Book of the Cafe/Story/Chapter 1
< | Tutorial | Story |
Stage 01[edit | edit source]
Stage 01: Dimensional Cave? 01[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
・・・・・・ここはどこだ? |
......Where are we? |
Tom |
だからお前の記憶だって |
I already told you we're in your memories. |
NiLU |
いや、さっきより暗いし・・・・ |
No, I mean... It's gotten darker than before.... |
Tom |
こんな暗いところで光る岩って、めずらしいなぁ~ |
Shining stones in such a dark place? Well, ain't that rare~? |
NiLU |
洞窟のような場所・・・・みたいだな |
We're in... a cave of sorts, it seems. |
Tom |
とりあえずあの光を目指してみようぜ |
Let's start by going towards it. |
NiLU |
今のところ、そうするしかなさそうだな・・・・・・ |
Doesn't seem like we have any other choice right now...... |
Tom |
そこらへんの足元に【落とし穴】があるから |
There's a "pitfall" somewhere 'round here. |
NiLU |
・・・なんで記憶の中に落とし穴があるんだ? |
...Why's there a pitfall in my memories? |
Tom |
記憶の空白部分ってことじゃね? |
Prolly just a gap in them, no? |
NiLU |
解離性健忘だとしても、床の一部分だけって・・・・・ |
Even if it's dissociative amnesia, it's just this one part on the ground... |
NiLU |
っというか逆になんで他の部分は |
Or rather, |
Tom |
憶力に自身があるんだろうな |
You're just that good at recalling stuff, I guess. |
NiLU |
・・・・そうでもないぞ? |
....Not really? |
Tom |
ここに来てお前が始めて言ったセリフは? |
What'd you first say when we showed up here, again? |
NiLU |
『ここはどこだ?』 |
"Where are we?" |
Tom |
ヒトは他人の言ったことは覚えていても |
Even if someone remembers what others said, |
Tom |
なのに即答じゃん |
And yet, you responded right away. |
NiLU |
・・・これぐらい誰でも覚えてるだろ |
...Anyone would remember this much. |
Tom |
ま、とにかく、この穴には落ちるなよ |
Well, anyhow, don't go off falling in that hole. |
NiLU |
・・・・・・この【記憶の落とし穴】 |
...This "memory pitfall"... |
Tom |
たぶん記憶から存在が抹消されて・・・・・死ぬな |
You'd probably have your existence erased from your memories..... And die. |
NiLU |
・・・・気をつけよう |
....Let's watch out. |
Tom |
じゃあ邪魔する敵を倒しつつ、どんどん進んでみようぜ |
Then let's move on while beating up the enemies in our way! |
Stage 01: Dimensional Cave? 02[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
こんな足場が悪いなかで戦うのは、 |
Fighting on such bad footing |
Tom |
まぁ俺は飛んでるから問題ないけどな |
I can fly, so it's no big deal to me. |
NiLU |
・・・・・ずるい |
......That's unfair. |
??? |
誰かそこにいるのかい? |
Is someone there? |
NiLU |
??? |
??? |
??? |
君たちは・・・・何者だい? |
Who.... are you two? |
NiLU |
それはこっちのセリフだが・・・・・ |
That's our line..... |
??? |
お互い言えた立場じゃない気がするが |
I don't think you're one to talk, |
??? |
いや・・・・・ |
No..... |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・こいつはもしや |
......Are you...? |
NiLU |
知っているのかトム? |
Do you know them, Tom? |
Tom |
『鳳聯藪雨(ほうれん やぶさめ)』 |
That's "Yabusame Houlen". |
Yabusame |
!? |
!? |
NiLU |
登場人物・・・・ 覚えてないな・・・・・ |
They were in my memories...? I don't remember..... |
Tom |
いや、本来のヤブサメとは姿も口調も |
I mean, they look and speak way different from the actual Yabusame. |
Yabusame |
まんまるコウモリ君 |
You, round little bat... |
Tom |
おそらくこのヤブサメは記憶の混濁によって |
If I had to guess, this Yabusame took on an appearance they shouldn't |
Yabusame |
記憶の混濁・・・・・偽りの存在・・・・・・ふむ |
Foggy memories..... A false existence..... Hm. |
NiLU |
それで、こいつをどうするんだ? |
So, what are we going to do about them? |
Tom |
う~ん |
Mmmm~mmm... |
Enemies |
ぎゃおーん |
Roooaaar! |
NiLU |
わ、こんな時に敵だー |
Woah, enemies showing up at a time like this? |
Tom |
『話はこいつらを片づけてからだ』 |
We'll figure out what to do after finishing those things off. |
Yabusame |
すごいね・・・・・ 君たち、随分と強いんだね |
Amazing..... You two are quite strong, huh? |
Tom |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Yabusame |
君たち、あの光の元へ行こうとしているのかい? |
Are you trying to get to the source of that light? |
NiLU |
まぁ、とりあえずは・・・・・ |
Yeah, for the time being..... |
Yabusame |
それなら、私も同行させてくれないか? |
In that case, can you bring me along? |
Tom |
いや、それは・・・・・ |
I dunno, that's kinda... |
NiLU |
別にいいんじゃないか? |
Well, why not? |
Tom |
・・・・・・それなら、 |
......In that case, |
Yabusame |
では決まりだな! |
Then we've got a deal! |
NiLU |
この胡散臭い野球ボールと二人っきりで |
I'm glad to have someone else to speak with. |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・・ |
....... |
Stage 01: Dimensional Cave? 03[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
ところでヤブサメ博士 |
By the way, Doctor Yabusame... |
Tom |
! ・・・・・何故、こいつを博士と呼ぶ? |
! ......Why'd you call them "Doctor"? |
NiLU |
いや、なんか博識っぽい口調だし |
Oh, it's just... They kinda speak like one, |
Yabusame |
あっはっはっ、鋭いねぇ |
Ahahah, aren't you sharp? |
NiLU |
らしい・・・・ってどういうことだ? |
So it would seem....? What do you mean? |
Yabusame |
そうだなぁ・・・・・ |
Well..... |
Yabusame |
「光のある方へすすめ |
The voice that said, |
NiLU |
(・・・・・・・そんな声、聞いたかトム?) |
(......Did you hear that voice, Tom?) |
Tom |
(いや・・・・だがここは話を合わせておけ) |
(Nope.... Still, let's play along.) |
Yabusame |
私には、ひとつ願いがあってね |
I have a wish, you see. |
NiLU |
へ~ どんなのだ? |
Hu~uh. Which is? |
Yabusame |
私の記憶を戻してもらいたいんだ |
I want my memories back. |
NiLU |
!? |
!? |
Yabusame |
私は過去の記憶の殆どを失ってしまっているんだ |
I've lost just about everything I remember about the past... |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tom |
(エラーによって生まれた存在だからな |
(It's 'cause they were born of an error. |
Yabusame |
なにか・・・・ |
What was it....? |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Yabusame |
だから、本当に願いを叶えてもらえるとしたら、 |
As such, if you really can have your wish granted here, |
Tom |
・・・・・そもそもそんな眉唾な謎の声、 |
.....Ain't this weird mysterious voice |
Yabusame |
どうせダメでもともとだ |
I might as well give it a shot. |
NiLU |
(記憶の混濁によって生まれた |
(A false being different from the original, |
NiLU |
(きっとその笑い声も、偽りのものなんだろうな・・・・) |
(I bet their laughter is fake, too...) |
NiLU |
(・・・・・・・・・・なら |
(........In that case, |
NiLU |
(同じく記憶のない今の俺の人格は |
(Given how I have no memories myself, |
Stage 01: Dimensional Cave? 04[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Yabusame Houlen? ENTER | ||
NiLU |
さて、だいぶ光に近づいてきたな |
Alright, we've gotten pretty close to that light. |
Yabusame |
流石だね! |
Impressive! |
NiLU |
戦闘は俺達に任せて、博士はそこらへんで休んでてくれ |
Leave the fighting to us and rest over there, Doctor. |
Tom |
(エラー体とはいえ |
(Error object or not, |
Enemies |
ぎゃおー |
Roooaaar! |
NiLU |
お、また敵がきたぞ |
Oh, there are enemies incoming again! |
Yabusame |
・・・・・あ! |
.....Ah! |
Tom |
え? |
Eh? |
Yabusame |
うっ! |
Ugh! |
NiLU |
博士ぇ!? すっごい声したけど!!? |
Doctor!? Why'd you just scream!!? |
Tom |
・・・・・・博士、穴に落ちた |
......The doctor fell down the hole. |
NiLU |
はぁ!? |
Huh!? |
Tom |
俺を庇おうと駆け出して、足元の「記憶の落とし穴」に・・・・・ |
They ran in to protect me, and dropped right into the "memory pitfall" underfoot... |
NiLU |
えぇ・・・・・ おっちょこちょい過ぎない? |
Wha-..... Aren't they way too careless? |
Tom |
エラー体でもバカなまんまなんだな・・・・[a] |
Still as much of an idiot even as an error object, huh... |
NiLU |
エラー体? |
Error object? |
Tom |
いや、なんでもない・・・・ ってああぁぁ~~! |
Uh, nevermind that.... Wait, wooooaa~~aah! |
NiLU |
それで、博士が・・・・落ちてったけど、どうすんだ? |
So, the doctor has... fallen in. Now what? |
Tom |
落っこちたもんは仕方ないだろ、無事を祈れ |
We can't help them now. Pray for their safety. |
NiLU |
・・・・まぁ、たしかに、心配しても仕方ないか |
....Yeah, I suppose we can't do much even if we keep worrying. |
Tom |
俺様もだけど、お前もすっげぇ薄情だな |
Not that I'm one to talk, but you're totally heartless. |
NiLU |
所詮、記憶上の存在だしな |
Well, they only exist in my memories, after all. |
Tom |
・・・・・まぁ、そうだよな |
......I guess, yeah. |
Stage 01: Melanin in Black? Colt Snake[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
さぁ~て |
Noo~ow then! |
NiLU |
これが光の正体だったのか・・・・ |
So this was behind the light....? |
Tom |
川が発光してらぁ |
The river's glowin'! |
NiLU |
それで、これからどうするんだ? |
So, what do we do now? |
Tom |
「光のある方へすすめ」ってことよ |
"Go towards the light," is what. |
NiLU |
泳ぐのか? |
So we swim? |
Tom |
潜るんだよ |
We dive. |
NiLU |
・・・・・正気か? |
.....Are you sane? |
??? |
ヒトって、ちょっと狂ってるぐらいが |
Just slightly insane, |
NiLU |
!? |
?! |
??? |
いらっしゃ~い! 貴方たちも願いを叶えにここに来たの? |
Welcome~! Have you two come here to have your wishes granted too? |
Tom |
こいつは・・・・・・・・ |
This is........ |
NiLU |
お前が知ってるってことは、俺の記憶の登場人物か? |
The fact that you know them would mean... They're someone from my memories? |
Tom |
あぁ、そうだ・・・・・ ただし・・・・ |
Yeah..... But.... |
Kurohebi |
嬉しいぃ~~ ヒトに会えてよかったぁ~~~ |
I'm so happy~~! I'm glad to have met someone~!! |
Tom |
こんな奴じゃなかった気がするなぁー |
I feel like they weren't like this... |
NiLU |
また記憶混濁による『偽りの存在』ってやつか? |
Another "false existence" thanks to my clouded memories, then? |
Kurohebi |
うふふっ・・・ |
Ufufufu... |
Tom |
(しかし、こんなこと・・・・・ ありえない) |
(Still, this..... It can't be.) |
NiLU |
それで、クロヘビさんとやら |
So? Kurohebi-san, was it? |
Kurohebi |
ここにいればヒトが集まってくると思ってぇ~ |
I thought people would gather around here~. |
NiLU |
そっか、じゃああんたも一緒に行くか? |
I see, so you want to go on ahead with us? |
Kurohebi |
いやいや~、逝くのは貴方たちだけよ~~~♡ |
Oh, no no no~! You are the only ones that will be passing on~! ♡ |
Tom |
なるほど、これはマズいな |
Oh, this is bad. |
NiLU |
なにがだ? |
What is? |
Kurohebi |
ここに集まってきたヒトは |
The people who gathered here, |
Kurohebi |
血祭りにして あ ・ げ ・ る ・ の ♡ |
Will be s l a u g h t e r e d by me! ♡ |
NiLU |
・・・・・は? |
.....What? |
Tom |
ニル、こいつは敵だ!! |
NiLU! This one's an enemy!! |
Kurohebi |
あはっ! なぁ~んだぁ・・・・・ |
Aha! Whaaa~at.....? |
NiLU |
なんだ!? 状況が分からないんだが・・・ |
Huh?! I don't really get it... |
Kurohebi |
何も分からないまま、死になさい |
Then die knowing nothing! |
NiLU |
クロヘビは・・・・崩れるように消えたが・・・ |
Kurohebi.... Crumbled away... |
Tom |
記憶だからな、消滅してもまた現れるかもしれない |
They're just a memory, so they might reappear even after you destroyed them. |
NiLU |
・・・・・なんだったんだ、あいつ |
.....What was up with them? |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・・・・今のクロヘビも |
............The Kurohebi just now, |
Tom |
【 Fatal Error Object 】 |
[Fatal Error Objects]. |
NiLU |
なんなんだそれは? |
What in the world are those? |
Tom |
いわゆる、その・・・ |
In other words, umm... |
NiLU |
さっき言ってた『エラー体』ってのは |
So that's what you meant by |
Tom |
だが、エラー体は本来こんな安定した存在として |
Thing is, error objects hardly ever manifest |
NiLU |
レアなのか |
Are they rare? |
Tom |
一回だけなら『珍しい』で済んだが、 |
We could've brushed off one of them appearing as a "rare occurrence", |
NiLU |
・・・・・つまり? |
.....Which means? |
Tom |
・・・・・おそらく、人為的なものだ |
.....It's likely that they're artificially created. |
NiLU |
誰かが俺の記憶の中で邪魔をしてきてるってことか? |
So there's someone interfering with my memories? |
Tom |
・・・・・そうなるな |
.....Seems like it. |
NiLU |
そんなことして何になるんだ? |
What's the point of doing that? |
NiLU |
・・・・・まて..... |
.....Hang on..... |
Tom |
ちっ |
Tsk. |
NiLU |
お前は・・・・何故っ? |
And you..... Why? |
NiLU |
俺は・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
What................ |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・・ニル |
..........NiLU. |
NiLU |
ここは・・・・・・・・・何なんだ・・・・・・・・・・・? |
Where......... is this...........? |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
............. |
Tom |
NiLU |
・・・・っ! |
....! |
NiLU |
・・・・・・・・ |
........ |
Tom |
NiLU |
おまえはニル・・・・・・・・ |
You are NiLU........ |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・・・なぁ |
.......... Hey, |
NiLU |
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
.................... |
NiLU |
・・・・・・・・・・ |
.......... |
Tom |
・・・・・・まったくぅ~ |
......Honestly~! |
NiLU |
・・・・うるさいな |
....Oh, shut up. |
Tom |
ほれ、光ってる川の中に入るぞ |
C'mon, we're getting into the glowing river. |
NiLU |
う、 そういえばそういう話だったな・・・・・ |
Ugh, I forgot about that..... |
NiLU |
・・・・・・ |
..... |
NiLU |
(なんだ、 何かが脳裏に・・・・・・) |
(What? Something in my mind's......) |
NiLU |
(・・・・・・・・分からない) |
(........I don't know.) |
NiLU |
(俺には、分からない事が多すぎる) |
(There are too many things I don't understand.) |
NiLU |
(俺自身についても・・・・・) |
(Even about myself.....) |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This line is supposed to be said by Tom, but NiLU's name is shown instead.