Book of the Cafe/Story/Tutorial
< | Opening | Story | Chapter 1 | > |
Tutorial[edit | edit source]
Cafe Tutorial[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja (as ???) ENTER | ||
??? |
よぉーう、新入り! |
Hey thereee, newbie! |
NiLU |
!? |
?! |
??? |
チュートリアルの時間だコラァ!!! |
It's time for the tutorial YEAH!!! |
NiLU |
! ? |
? ! |
??? |
なにいちいち驚いてやがる、 |
Heck are you getting surprised at every little thing for? |
NiLU |
・・・・・カフェ? |
.....Cafe? |
??? |
そのためにはさっさと運営方法を覚えてもらわにゃならん |
And that's why you'll have to learn how to run the place as soon as possible. |
NiLU |
・・・どういうことだ? |
...What are you talking about? |
??? |
カフェと言ったらメシだ! |
A cafe's gotta have food! |
NiLU |
・・・・お前は・・・なんだ? |
....Who... are you? |
??? |
まずは店員をタッチだ! |
First, tap the employee! |
Instructions |
店員をタッチしてください |
Please tap the employee. |
??? |
ナイスタッチ! |
Nice tapping! |
NiLU |
・・・・ここはどこだ? |
....What is this place? |
??? |
次は台所をタッチして、【ロシアンおにぎり】を調理だ! |
Next, tap the kitchen and cook the [Russian Rice Balls]! |
Instructions |
台所をタッチしてください |
Please tap the kitchen. |
Instructions |
料理の欄をタッチしてください |
Please tap row with the dish. |
Instructions |
料理開始ボタンをタッチしてください |
Please tap the "Start Cooking" button. |
??? |
ナイス調理! |
Nice cooking! |
NiLU |
・・・・どうしておれはここにいる? |
....Why am I here? |
??? |
これでしばらく待てば料理ができるぞ! |
Now all you gotta do is wait and the dish will be done! |
??? |
だが今回は特別に俺様の力で今すぐに完成させてやる! |
Though I'll use my power to speed it up to completion, just this time! |
??? |
ただし! 完成した料理はちゃんと回収しておくんだぞ! |
HOWEVER! Make sure you collect the dishes that are done! |
NiLU |
・・・・何が目的だ? |
....What do you want from me? |
??? |
回収するには、店員を選択してから料理がある台所をタッチだ! |
To collect it, just select an employee and tap the kitchen where the food is! |
Instructions |
店員をタッチで選択した後、台所をタッチしてください |
Please tap the employee to select them, then tap the kitchen. |
??? |
ナイス回収! |
Nice collecting! |
NiLU |
・・・・俺のこの服はなんだ? |
....What's up with my clothes? |
??? |
空いてる机と椅子があれば勝手に客が座る |
Customers will go sit at an empty table and chair, all on their own. |
??? |
そして暇な店員がいれば、座ってる客に勝手に料理を運ぶぞ! |
And if there's a free employee, they'll go bring the sitting customers food, all on their own! |
??? |
これがカフェで料理を売りさばく一連の流れだ |
That's how you sell food in a cafe. |
??? |
料理を売りさばくことは資金集めの基本だ! |
Selling food is the basis of gathering funds! |
NiLU |
・・・・何故、話を聞かない? |
....Why, do you not listen to me? |
Instructions |
お客様がやってくるぞ! 料理を作っておいて、飯を喰らわせてやれ! |
The customers are coming! Prepare some food and make 'em eat! |
??? |
皿がたまってるぞゴラぁ! |
You've got dirty dishes piled up, dammit! |
NiLU |
!? |
?! |
??? |
店員を選択した状態で、 |
While having an employee selected, |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Instructions |
店員をタッチで選択したあと、流し台をタッチすると洗浄命令ができます |
You can order an employee to wash the dishes by tapping the sink after selecting them with a tap. |
??? |
おーけーだ! これで自動で皿をあらってくれるぞ! |
Oookaay! Now they'll wash the plates automatically! |
??? |
カフェの基本的な運営には |
Basically, you'll need |
??? |
けど今は二人しかいねぇから、 |
Though we only have two people in here right now, |
??? |
よし! ガチャしようぜ! ガチャ!! |
Alright! Let's go pull the gacha! Gacha!! |
NiLU |
ガチャ? |
Gacha? |
??? |
右メニューから【ガチャ】をタッチだ! |
Tap [Gacha] from the right-hand menu! |
NiLU |
・・・・・話を聞いてくれよ |
.....Please listen to me. |
Instructions |
右メニューからガチャ画面へ向かおう! |
Go to the gacha screen from the right-hand menu! |
Gacha Tutorial[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja (as ???) ENTER | ||
??? |
ここでガチャを引け―!!! ガチャ好きだろ? |
Come over here and pull the gacha!!! You like 'em right? |
NiLU |
知らん |
Like I'd know. |
Instructions |
ガチャを選ぼう! |
Pick the gacha machine! |
??? |
よーしっ!! |
Alright!! |
NiLU |
本当に都合がいいな |
How convenient indeed. |
Instructions |
店員の編成画面へ行こう! |
Let's go to the employee selection menu! |
??? |
ここでカフェの店員を編入できる! |
Here you can add employees into your cafe! |
??? |
終わったら右上のボタンから戻れるぞ |
After that's done you can get back to the cafe with the button on the top-right. |
Instructions |
店員の編成しよう! |
Add the employee! |
??? |
終わったか! |
Done already?! |
NiLU |
弾丸ツアーだな |
What a rapid tour. |
Instructions |
カフェに戻ろう! |
Let's go back to the cafe! |
Combat Tutorial[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja (as ???) ENTER | ||
??? |
あぁ・・・・ |
Ahh... |
NiLU |
急成長だな |
Sudden growth huh. |
??? |
どうやら俺は、ここまでみたいだ・・・・・ |
It would seem that this is the end for me..... |
NiLU |
結局最後までお前が何だったのか分からなかったな |
I never figured out what you were, even till the end. |
Tom |
俺の名前は「ゼムリャ=C=トム」・・・・・ |
My name is "Tom C. Zemlja"..... |
NiLU |
トム、それじゃあここから出してくれ |
Then let me out of here, Tom. |
Tom |
お前と過ごした数分、悪くなかったぜ |
The few minutes we spent together, weren't that bad... |
Tom C. Zemlja LEAVES | ||
NiLU |
・・・・・・・消えた..... |
.......They disappeared..... |
NiLU |
・・・・・料理でも作るか |
.....Guess I'll cook something. |
Tom C. Zemlja ENTERS | ||
Tom |
おい! |
Oi! |
NiLU |
―――っ!? |
.....?! |
Tom |
おめーには大事な仕事があるんだよ |
You have a very important job. |
NiLU |
カフェ以外にもまだあるのか・・・・ |
There's something else other than the cafe....? |
Tom |
まずはカフェから出るぞ! |
First, we're leaving the cafe! |
NiLU |
・・・・・楽しくなってきたところなのに... |
.....I was starting to have fun... |
Instructions |
記憶の書庫へ行こう! |
Let's go to the Memory Archive! |
Tom |
ここからは俺の指示どおりに動け! |
From here on out, act according to my instructions! |
NiLU |
うざ |
You're a pain. |
Instructions |
おとなしく言う通りにしろ! |
Be a good kid and do as you're told! |
NiLU |
なんだここは? |
Where's this? |
Tom |
ここは・・・・なんだ、そのー |
This is.... What was it, umm... |
Tom |
遊園地だよー |
It's an amusement park~! |
NiLU |
騙す気のない嘘をつくな! |
Don't lie if you're not even gonna try making it believable! |
Tom |
ここはお前の記憶の中だ |
We're inside your memories. |
NiLU |
記憶の中・・・? |
My memories...? |
Tom |
お前は記憶を失っている、だろ? |
You've lost your memories, right? |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tom |
その記憶を直すために、お前の壊れた記憶に潜り込む |
To fix 'em, you'll have to dive into your broken memories. |
NiLU |
どういう原理でそんな事ができるんだ? |
And how exactly does that work? |
Tom |
こまけ―ことはいいんだよぉ! |
Who caaaares about the details!! |
Tom |
とにかく、壊れた記憶の中は危険がウジャウジャだぜ |
In any case, there's danger lurking in these broken memories. |
NiLU |
どんな風に危険なんだ? |
What kind of dangers? |
Tom |
唐突に敵が現れたりする |
Stuff like enemies appearing suddenly. |
NiLU |
敵って、どんなやつだ? |
Enemies? Like what? |
Tom |
こんなやつさー!!!!! |
Like these!!!!! |
Instructions |
自分のターンが来るのを待とう! |
Wait for your turn to come! |
NiLU |
敵だ |
It's an enemy. |
Tom |
敵だな |
That's an enemy alright. |
NiLU |
なんか突然攻撃してきたな |
It attacked us all of a sudden. |
Tom |
世の中どんなことも突然起こるもんだよ |
Anything can happen in this world of ours. |
NiLU |
どうしてくれる? |
Are you gonna do something about this? |
Tom |
こっちにも戦闘員がいるぞ |
We've got a combatant too. |
NiLU |
戦闘員って、この灰色の髪の奴か? |
A combatant... You mean this grey-haired person? |
Tom |
お前の記憶から抽出した戦闘ユニットだ |
It's a combat unit extracted from your memories. |
NiLU |
俺の記憶って便利なんだなぁ |
My memories sure are convenient... |
Tom |
戦闘はターン制だから、 |
Battles are turn-based, |
Tom |
まずはユニットを移動させるぞ |
First, let's make them move. |
Tom |
ここのマスをタッチしてみ |
Try tapping this square. |
Instructions |
移動先を選択しよう! |
Choose your destination! |
Tom |
よし、これでユニットの移動先を決められたぞ |
Alright, now you've decided where the unit's gonna go. |
Tom |
お次は移動後に使う技の選択だ |
Next is to choose the move it'll use once it gets there. |
Tom |
下にある技のボタンの中から、 |
This time, pick [Karate Punch] from |
Tom |
使う技を選択したあとは、攻撃範囲の指定ができる |
After picking a move, you can choose the target area. |
Tom |
敵が攻撃範囲に入っているのを確認したら、 |
Once you've made sure that the enemy is in it, |
Instructions |
攻撃技を選択しよう! |
Pick an offensive move! |
Instructions |
攻撃範囲を確認して、決定ボタンを押そう! |
Confirm you target area, and press the confirm button! |
Instructions |
ぶっとばせ! |
Get them! |
Tom |
っとまぁ、こんな感じで邪魔者はぶっ飛ばしてけ |
There you go, just get rid of any nuisances like that. |
NiLU |
俺の記憶って邪魔者がいるのか・・・・ |
So there are nuisances in my memories, huh.... |
Tom |
まぁユニットの編成やらデイリーステージやら |
Well, there's also party formations, daily stages, |
NiLU |
横暴 |
What a tyrant. |
Tom |
それじゃあカフェに戻るぞ |
Welp, let's get back to the cafe. |
Instructions |
カフェに戻ろう! |
Let's go back to the cafe! |
NiLU |
ところで、このカフェってなんなんだ? |
By the way, what's up with this cafe? |
Tom |
ちっ、どうやら時間みたいだぜ・・・・ |
Tsk. It seems my time is up.... |
NiLU |
おーい |
Oiii. |
Tom |
なーに、悲しむようなことじゃねぇ |
Come on now, there's no need to be sad. |
NiLU |
質問に答えろよ |
Answer my question. |
Tom |
俺の望みはただ一つ |
I have but a single wish: |
NiLU |
話を聞けよ |
Listen to me. |
Tom |
じゃあな・・・・・ |
See ya..... |
Tom C. Zemlja LEAVES | ||
NiLU |
・・・・勝手にいなくなるなよ |
....Don't just leave all by yourself. |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
NiLU |
・・・・・料理でも作るか |
.....Guess I'll cook something. |
Tom C. Zemlja ENTERS | ||
Tom |
何か分からないことがあったら色んなとこにある |
Also, if there's anything you don't undertand, you can get detailed explainations |
NiLU |
まだいるんかい |
You're still here? |