍なんだね・・・ |
That's still more than doubled... |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Kuroji |
うむ、宝の場所なんて全く検討がつかないな |
Hrm. I have absolutely no idea where that treasure could be. |
Aoji |
けどこんな情勢じゃ聞き込みも難しいしね |
But with such little information, it'll be hard to ask around. |
Hooaka |
さっさとこんな戦争ごっこ終わってくんねーかなー |
Man, can't this whole war-games thing just be over already~? |
Kuroji |
民衆がいくらそれを望んでも、 |
No matter how much the populace wishes for it, |
Hooaka |
さすが元軍師は言うことが違うねぇ |
Ah, wise words. That's the ex-military strategist for you. |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
...... |
Aoji |
その話題はクロが本気で怒るよ |
You're going to make Kuro seriously angry with that topic. |
Hooaka |
怒らせてるんだよ |
I already have, more like. |
??? |
ややっ、サツバツとした空間に出くわしてしまいました! |
My, my! It seems I've met with a truly vicious atmosphere. |
Kuroji |
あぁん? |
Aah? |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
??? |
・・・っと思ったら・・・・失礼しましたー! |
...Or, rather... a-allow me to excuse myseeelf! |
Kuroji |
おっと、逃げるんじゃぁない |
Oops, you're not going to escape. |
Aoji |
捕まっちゃってる・・・ |
And now they've caught 'em... |
??? |
ひぃ・・・もう勘弁してください・・・ |
Eek... Please have mercy on me... |
Hooaka |
お、金づる第一号だっけ? |
Oh, is that Money Tree the First? |
Kuroji |
別に借金取りが来たわけじゃないだろ? |
It's not like you ran into a debt collector, right? |
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
カツアゲした人がよく言いますよね |
People guilty of mugging say things like that quite often. |
Aoji |
今夜のおかずは借金鳥のカラアゲかな? |
Are we having a mug of loan lark soup for tonight's meal?[c] |
Hooaka |
ミディアムでいっとく? |
Should I boil 'em on medium? |
Hibaru |
ひぃい、今日もお金は持ち合わせてないんですって・・・ |
Eeeek, I swear I don't have any money on me today either... |
Kuroji |
っということは今日もお金を隠し持ってるってことだな |
Which means you've got money hidden on you today too. |
Hibaru |
あああぁ~ バレた |
Aaaahhh, I've been found out! |
Aoji |
この人バカ? |
Is this person dumb or something? |
Hooaka |
バカだからカモにされてんだろ |
Sure are. That's why we're targeting 'em. |
Hibaru |
こうなったら正々堂々勝負ですよ! |
If it's come to this, I challenge you to a fair battle! |
Kuroji |
ならこっちはもっと本気を出すまでだな |
Then we've just got to fight a little bit more seriously. |
Hooaka |
だなー |
Eyup. |
Aoji |
だねだね |
Yeah, yeah. |
BGM: 見切り千両、目玉万両 ~ MONEY GAME |
BGM: Abandoning 1000 Ryo, Eyes On 10,000 Ryo ~ MONEY GAME | |
Hibaru |
さ、三人同時なんですか・・・? |
W-Wait, all three at once...? |
Kuroji |
何か問題でも? |
Is there a problem with that? |
Hibaru |
ありませんよーだ! ふぇーん! |
Not oooone! Feeeehh! |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Hibaru |
これが運命ですね |
I suppose this is fate... |
Kuroji |
さて、それじゃあ出してもらおうかな |
With that, how about we have you pay up? |
Hibaru |
私にとっては運が良いことに |
Luckily enough for me... |
Hooaka |
あっ・・・ |
Ah... |
Aoji |
あ~ぁ |
Ahhh. |
Kuroji |
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
............... |
Hibaru |
・・・・・・怒ってます? |
...Are you angry? |
Kuroji |
いや、全然 |
No, not at all. |
Hibaru |
じゃあこの手を離してくださいぃー! |
Then please release my haaand! |
Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Aoji |
ところで最近見ないね |
There's someone I haven't seen in a while, now that I think about it. |
Hooaka |
? 何のことだぁ? |
Who could that be? |
Aoji |
あの人だよ・・・えーと、なんかお酒のつまみっぽい人 |
You know, them... Ehh, they seemed like the kind of person who always ends up as the butt of the joke. |
Kuroji |
そんなおかしな奴、私の知り合いにはいないな |
I don't know anyone weird like that. |
Hooaka |
誰だよそれ? |
Who was it? |
Aoji |
えーとね、ド忘れしちゃったよ・・・・ |
Uhh, actually, I don't remember... |
Kuroji |
どんな見た目の奴だ? |
What did they look like? |
Aoji |
えーっと、緑の髪で赤い瞳をしてて、薙刀持ってて、 |
Let's see, they had green hair, red eyes, were carrying a naginata, |
Hooaka |
あー、あいつか |
Oh, them. |
Kuroji |
誰だかさっぱり分からないな |
I still have no idea who you are talking about. |
Hooaka |
ほら、奴隷一号 |
You know, slave number one. |
Kuroji |
あぁ、はじめからそう言えばいいんだよ・・・・ |
Ah, you should have just said so from the start. |
??? |
うげっ! |
Ugh! |
Kuroji |
目の前にいる |
Right in front of us. |
Adagumo no Saragimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
どうして、こんなタイミングで出くわすんだ・・・ |
Why did I have to run into you at a time like this... |
Hooaka |
おぉ、いたいた、おひさ |
Oh, hey. Long time, no see. |
Aoji |
最近会ってなかったね |
It's been a while. |
Kuroji |
寂しいじゃないか、急にいなくなったりして |
Going off by yourself all of a sudden must have made you lonely. |
最後の瞳 |
Final Eye | |
Saragimaru |
う、うるさい! |
S-shut up! |
Hooaka |
どうやら逃げてたらしいな |
It looks like they ran away. |
Kuroji |
暇があったら探して捕まえようと思っていたが、 |
I was planning to hunt you down again if I had some free time, |
Saragimaru |
くそ、しかも三人そろって出くわしてしまうとは・・・ |
Dammit, why did I have to run into you three all together... |
Aoji |
ここで何してたの? |
What are you doing here? |
Kuroji |
主人の許可も得ずに遠出はいかんなぁ |
Leaving without permission from your master is unacceptable. |
Saragimaru |
黙れっ! 貴様、いま八尾呂智様が |
Silence! Do you even know of the terrible situation |
Kuroji |
知るか |
Why should I? |
Saragimaru |
現在衝突している両勢力から勧誘を受けているのだ! |
Both sides of the war are soliciting for their help! |
Hooaka |
へぇ、勧誘ってしつこいから大変そう |
Wow, they must be really stubborn if they haven't given in yet. |
Aoji |
結構有名なんだね、八尾呂智さん |
I guess Yaorochi-san is actually pretty well-known. |
Saragimaru |
そのとおりさ! そして僕は八尾呂智様に寄り付く |
Exactly! So I am attempting to exterminate any pests |
Saragimaru |
いまから馳せ参じようとしていたところだ・・・ |
I was just about to reach them... |
Kuroji |
そこで私たちに出くわしたと |
We came along. |
Saragimaru |
自分の運のなさに絶望している |
Curse my bad luck! |
Hooaka |
不憫なやつだな |
Poor thing. |
Aoji |
可愛そう |
How unfortunate. |
Kuroji |
おぉ、なんて哀れな蛇穴丸! |
Oh, pitiful Saragimaru! |
Saragimaru |
なら金輪際、もう僕に関わらないでくれ |
I'd give anything for you to just leave me alone already. |
Kuroji |
それだけは無理だなー |
No can do. |
Saragimaru |
じゃあ奴隷制度を撤廃して |
Then stop treating me as your slave. |
Kuroji |
断腸の思いであるが、不可能だー |
As much as I hate to say it, I also can't do that. |
Saragimaru |
じゃあ今日だけでいいから見逃して |
Then, just for today, ignore me. |
Kuroji |
憎むべきはこの世の摂理、私としてはお前の望みを |
As much as I would love to grant you request, |
BGM: 開かれた瞳 ~ Mono EYE |
BGM: Opened Eye ~ Mono EYE | |
Saragimaru |
なら初めっからそんなこと聞くんじゃねー!! |
If you were going to refuse from the beginning, then why did you even ask?! |
Hooaka |
おっ、怒ったぞ |
Ooh, they're mad. |
Aoji |
ちょっとイジメ過ぎたね |
You must have bullied them a bit too much. |
Kuroji |
冷静さを失っている飼い犬を躾けるのは主人の務め、 |
It's a master's responsibility to train their dog when they become disobedient. |
Saragimaru |
お前らとの縁、断ち切ってやる!! |
I will cut off all ties with you! |
Adagumo no Saragimaru DEFEATED | ||
Saragimaru |
全っ然、断ち切れーん |
I was cut up instead... |
Kuroji |
後で反省部屋にぶち込んでおけ |
After this, I'll have to throw you into the reflection room. |
Aoji |
そんな部屋ないよ |
We don't have a room like that. |
Kuroji |
学び舎の建設ではその部屋を作ることが急務だな・・・ |
I must make sure that it's a priority in the construction of the schoolhouse, then... |
Hooaka |
あの学び舎、体罰ありの予定なのか? |
You're going to use corporal punishment in your school? |
Kuroji |
やむない犠牲だな |
It's an unavoidable sacrifice. |
Aoji |
すごく問題のある表現だね |
That's an extremely controversial statement. |
Saragimaru |
お前ら絶対ロクな死に方しないからな・・・ |
You three definitely won't have pleasant deaths... |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Sukune Katano[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Hooaka |
そういえば、 |
Just wondering, |
Aoji |
そうそう、前とか、もっと前の異変の時も |
Yeah, we didn't act together |
Kuroji |
過剰な戦力は必要なかったからな |
I didn't need excessive strength back then. |
Kuroji |
だが今回は危険があることを前もって知ったからな |
But this time I was aware of the danger in advance. |
Aoji |
・・・・そーだね |
...I guess that's true. |
Hooaka |
三人で本気だせば、だいじょーぶだろ! |
If the three of us give it our all, everything will be okay! |
Kuroji |
しかし一人で異変解決に行った時は面倒だったな・・・ |
Still, solving that incident myself was a pain... |
??? |
ぎゃー! お前たちゃー!? |
Gyah! It's you folks!? |
Kuroji |
あんなのがたくさんいて |
Like, there were too many people like this. |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
??? |
あんなのってどんなのだぎゃわ! |
What do ya mean, "like this", gyah! |
Aoji |
・・・あぁ、いつかの埴輪ちゃん |
...Ah, it's the little haniwa from before. |
Hooaka |
素焼きにしとく? |
You still haven't been fired yet? |
無垢なる天才埴輪 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa | |
Sukune |
おみゃーさんの炎は土器焼くのには |
Yer flames are a mite bit too |
Kuroji |
相変わらず人間語を喋らんやつだ |
It still speaks human as badly as ever. |
Sukune |
うっさいねーん! |
Shut your trap! |
Aoji |
この子の陶器はウチでも使ってるよね |
We use this kid's pottery at home. |
Kuroji |
店でも開けばいい金になりそうだな |
Sounds like you could make good money if you opened up a shop. |
Sukune |
にゃっ!? なんにゃん? その目は・・・ |
Nyah!? Whaa? That look in your eyes... |
Hooaka |
ターゲット・ロックオン |
Aoji |
奴隷数増加 |
Time to increase our amount of slaves. |
Kuroji |
いくら私でもそこまで節操ないわけじゃないぞ? |
Even I'm not that lacking in integrity, right? |
Hooaka |
へー、じゃあどうするつもりだったのかなー? |
Eeeh, then what are we supposed to do? |
Kuroji |
コイツを誘拐して、強制的に陶器を作らせて、 |
Kidnap them, force them to make pottery, |
Sukune |
ぎゃーっ!! |
Gyaaah!! |
Aoji |
やっぱり思った通りだったじゃない |
Yeah, that's what I thought. |
Sukune |
しかしそうは行かないハニワであった |
But this haniwa won't let things go like that! |
Kuroji |
口調を忘れそうになってるじゃないか |
Did you forget about your own speech pattern? |
Sukune |
ふふふっ、実はおみゃーに負けたあの日以来、 |
Heheh, just so you know, since the day I was defeated, |
Sukune |
僕のハニワは次のステージに進化したんだぎゃ! |
My haniwa has evolved to the next stage, gyah! |
Hooaka |
おおっ! なんかカッコイイよさそう! |
Whoa! This looks awesome! |
Aoji |
僕は意味が分かんないんだけど・・・ |
What is even happening... |
Kuroji |
今度はこっちは三人がかりだけどな |
Even so, we have three people on our side this time. |
Sukune |
へっ? そうにゃにょ? ひ、卑怯だぎゃー! |
Huuh? Really? Cowards, gyah! |
Hooaka |
目的のためなら手段を選ばない |
Complete your objective by any means necessary. |
Aoji |
泣こうが喚こうが強制労働! |
Crying and screaming won't save you from forced labor! |
Sukune |
それがブラックファミリー |
This is the Black Family, |
Kuroji |
的を得ているかもな |
You might be right on the money. |
BGM: スーパーハニーワ ~ NEXT FORM!! |
BGM: Super Haniwa ~ NEXT FORM!! | |
Sukune |
それならば見せてやるっちゃ! |
Then so be it! |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
ニューハニーワだったぎゃー |
My new haniwa... |
Kuroji |
余計にやかましいハニワになってたな |
Haniwa aren't supposed to make this much noise. |
Hooaka |
すげーかっこよかったぞ! |
That was so cool! |
Aoji |
便利な奴隷、ゲットだね! |
Useful slave acquired! |
Sukune |
だぎゃー・・・ 働きたくないにょ |
Gyaah... I don't wanna work, nyo. |
Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Hooaka |
ところでよー |
By the way... |
Kuroji |
なんだ藪から棒に |
What's with this all of a sudden? |
Hooaka |
俺たちって随分とお金貯まって来たけど |
We've set aside a ton of cash, |
Aoji |
アカって本当に話を聞かないよね |
You really don't pay attention, do you, Aka? |
Kuroji |
学び舎建設費・・・生活費・・・その他もろもろだ |
Schoolhouse construction costs... Living expenses... These kinds of things. |
Hooaka |
けどそれだけじゃあり余るほどあるじゃん |
But don't we have way more than we need for just that? |
Kuroji |
金はいくらあっても困らない |
You can never have too much money, after all. |
Aoji |
アカは単にこれ以上他人から金を搾り取るなって |
Don't you realize that Aka is just |
Hooaka |
ん? そんなことないぞ |
Eh? No I'm not. |
Aoji |
あ、そう |
Oh, 'aight. |
??? |
いっ! 誰かいると思ったら・・・ |
Ack! Thought I heard someone here... |
Kuroji |
うぅん? |
Hmm? |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
よりにもよって、貴様か・・・ |
Why did it have to be you...? |
Hooaka |
金づる王! |
It's our royal benefactor! |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
新皇だ! |
I'm the New Emperor! |
Kuroji |
おやおや、新皇陛下が側近も連れないで、 |
Yeah, whatever. What's your New Majesty |
Fumikado |
う、うるさいぞ、愚民のくせに・・・ |
Guh, you peasants sure don't know how to keep quiet... |
Aoji |
迷子かな? |
Are you lost? |
Fumikado |
! ち、違う!! |
! N-no! |
Hooaka |
確定しましたー |
It's confirmed! |
Kuroji |
ところで、返済期限が... |
So, payment is due by... |
Fumikado |
断るっ! |
I refuse! |
Hooaka |
はっきり言うねぇ |
Talk about a fast response. |
Aoji |
条件反射だったね・・・ |
It must have been an involuntary reflex... |
Kuroji |
困るなぁ、約束はキチンと守ってもらわなくては |
If you aren't going to honor our agreement, then we have a problem. |
Fumikado |
黙れ! 新皇はそんなもん払わない! |
Silence! The New Emperor doesn't have to pay a dime! |
Hooaka |
借金王らしさが板についてきたな |
They're getting used to their life as the Debt Emperor. |
Fumikado |
新皇に借金などない! |
The New Emperor owes nothing! |
Kuroji |
踏み倒しなど、私が許すと思っているのか? |
Do you think I'll allow even the New Emperor to skip out on their debt? |
Fumikado |
ぐっ・・・新皇に怖いものなどない・・・たぶん |
Ugh... The New Emperor isn't afraid of anything... Maybe. |
Hooaka |
もう心折れてるじゃん |
Their heart is already broken. |
Aoji |
新皇さんより立場上だね、クロ |
You're even more powerful than the New Emperor, Kuro. |
Kuroji |
だから日ごろから口酸っぱく言ってるだろ? |
Money is useful like that. |
Fumikado |
金の欲望に溺れる哀れな愚民め |
You miserable fool, drowning in desire for gold! |
Hooaka |
...だってさ、クロじぃ |
...Welp, you heard them Kuro-jii. |
Kuroji |
生意気な口をきく奴には、お仕置きが必要だな・・・ |
Idiots like you who don't know how to keep quiet need to be punished... |
BGM: 月には届かぬ手 ~ Moon Child |
BGM: Hands That Can't Reach the Moon ~ Moon Child | |
Fumikado |
新皇にお仕置きは必要ないのだ! ふはははっ!! |
The New Emperor requires no punishment! Fuhahaha!! |
Aoji |
・・・本人の許可が必要だと思ってるのかな? |
...Do you really think they were asking you for permission? |
Kuroji |
『強制』という言葉をコイツの辞書に書き加えてやろう |
Let's make sure the word "coercion" is part of their vocabulary. |
Fumikado |
新皇に適う者はいないのだ! |
There is no one fit to rival the New Emperor! |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Fumikado |
新皇なのに敗北したぞー |
I lost even though I'm the New Emperor... |
Kuroji |
キミの実家は金持ちだそうじゃないか |
Looks like your family is quite wealthy. |
Fumikado |
うっ |
Ugh. |
Aoji |
平氏のご当主ですもんね~ |
They are the current head of the Taira clan after all~! |
Fumikado |
まだ搾り取る気なのか・・・? |
When are you going to be done with me...? |
Kuroji |
当たり前のことを言うなよ? |
Is the answer to that not obvious? |
Hooaka |
末代まで搾り取るよ、この人は |
They're never going to be done with you, or your descendants after that. |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Yabusame Houlen[edit | edit source]
Yabusame can be encountered on cells 6:-2 and 6:-3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 闡裡神社参道 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Hooaka |
ところであいつらもあの神社にだいぶ馴染んでたな |
Y'know, those two have adapted to the shrine quite well. |
Kuroji |
藪雨くんと玄鳥か |
Yabusame-kun and Tsubakura? |
Aoji |
実質は玄鳥一人だけどね、実務をこなしてるのは |
It looks like Tsubakura is the only one who does any actual work. |
Kuroji |
藪雨くんは名誉神主だからな |
Yabusame-kun is only an honorary priest, after all. |
Aoji |
玄鳥は正式に神主になったらしいね |
It sounds like Tsubakura has officially taken up the position of a priest. |
Kuroji |
正式に就任しても何にも変わってないようだがな |
But it doesn't seem like they have changed in any way. |
Aoji |
給料上がるのかな? |
Do you think they're making more money now? |
Kuroji |
そこは気になるところだな |
That's my main worry. |
Hooaka |
お前らほんっとに金の話ばっかだな |
You two are always talking about money. |
??? |
あーっ、そことそことそこの三人はー! |
Ahh! One, two, and three. Three in all! |
Kuroji |
うん、聞いたことある声だ |
Hmm, I know that voice. |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
天衣無縫の能天気 |
Flawless Thoughtlessness | |
Yabusame |
鵐ファミリー、見参!! |
I spy the Shitodo family! |
Hooaka |
それはこっちの台詞だぜ! |
That's my line! |
Kuroji |
天然記念物のほうが来たか |
So the natural wonder is up next? |
Yabusame |
クロジさ~ん、また悪いことしてたでしょ~? |
Kuroji-saaan, you've been doing something bad again, haven't you~? |
Hooaka |
藪雨にもバレバレだぜ? |
Even Yabusame could tell? |
Aoji |
にじみ出る悪のオーラ |
Their evil aura is just seeping out of them. |
Yabusame |
む~、やっぱりかー |
Mmm, Just as I thought. |
Kuroji |
意外だな |
How unexpected. |
Yabusame |
えへへ~、褒められちった |
Ehehee~ I was praised! |
Hooaka |
皮肉って知ってるか? |
Ever heard of sarcasm? |
Yabusame |
むむむっ、バカにされちった |
Mmmghh, you just called me stupid! |
Aoji |
相変わらず単純だね~ |
Naive as ever~ |
Yabusame |
それは褒められてるの? |
Was that praise? |
Kuroji |
そういうことにしておこう |
Take it as you want. |
Hooaka |
それで、藪雨はなんでこんなところにいるんだ? |
Anyways, what are you doing here, Yabusame? |
Yabusame |
異変解決っ! |
Solving the incident! |
Aoji |
異変って、なにかあったっけ? |
Incident? What happened? |
Yabusame |
宝探しっ! |
Treasure hunting! |
Kuroji |
そっちが本命か |
Which is it? |
Yabusame |
どっちも本命! |
Both! |
Hooaka |
異変なんてねーじゃん |
Can ya really call that an incident? |
Yabusame |
なんかみんな戦ってるでしょ? こんなの絶対に変だよ! |
Isn't everyone fighting each other? That's definitely strange! |
Kuroji |
いや、コレは単に戦争ごっこしてるだけでは・・・? |
Aren't these just simple war games...? |
Yabusame |
誰かのインボーだ! |
This is someone's conspiracy! |
Hooaka |
ブレーキがいないと大変だな |
You must be having some trouble without your "brake". |
Aoji |
つばくらぁ~ |
You mean Tsubakura~? |
Kuroji |
まぁ藪雨くんが元気そうでよかったよ |
Well, I'm glad that you're okay, Yabusame-kun. |
Yabusame |
うん! それじゃあまたねー! |
Okay! Well then, see ya~! |
Yabusame Houlen EXITS | ||
Aoji |
・・・・行っちゃったよ |
...And off they go. |
Hooaka |
『見逃すわけにはいかないよ!』 って言ってたのにな |
Even though they just told us, "I can't overlook this!". |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
そうだった!! 騙されるところだった! |
I did just say that!! You almost tricked me! |
Aoji |
戻ってきた・・・ |
They came back.... |
Kuroji |
やはりこの手のタイプはやりづらい |
I still have trouble understanding how they operate. |
BGM: 常軌の外に飛ぶ羽 ~ Eleven-dimensional |
BGM: Feathers Flying off the Beaten Path ~ Eleven-dimensional | |
Yabusame |
鵐一家め! ここで裁いてあげるよ! |
Shitodo family! I'll be your judge! |
Hooaka |
藪雨ひとりかー |
Just Yabusame? |
Kuroji |
ブレーキ兼アクセル役がいなければ、勝てるだろう |
Without their brake and accelerator, we just might have a shot. |
Aoji |
別に負けたからどうなるわけでもなさそうだけどね |
Not like it matters whether we win or lose, though. |
Yabusame |
次元の果てまでぶっとばしてあげるね♪ |
I'll blow you away to the end of this dimension! ♪ |
Yabusame Houlen DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tsubakura Enraku[edit | edit source]
Tsubakura can be encountered on cells 6:2 and 6:3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
闡裡神社参道 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Kuroji |
あぁー・・・ |
Ahh... |
Hooaka |
どうした、何か上の空だなクロじぃ |
Did something happen? You look pretty out of it. |
Kuroji |
いやな、『奴』のことが気になってな |
It's nothing. I'm just worried about them. |
Aoji |
いまごろ玄鳥が大変な事になってるかもね |
Tsubakura is probably having a hard time. |
Kuroji |
やはり玄鳥には話しておいた方が良かったかもしれないな |
Maybe I should have just told them after all... |
Hooaka |
クロじぃが他人の心配してる・・・ |
Kuro-jii is worried about someone... |
Aoji |
この世の終わりだ・・・・・ |
It's the end of the world... |
Kuroji |
あのな、私だって他人の心配ぐらいするぞ? |
Hey, what's wrong with me worrying about someone? |
??? |
下衆なお前が誰の心配だって? |
Who could a scumbag like you possibly be worried about? |
Hooaka |
おっ、ご本人登場 |
Oh, here they are now. |
Tsubakura Enraku ENTERS | ||
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
よう、悪党三人組 |
Yo, scoundrel trio. |
Kuroji |
こんなところで、なんのようだ? |
What are you doing all the way out here? |
Tsubakura |
つれないヒトねぇ |
Hardass. |
Hooaka |
玄鳥こそこんなところでなにしてんだ? |
Anyways, what are you doing here, Tsubakura? |
Tsubakura |
お前らを探しに来た |
I came here looking for you. |
Aoji |
ストーカー!? |
Are you a stalker!? |
Kuroji |
どうやら話したいことがあるみたいだな |
Somehow, I get the feeling there's something you want to talk about. |
Tsubakura |
っというか聞きたい事がある、だな |
There is in fact something I'd like to ask you. |
Aoji |
え~? なんだろ~? |
Eh~? What is it~? |
Hooaka |
お前は本当に隠し事が苦手だな |
You really can't keep a secret. |
Tsubakura |
頬赤の腕をやった奴の正体、俺に宝の情報を与えた理由 |
The identity of the person who severed Hooaka's arm, the reason you gave me information about the treasure, |
Aoji |
最後のはなんか違くない? |
One of those things is not like the others. |
Hooaka |
クロじぃ、どうする |
Kuro-jii, what should we do? |
Kuroji |
まぁごまかせるとは微塵も思ってなかったからな |
Well, It's not like I thought I would be able to deceive Tsubakura for even a second. |
Tsubakura |
教える気もどうせないんだろ? |
Even so, you aren't going to tell me anyways, are you? |
Kuroji |
もちろん |
Naturally. |
Hooaka |
ですよねー |
Of course... |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ手は一つしかないな |
Then there's only one thing left to do. |
Kuroji |
まぁそうなるな |
Let's get on with it. |
Aoji |
いくら玄鳥でも三人に勝てるわけないでしょ? |
Even Tsubakura can't win against three people, right? |
BGM: アナザーマインド |
BGM: Another Mind | |
Tsubakura |
言っておくが、俺は勝つぞ? |
I'm calling it right now, I'm going to win. |
Hooaka |
たいした自信だぜ |
You have a lot of confidence in yourself. |
Kuroji |
油断はしないことだな |
Either way, don't get careless. |
Tsubakura |
さ~て、じゃあゆるーく行くとするかね |
Alrighty then, would you like me to go easy on you? |
Tsubakura Enraku DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Clause[edit | edit source]
Clause can be encountered on cell 6:-4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
蜻蛉乃城 or 闡裡神社参道 |
The Dragonfly Castle or Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Aoji |
なんかさ・・・いや~な感じしない? |
Anyone else... getting a baaaad feeling? |
Hooaka |
蒿雀もか? 俺もいや~な感じする |
You too, Aoji? I also have a baaaad feeling. |
Kuroji |
お前たちもか、私もいや~な感じがする |
You two, too? I also have a baaaad feeling. |
Hooaka |
なんか少し懐かしい気がする? |
Why does this seem a bit familiar? |
Aoji |
あんまり思い出したくない気もするけど・・・ |
I feel like I don't want to remember though... |
Kuroji |
・・・・・まさかな |
...Oh no. |
Hooaka |
知っているのかクロじぃ!? |
Do you know what this is, Kuro-jii!? |
Kuroji |
いや、よそう・・・言葉にすると『現実』になりそうだ |
Let's not press this any further... Our words might become "reality". |
Aoji |
『言霊』ってやつだね |
Are you saying our words have "power"?[d] |
Hooaka |
う~ん、俺も『もう少し』で思い出せそうなんだよなぁ~ |
Hmm, I feel like I can "almost" remember it. |
Kuroji |
忘れたほうがいい、そのほうが『身のため』だ |
You should just forget it. It's for your "own good". |
??? |
くっくっくっくっ・・・ |
Keh heh heh heh... |
Aoji |
・・・思い出しちゃった、くそっ |
...I just remembered it. Crap. |
Hooaka |
俺もだぁ・・・面倒くせぇ・・・ |
Me too... How annoying... |
Kuroji |
だから忘れたほうがいいと言ったろ |
That's why I told you to just forget it. |
Clause ENTERS | ||
??? |
やぁやぁ、お三方・・・・『随分』と久しぶりだね |
My, my, it has been an "awfully" long three. |
Kuroji |
どうやらこのルートはハズレみたいだな |
I think we're going the wrong way. |
Aoji |
だね |
Yeah. |
Hooaka |
帰るか |
Let's go back. |
(全略) |
(Title omitted) | |
Clause |
おやおや、いけないなぁ・・・『この僕』を『恐れる』のも |
My goodness, that is no good... I can't blame you for "fearing" "me", |
Hooaka |
『しかしまわりこまれてしまった!!』 |
"But the enemy has the party surrounded!"[e] |
Kuroji |
どうやら逃がすつもりはないらしいな |
Doesn't look like they're going to let us escape. |
Aoji |
クラウゼぇ、こんなところで何やってんの? |
Clause, what are you doing out here? |
Clause |
な~に、ちょっとした『仕事』さ 僕にしか出来ない、ね |
Oh you know, just some "business" that only I am capable of doing. |
Kuroji |
キミはこの戦争ごっこに関係してるのか? |
Are you involved in these war games? |
Clause |
まぁね、いずれこの僕が『世界』を手中に収めるための、 |
You see, this is merely a "waypoint"... |
Hooaka |
ちょっと何を言っているのか分かりませんね |
I really don't know what you're talking about. |
Aoji |
いつものことだけどね・・・ |
That's how it always is with them... |
Clause |
くくくっ、まぁキミたちにも分かりやすく言うならば・・・ |
Keheheh, very well, I shall repeat myself in words that you can understand... |
Kuroji |
人探しか、誰を探しているんだ? |
And who might that be? |
Clause |
キミらなどとはまるで縁がない・・・そう |
It has nothing to do with the likes of you... But, |
Hooaka |
いいから教えろよ |
Just spit it out already. |
Clause |
ふっ・・・かの呪われた『血筋』、遥か昔に栄えた『血統』が |
Humph... A cursed "lineage", a "bloodline" that once prospered |
Aoji |
へー |
What? |
Clause |
その『血統』はこの『世界』に落ち延び、 |
That "bloodline" escaped to this "world", |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
...... |
Clause |
だがその内、その『血統』のなかでも |
However, it appears that a "dispute" |
Clause |
僕はその『血統』を持つ者に、同じ『血統』を持つ |
From one of this "bloodline", I have received a "request" |
Hooaka |
・・・使いっぱしり? |
...So you're a gofer then? |
Aoji |
その依頼主もさぞ苦労してるだろうね |
I feel sorry for their client. |
Clause |
とにかく! その依頼主から絶対的な『信頼』を |
Anyhow! I have gained absolute "trust" from my client |
Kuroji |
それで、その探してるやつの名前はなんだ? |
So what's the name of the person you're looking for? |
Clause |
くくくっ、聞いて驚くんじゃないよ? |
Keheheh, do not sound so surprised when I tell you, all right? |
Aoji |
平氏・・・あ~ |
Taira... Oooh. |
Clause |
その者の『名』は・・・『平 文門』 |
The "name" of that person is... "Taira no Fumikado". |
Hooaka |
知ってる |
We know 'em. |
Aoji |
だと思った |
I thought it might be them. |
Kuroji |
名前だけさっさと言えばいいものの・・・ |
You could have said so a lot sooner... |
Clause |
なにっ!? 君らはこの者を知っているのか? |
What!? You three know of this person? |
Hooaka |
知っているもなにも・・・・金づる? |
I guess you could say they're our... financial supporter? |
Aoji |
借金王 |
The Debt Emperor. |
Kuroji |
私が呼べば10分で来るぞ |
If I call them, they'll be here in ten minutes. |
Clause |
・・・・くっくっくっ、なるほど、つまりこうなることは |
...Keheheh, I see now. In conclusion, this outcome |
Hooaka |
そういう発想の転換できるところは関心するよ |
It's a mystery how you even come up with this stuff. |
Clause |
さぁ! 『運命』の『八咫烏』よ! |
Now! "Yatagarasu" of "Destiny"! |
Kuroji |
・・・・あぁん? |
...Huh? |
Aoji |
神武天皇きどりなんだね |
Do you think you're Emperor Jimmu[f] or something? |
Hooaka |
太陽の中にぶち込んでやろうか |
Then we oughta just hurl 'em into the sun.[g] |
Clause |
く、くっくっくっ・・・まぁそう『焦る』な・・・ |
Kehehehe... Be "patient", now... |
Kuroji |
そうかそれならいい |
Now that's what I'm talking about. |
Hooaka |
いくらふんだくってやろうか |
How much should we charge? |
Aoji |
豪邸が欲しぃーなぁー! |
We should ask for a mansion! |
Clause |
そうだな・・・この『世界』の『支配者』の『卵』である僕と |
Well... How about the "privilege" of battling me, |
Hooaka |
はっ? |
Eh? |
Clause |
くくっ、『光栄』に思うがいい |
Keheh, you should be "honored". |
Clause |
キミたちとは古い付き合い、『縁』があるからな |
...Because of our time-honored acquaintanceship, |
Kuroji |
ヤるぞ |
Let's rough 'em up. |
Aoji |
さっさとそうすれば良かったね |
We should have just done this in the first place. |
Hooaka |
未来へ永久保存してやろう |
I'll keep that in mind. Forever. |
BGM: エターナルパワー ~ BIG STAR |
BGM: Eternal Power ~ BIG STAR | |
Clause |
くっはっはっは! そうがっつくんじゃない・・・ |
Wahahaha! Hasty, are you not?... |
Kuroji |
問答無用 |
Enough talk. |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]
Yaorochi can be encountered only on cell 6:-1.
とある儀式場 |
A Certain Ritual Site | |
Hooaka |
前から聞きたかったんだけどさ、クロ |
I've been meaning to ask, Kuro. |
Kuroji |
んー? |
Huh? |
Hooaka |
前に一人で異変解決しに行った時って |
You know that time you solved an incident by yourself? |
Kuroji |
あんなこと? |
What do you mean? |
Aoji |
呼ばれたからココに来たら |
When you called us here |
Kuroji |
あー、あれはハニワが勝手に酒の栓を空けてたところに |
Oh, that. Tsubakura and them arrived once |
Hooaka |
だから呑み会になってたのか・・・ |
So that's how it became a drinking party then...? |
Aoji |
あの蛇さんも迷惑そうにしてたね・・・ |
The snake seemed fairly troubled though... |
Kuroji |
あぁ、あの七本蛇か |
Oh, the one with seven tails? |
Hooaka |
名前は八本蛇なんだっけ? |
But weren't they named after an eight-tailed snake? |
Kuroji |
なんだったかな・・・やおよろず・・・ |
What was their name again...? Yaoyorozu...? |
??? |
やおろち だ! |
It's Yaorochi! |
Aoji |
あぁ、お久しぶりですね |
Ah, long time no see. |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
貴様ら黙って聞いてれば、 |
You shut your mouths and listen closely, |
Hooaka |
オロチンはなんでそんな怒りっぽいのかな????? |
Orochin, what's got you all riled up??? |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
煽りは効かんぞ、この腐れ外道どもめ! |
I won't fall for your taunting, you rotten brats! |
Aoji |
おもいっきり効いてるし |
But you already have. |
Kuroji |
それで、我々の後をつけていたようだが |
Anyway, why does it look like |
Yaorochi |
! |
! |
Hooaka |
そうでなきゃ、お前さんの話題なんかにはならないしな |
If you weren't, you wouldn't have noticed we were talking about you. |
Yaorochi |
俺を引きずり出すためにワザと名前を間違えていた |
So you deliberately got my name wrong in order to lure me out. |
Aoji |
え? |
Eh? |
Hooaka |
いやっ |
Nope. |
Kuroji |
ただ単に本当に思い出せなかっただけだ |
We really just couldn't remember it. |
Yaorochi |
こいつら・・・! |
You little...! |
Kuroji |
それで、我々に何の用だ? |
So what did you want from us? |
Yaorochi |
・・・いや、お前らこそここに何しにきたんだ? |
...I should be asking you that. What are you doing here? |
Hooaka |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Aoji |
そういえばそうだね |
I guess they do have a point. |
Kuroji |
まぁ宝は・・・なさそうだな |
Well... It doesn't look like the treasure is here anyway. |
Yaorochi |
宝だと? ・・・まさか! |
Treasure you say? ...Surely not! |
Hooaka |
おっ、なにか心当たりでも? |
Oh, do you know something about it? |
Yaorochi |
貴様らっ! ついに俺の蛇叢剣を盗みにきたなっ!! |
You bastards! You're here to steal away the Tasouken from me once again! |
Hooaka |
あぁ、なんかもう流れがわかった |
Yeah, I saw this coming. |
Aoji |
ここはハズレみたいだねぇ |
Guess it really isn't here. |
Yaorochi |
俺は二度とっ! この剣を手放したりしない!! |
I will never let go of this sword ever again!! |
Kuroji |
そうかい、じゃあ私たちに勝ってみるんだな |
If that's what you want then you'll have to defeat us. |
Hooaka |
あれ欲しいのか? |
Do you really want that thing? |
Kuroji |
売れば水道代ぐらいにはなるだろう |
We might be able to cover our water bill with the money we get from it. |
Yaorochi |
ふざけやがってぇ! 貴様らぁっ! |
Like I'll let you! You bastards! |
Aoji |
何か発作が激しくなってない? |
What's with the sudden outburst? |
Kuroji |
愛が深まってるんだろうな |
It seems their love has gotten even more intense. |
Hooaka |
なんか可愛そうなやつだな |
They're actually pretty pathetic. |
BGM: 薙ぎ払われた繋がり |
BGM: Mowed-Down Relationship | |
Yaorochi |
情け無用だ! なぎ払え、蛇叢剣!! |
I will show you no mercy! Mow them down, Tasouken! |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Shion[edit | edit source]
Shion can be encountered only on cell 6:1.
とある枯れ花 |
A Certain Withering Flower | |
Kuroji |
・・・妙なところに来ちまったな |
...Looks that we've arrived at a strange place. |
Hooaka |
なに? この花? |
What's with that flower? |
Aoji |
あ、これ前にクロが言ってたやつじゃない? |
Ah, this is the thing Kuro mentioned a while ago, isn't it? |
Kuroji |
あぁ、そうだな・・・ハルジオンってやつだったかな |
Yeah, that's right... it was called the Harujion, I think? |
Hooaka |
何か真っ黒だな |
Why is it pitch-black? |
Kuroji |
もう力を使ったからな、枯れてるんだろ |
Seems that it's withering after having used up its power back then. |
Aoji |
・・・・・・・・・・売れないかな? |
.......Can we still sell it? |
Kuroji |
流石だな、血は争えん |
That's the spirit. Can't fight your blood. |
Hooaka |
もう力も無い、単なるデカイ枯れ花だろ? |
But there isn't any energy left in it now, so isn't it just a huge dead flower? |
Kuroji |
何とかこじつければ |
We could always make up some reason to buy it |
Aoji |
宝も見つからず、どうせ手ぶらだから持って帰ろっか |
We haven't found any treasure and we're still empty-handed, so how about we take it home? |
Hooaka |
それじゃあ、根元を焼き切っちまうか |
A'ight, then let's burn the roots and take it with us. |
??? |
それはさせないよ! |
I won't let you! |
Kuroji |
おや? |
Huh? |
Aoji |
・・・誰ですか? |
...Who's there? |
Shion ENTERS | ||
総体から産まれし個体 |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate | |
Shion |
シオンちゃんです♪ |
It's me, Shion-chan! ♪ |
Hooaka |
なんかあざとい奴だな |
Huh. What a shifty little thing. |
Shion |
キミは鵐の黒い下衆の人だね |
You're the black lowlife Shitodo! |
Kuroji |
お前がなぜ我々の邪魔をする? |
Why did stop us? |
Shion |
このハルジオンはね、シオンにとっては |
Because the Harujion is |
Shion |
両親を目の前で刈り取られるのを |
I can't just quietly sit by while you |
Aoji |
クロなら黙って見てそう |
I bet Kuro would just sit and watch. |
Kuroji |
よく言うだろ? 『親でも兄弟姉妹でも売り払え、 |
They say it all the time, right? "Sell your parents, sell your siblings! |
Hooaka |
そんな自由商人みたいな言葉きいたことない |
I've never heard a free-merchant line like that before. |
Shion |
酷い人~、ゲテモノはこれだからイヤなの |
You're awful~. See, this is why I hate cheap food. |
Aoji |
ゲテモンだってさ! 的を得てるね |
They called you cheap food! Straight to the point, this one. |
Shion |
それに比べて青い人はすっごく美味しそうだねぇ~ |
The blue person seems a lot tastier by compariso~n. |
Aoji |
えぇっ? ど、どういう意味・・・? |
Eeh? W-What do you mean....? |
Kuroji |
このキメラソウルも召喚獣みたいに |
This 'chimera soul' thing eats other people's souls as nourishment. |
Hooaka |
相変わらずモテモテだなー |
Looks like someone's as popular as ever! |
Shion |
ちょっとだけでいいからさぁ~ |
Just a little bite won't hurt~ |
Aoji |
いやだよ~助けてクロ~ |
Nooo, I don't wanna! Kuro, help me~! |
Kuroji |
値段しだいだな |
It depends on the price. |
Hooaka |
こいつに助けを求めたのが悪い |
'S your own fault for askin' them for help. |
Shion |
シオンちゃんったらお金持ってないんだよね~ |
Oh, but Shion-chan doesn't have any money with them right now~. |
Kuroji |
どうせ玄鳥のことだ |
This is Tsubakura we're talking about. |
Shion |
そうかな~? |
Is that so~? |
Hooaka |
あそこ儲かってんのか? |
Are they banking on makin' a profit that way? |
Aoji |
聞いた話によると |
Based on what I've heard, |
Shion |
玄鳥は薬とか作るの得意だからね~ |
Tsubakura is good at making medicine and stuff, after all~ |
Hooaka |
薬・・・かぁ... |
"Medicine"... huh... |
Kuroji |
武器とか兵器を作ってないだけマシだな |
At least it's better than making weapons or war arsenals. |
Aoji |
昔うっかり核兵器作っちゃってたからね |
Yeah, like that nuclear weapon they made by mistake way back then. |
Shion |
へ~ |
Huh~ |
Hooaka |
あの時は玄鳥すっげぇヘコんでたよな、今思えば大爆笑 |
Oh man, Tsubakura got SO down in the dumps about that. Every time I think about it I nearly die laughing. |
Shion |
素敵だね♪ |
How wonderful! ♪ |
Kuroji |
しかし副業をしてるなら |
But if they've got a side gig, |
Shion |
かもね |
Maybe. |
Kuroji |
決定だな |
Then it's decided. |
Aoji |
えっ? |
What? |
Kuroji |
アオジ、お前の犠牲は決して忘れないぞ・・・ |
Aoji, we'll never forget your sacrifice..... |
Hooaka |
今日お布団に入る時までは覚えといてやるよ |
I'll at least remember you until I go to bed tonight.... |
Shion |
それじゃいただきま~す♪ |
Then, it's time to dig iii~n~♪ |
Aoji |
あぁぁあっ!? ちょっと!!! |
Aaah!? Wait! |
Kuroji |
はー・・・気遣いのない奴だなぁ |
Haah... You really have no sense of manners, do you? |
Hooaka |
しゃーねぇーなぁー |
Godddddd, fiiiiiine. |
Shion |
えぇ? ダメなのー? |
Eeeh? Now I can't eat them? |
Kuroji |
それじゃあ、私達に勝ったら蒿雀をくれてやる |
Well, if you win we'll hand Aoji to you. |
Aoji |
なんで勝手に僕が賭け物になってんの? |
Since when was I your bargaining chip? |
Shion |
いいよ~、シオンちゃんの力、見せてあげるよ~♪ |
Okay~! Shion-chan will show you their power~! ♪ |
Hooaka |
こいつって強いんじゃないの? |
Isn't this kid real strong? |
Kuroji |
私と下僕の二人で勝てたのだから |
Back then me and my subordinate were able to beat them. |
Shion |
甘ちゃんだね~ |
Aw, you're adorable~. |
Kuroji |
・・・そういえばコイツ |
...Now that you mention it, |
Hooaka |
それって結構やばくない? |
Isn't that pretty dangerous? |
Aoji |
っというか玄鳥はよく無事でいられるね |
Really, I'm surprised that Tsubakura's still doing so well. |
Shion |
今ならまだそこの青い人以外は見逃してあげるよ~♪ |
Y'know, if you back down now, I'll let everyone except the blue one go~. ♪ |
Kuroji |
それも手だな・・・ |
That's also an option... |
Aoji |
手じゃない! |
No it's not! |
Hooaka |
まぁがんばってみるか~ |
Well, let's just try an' do our best~ |
Shion |
いいね~、シオンちゃんも最近は |
Hooray~! Shion-chan's been getting real bored |
BGM: 百の命と一つの縁 ~ Chimera soul |
BGM: One Hundred Lives and One Fate ~ Chimera soul | |
Shion |
たっぷり、楽しませてね♪ |
So we're gonna have a lot of fun. ♪ |
Shion DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tenkai Zuifeng[edit | edit source]
Tenkai can be encountered on cell 6:4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or Devanagara | |
Kuroji |
・・・迷ったな... |
We're lost... |
Hooaka |
ここまで来て迷うのか・・・ |
How did we even end up here...? |
Aoji |
クロって、もしかして方向音痴? |
Hey, Kuro. Could it be that you have no sense of direction? |
Kuroji |
地図さえあれば迷うことなどないんだがな |
If we had a map, this wouldn't have happened. |
Hooaka |
いや、たいていの人はそうだろ |
That's what they all say. |
??? |
おや、変な服装の奴がいると思ったら・・・ |
Ah, thought I saw some strangely dressed people here... |
Kuroji |
あぁ? |
Oh? |
Tenkai Zuifeng ENTERS | ||
??? |
いつかの黒い鳥か |
Well, if it isn't the black bird from the other day. |
Aoji |
誰なの、このメロンみたいなひと |
Who's this melon-looking person? |
Hooaka |
夕張だな |
Specifically, a yubari melon. |
古き独裁者の片割れ |
One of the Old Dictators | |
Tenkai |
バードウォッチしに来たんだが |
I came here to birdwatch. |
Kuroji |
お前、嫌い |
I really hate you. |
Tenkai |
ははっ、嫌われちったか・・・ |
Aww, you hate me...? |
Hooaka |
っで、誰なんだよコレ |
Who the hell is this? |
Tenkai |
おや、そこの黒い鳥から聞いてないのかい? |
Oh my, hasn't the black bird told you anything about me? |
Kuroji |
話すようなことじゃないからな |
I didn't have anything to say. |
Tenkai |
僕は二人のこと知ってるがね・・・・・ |
But I do know about you two... |
Hooaka |
あら、目ざといのね |
Wow, you're sharp. |
Aoji |
なんか怖いよ・・・ |
It's kinda scary.... |
Tenkai |
それで、こんな都会まで何しに来たのかな? |
So, what brings you to the Capital? |
Kuroji |
ちょっと都人に用があってね |
Just some business with the residents here. |
Tenkai |
どうせ金を巻き上げに来たんだろ? |
So you're here to rip people off, then? |
Aoji |
バレバレだね |
They got you. |
Kuroji |
そういうお前は都人なのか? |
Are you from the Capital? |
Tenkai |
残念ながら違う、僕は聖域の住民さ |
As unfortunate as it may be, no, I am a resident of the Sanctuary. |
Hooaka |
聖域? |
The Sanctuary? |
Tenkai |
簡単に言えば、闡裡神社の近くの地域をそう言うのさ |
To put it simply, the area surrounding the Senri Shrine. |
Aoji |
へーっ、物知りさんですね~ |
Wow, you're really well-informed~. |
Kuroji |
さっきバードウォッチと言っていたが |
You said you were birdwatching earlier, |
Tenkai |
別に嘘じゃないぞ? |
I wasn't exactly lying, you know? |
Hooaka |
ここの帝って鳥だったのか? くるっぽー? |
The emperor is a bird? Coo coo? |
Kuroji |
例の『鳥の名』ってやつか・・・ |
That "Bird's Name" thing again, huh... |
Tenkai |
素質は薄いみたいだけどな |
The nature of theirs seems quite faint though, |
Aoji |
なんの話なの? |
What are you talking about? |
Kuroji |
私も良く分からん・・・・・ |
I don't know either... |
Hooaka |
俺たち三人とも鳥の名前だもんな |
We're all named after birds too, |
Tenkai |
キミたちもだいぶ馴染んだようで |
You seem to have become accustomed to this place. |
Aoji |
翼? |
Wings? |
Hooaka |
ちっちぇーけどな |
They are pretty tiny, though. |
Kuroji |
それじゃあ、こんどこそ聞かせてもらおうかな |
Well, this time you're definitely going to tell me about these |
Tenkai |
きゃー、襲われるー |
Kyaa~! I'm being attacked~! |
Hooaka |
イラッときた |
They're starting to tick me off. |
Aoji |
この人、嫌い |
I'm beginning to hate them too. |
Kuroji |
前回はうまい具合に言い包められたが |
You might have been able to talk your way out of it the last time, |
Tenkai |
前に戦った時より人数が多いなぁ・・・ |
I'm up against more people this time... |
Hooaka |
ちょー舐められてるぜ |
Don't make light of us. |
Aoji |
後悔させてあげないとね |
You'll come to regret it. |
Kuroji |
手加減はしない、全力で捻りつぶす |
Don't hold back. Crush them with all your might. |
BGM: 決壊オーバーフロー |
BGM: Burst Overflow | |
Tenkai |
ならば見せてもらおうかな、鳥の名の力を! |
Then show me! The power of your Bird's Names! |
Tenkai Zuifeng DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
Suzumi can be encountered only on cell 6:0, and you must have beaten all other final bosses. Otherwise, one of the random final bosses will appear here.
闡裡神社参道 |
Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
....... |
Hooaka |
どうした? 深刻っぽい顔して |
What's up? Your face looks kinda serious. |
Kuroji |
っぽいじゃなくて、深刻な顔をしてるんだ |
It's not "kinda" serious. It is serious. |
Aoji |
『アイツ』のこと? |
Are you worried about "them?" |
Kuroji |
あぁ・・・ |
Yeah.... |
Hooaka |
マグリットを使ったんじゃないか? |
Maybe they just used the Magritte? |
Aoji |
あれって許可された一部の人間しか使えないはずでしょ? |
But the Magritte's only usable by a select few people with permission, right? |
Hooaka |
あいつなら使えそうじゃん |
Betcha they could use it. |
Kuroji |
いや、玄鳥が厳重にセキュリティをかけている |
No, Tsubakura is very careful about security. |
Hooaka |
じゃあ・・・どうやってだろ? |
Then... man, how did they? |
Kuroji |
あいつは我々と一緒に来たわけではないしな・・・ |
It's not like they came in along with us, either... |
Aoji |
あれ? そうだったっけ? |
Huh? Wait, they didn't? |
Hooaka |
ん? ・・・どうっだったけ? |
Nnh? ...Were they there at the time? |
Kuroji |
いた・・・・・か? なんだこの違和感は? |
They were... maybe? What's this strange feeling? |
Aoji |
う~ん、いたと思うよ |
Hm~m. I think they were there. |
Hooaka |
うん、いたいた |
Yeah, they totes were. |
Kuroji |
・・・じゃあ何で私はこんなことを疑問に思ったんだ? |
...Then why was I even wondering about it in the first place? |
Hooaka |
ボケたんじゃね? |
Maybe you're going senile? |
Kuroji |
今度余計なことを言うと口を縫い合わすぞ |
Next time you say unnecessary things, I'll sew your mouth shut. |
??? |
あらっ♪ 鵐ちゃんたちじゃなーい! |
Oh my! ♪ If it isn't the Shitodos! |
Hooaka |
うっ |
Ugh. |
Kuroji |
しまった・・・警戒を怠ったか・・・ |
Crap....I let my guard down.... |
Suzumi Kuzu ENTERS | ||
??? |
また会ったね♪ ひどいじゃない、途中で逃げちゃって |
We meet again! ♪ How mean of you, running away like that. |
Aoji |
あのままじゃ全滅しかねなかったからね |
If we hadn't escaped, you could have killed us. |
Kuroji |
だいたい何故我々を狙う・・・お前の狙いは玄鳥だろ? |
More importantly, why are you going after us...? Isn't Tsubakura your target? |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 |
Insidious Superfluous Memory | |
Suzumi |
昔さぁ・・・玄鳥様のお母様が亡くなったときの |
Waaay back.. when Tsubakura-sama's mom died... |
Hooaka |
あぁ、あのときね・・・ |
Yeah, that was... |
Suzumi |
あのときの顔が・・・たまらなくてぇ・・・ |
That face... I'm dying... |
Aoji |
うわぁ・・・・・ |
Waaah... |
Kuroji |
歪み切ってるな・・・クズめ |
That damn Kuzu is completely twisted... |
Suzumi |
だから玄鳥様に親しい人たちをことごとく消せば、 |
So if I wipe out those close to Tsubakura-sama, |
Hooaka |
それでまずは俺たちからってわけね |
So that's why you're going after us first. |
Aoji |
相変わらずのクズっぷりだね |
As awful as ever, huh. |
Suzumi |
もー、蒿雀ちゃんったら |
Gosh, Aoji-chan. |
Aoji |
うぅ・・・ なんか喋り方も気持ち悪くて、怖い |
Ugh... Your weird way of talking is creeping me out... |
Kuroji |
お前の悪行も、そろそろ年貢の納め時だとは思わないか? |
It's about time you pay for all your bad deeds, don't you think? |
Suzumi |
あら、そうなの? イヤだな~ |
Oh, really? Don't wanna~ |
Hooaka |
さっきは不意打ちを喰らったせいでやられちったけど |
Back then you got me by surprise. |
Kuroji |
ここいらで危険因子を取り除いておいたほうが |
I do believe it would also be in my best interests |
Suzumi |
んー、まぁいいっか、"私"じゃ貴方達を同時に |
Hmmm, well whatever. I don't know if I can win against the three of you, |
Aoji |
死なないように頑張らなきゃ・・・ |
We'll have to give it all we've got if we don't wanna die... |
Hooaka |
全力全開でいっくぜぃ |
We'll get you with our full power! |
Kuroji |
手加減はしない |
We won't be holding back. |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ 記憶偽筆 |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ Memory Forgery | |
Suzumi |
いいよ、まとめておいで♪ みんな殺してあげるから |
Good, come at me together! ♪ Makes it easier to kill you all. |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This and Aoji's next line are originally a pun on zenkou wo tsuminasai (善行を積みなさい, lit. "accrue good deeds") and tsumi (罪, lit. "sin").
- ↑ Shakkin tori (借金鳥, debt bird): pun on shakkin tori (借金取り, debt collector).
- ↑ Originally a pun on katsu-age (喝上げ, mugging) and kara-age (唐揚げ, deep fried).
- ↑ Kotodama
- ↑ Reference to failing to flee from an enemy in Dragon Quest.
- ↑ Legendary founded of Japan and descendent of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Guided by the three-legged crow Yatagarasu, Jimmu reached Yamato and became Japan's first emperor.
- ↑ Jimmu's brother Itsuse no Mikoto, who initially led the migration, was killed in a battle against a local chieftain, Nagasunehiko. Jimmu concluded they has lost because they had battled eastward facing the sun and were unable to receive Amaterasu's blessing.
- ↑ This sentence appears in a separate .txt file that was unused: it was deleted in v1.20.