Book of the Cafe/Story/Back Issue EE Yabusame's Route
Story | Tsubakura's Route | > |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Stage 1: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
『无現里(ムゲンリ)』……か |
"Mugenri"……? |
Tom |
外界から隔離された世界。 神々の禁足地。 |
A world separated from the realm outside. "The Gods' Tabooed Land".[a] |
Tom |
……っとまぁ、他にも色んな呼ばれ方がされてんだな |
…… Amongst many other names, anyways. |
NiLU |
似たようなものと同一視されているケースも考えられるな |
I can only assume there are cases where it was identified with similar places as well. |
Tom |
今回はその无現里に例の天才と |
So here we have the story of the time that genius |
NiLU |
有史以来最高の天才 |
The greatest prodigy in all of history: |
NiLU |
それにあの『鳳聯 藪雨(ホウレン・ヤブサメ)』もな |
And that "Yabusame Houlen" too. |
Tom |
あの異端児か…… |
That weirdo, huh…… |
NiLU |
藪雨は玄鳥達とは別口で侵入したみたいだが、 |
It seems Yabusame infiltrated from a different entrance than Tsubakura and the others. |
Tom |
ヤブサメは結界とか狭間とか次元とかを |
It seems that Yabusame has an ability |
NiLU |
なるほど |
I see, |
Tom |
ツバクラ大好きミサイルらしいからな、 |
This one's a Tsubakura-loving missile, |
NiLU |
………ずいぶんと規格外な存在なんだな |
……… Certainly an unorthodox existence. |
Tom |
ここはそんな奴ばっかりだけどな |
Every single one of 'em is like that here… |
NiLU |
その後、藪雨達は无現里から脱出しようとする様子が@なかったみたいだが、 |
It doesn't seem like they really tried to escape Mugenri after this, |
Tom |
本人にその意思があれば、な |
If that's what they want, that is. |
NiLU |
……? |
……? |
Tom |
さぁーねー、どーだろーねー? |
I wooonder? Who knooows? |
NiLU |
お前は答えを知ってるみたいだな |
You definitely sound like you know the answer. |
Tom |
まぁーな! |
Well, yeah! |
NiLU |
……その方が手っ取り早いし正確か |
…… I suppose that would be faster and more accurate. |
Tom |
それじゃあさっそく行ってみよー! |
Well then, let's gooo! |
Stage 1: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
今いる場所は『次元洞窟』か…… |
We're in the "Dimensional Cave" right now, huh…… |
Tom |
次元と次元を繋げる際に発生する洞窟だな |
This would be a cave that manifests when two dimensions are connected. |
NiLU |
エキゾチック物質というもので構成されているのか |
This place is made of something called "exotic matter", it seems. |
Tom |
エキゾチック物資って知ってるか? |
You know 'bout exotic matter? |
NiLU |
その表現が正しいかは知らないが、 |
I'm not sure if that's quite correct, |
Tom |
専門的なことはよく分かんねーや |
I don't get that technical stuff. |
NiLU |
燕楽玄鳥、および鳳聯藪雨は |
So Tsubakura Enraku and Yabusame Houlen |
Tom |
自発的かどうかは分かんねーけどな |
Can't say whether it was of their own accord, though. |
NiLU |
薄暗いが、ところどころで宝石のような結晶が |
It's a bit dim here, but these gem-like crystals |
Tom |
きれいだねー |
Pretty, ain't they? |
NiLU |
進むのには問題なさそうだな、 |
I see no issue to our advancement, |
Stage 1: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
鳳聯藪雨についてだが・・・ |
About Yabusame Houlen... |
Tom |
ホーレン・ヤブサメって誰だ? |
Who's this Yabusame Houren? |
NiLU |
なんで無意味に知らないフリをする? |
What's the point in pretending that you don't know? |
Tom |
お前がどれだけ知ってるか試してやろうと思ってな |
I thought to test just how much ya know! |
NiLU |
・・・・「鳳聯 藪雨」 |
.... "Yabusame Houlen". |
NiLU |
「次元を越える的な能力」を持っており、 |
Their ability is "something like crossing dimensions", |
NiLU |
あまり頭が良くなく、自分の能力も使いこなせていない |
Since they're not very smart, they can't even use their own power all that well. |
NiLU |
大抵は何も考えてないので、凡人というより馬鹿だな ・・・・・ってとこかな 俺が知っていることは |
They're not thinking of anything at all, so more of an idiot than just a plain person. |
NiLU |
燕楽玄鳥とは関係が深いようで、 |
They seem to have a deep relationship with Tsubakura Enraku, |
NiLU |
・・・・・ってとこかな 俺が知っていることは |
.....and that's about all I know. |
Tom |
人物紹介文をそのまま暗記して言ってるだけだったな |
So you just recited their character profile as is, huh? |
NiLU |
仕方ないだろ! |
I can't help it! |
Tom |
・・・まぁそうだな、お前の記憶を取り戻すために |
... Well, fair 'nough. We're having you see all these stories |
NiLU |
そういうことになってるが・・・ |
That is how it is, but... |
NiLU |
しかし、一つ気になることが... |
There is something that I'm curious about... |
Tom |
あああぁあぁあぁぁぁーーーー!!!! |
AAAaAaAaaahhhh!!!! |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Stage 1: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
この後に登場する人物 |
About the character coming up, |
Tom |
親近感がわくか? |
Feelin' a sense of affinity? |
NiLU |
別にそういう訳ではないけど、 |
Not necessarily, |
Tom |
クロヘビの種族は……【人間もどき】か[c] |
Kurohebi's race… [Psuedo-human], huh… |
NiLU |
暗殺するために作られた人造人間で、 |
An artificial human made to be an assassin, |
Tom |
透明人間の逆パターンだな |
So like a reverse of the invisible human trope. |
NiLU |
そして現在の暗殺対象は『燕楽玄鳥』 |
Their current target is "Tsubakura Enraku". |
Tom |
例の天才さんがターゲットか |
That genius again, huh? |
NiLU |
誰が烏蛇を作り、誰が暗殺の指示をしたのだろうな? |
Who created Kurohebi; and who ordered the assassination? |
Tom |
なんとなく想像できるけどなー |
I can hazard a guess. |
NiLU |
……まぁそれは置いといて、 |
…… Leaving that aside, |
Tom |
実力的に先に進めなかったんじゃないか? |
Ain't they just too weak to advance onwards? |
NiLU |
……そんな単純な理由か? |
…… That's it? |
Tom |
他に何がある? |
What else could it be? |
NiLU |
……分からないけどさ |
…… I've got no idea either. |
Tom |
じゃー俺が言ったことが正しいって事にしておこーぜー |
Welp, let's just pretend that I'm right and leave it at that! |
NiLU |
お前は気楽だなー |
You sure are easygoing... |
Tom |
とにかく、ヤブサメとクロヘビがここで |
Anyways, Yabusame and Kurohebi |
NiLU |
そうだな…… |
Indeed…… |
Stage 1: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
次元洞窟 ~D-Cavern~ |
Dimensional Cave ~D-Cavern~ | |
この場所において必要なのは |
What's necessary in this place | |
BGM: エキゾチッククリスタル |
BGM: Exotic Crystal | |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
う~ん、みんなどこに行ったんだろ~? |
Hmm, I wonder where everyone went~? |
Yabusame |
匂いも混ざっちゃてるなー |
Their scents are all mixed up, too. |
??? |
おっ、変なのがいると思ったら |
Oh, I thought there was someone weird around here... |
Yabusame |
ぁん? |
Huh? |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi |
なんだ、藪雨か |
And what, it's you, Yabusame? |
Yabusame |
おんやぁまあ、 |
Oh, wow~. |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
なんだとはなんだ |
What do you mean, "and what"? |
Yabusame |
それはそっちの台詞でしょ |
That's what you just said. |
Kurohebi |
そんなことより、 |
That aside, |
Yabusame |
それはこっちの台詞だったよ・・・ |
That's what I just said... |
Kurohebi |
まったく、使えない奴だな・・・ |
Geez, you're no use at all... |
Yabusame |
烏蛇がここにいるってことは、 |
If you're here, Kurohebi, |
Kurohebi |
お前、『声』が聞こえなかったのか? |
Uh, didn't you hear the "voice"? |
Yabusame |
こぇ? |
Voice? |
Kurohebi |
何でも、[d]一番最初に最深部に到着した奴の願いを |
Yeah. It said that whoever reaches the deepest area first |
Yabusame |
なんだって~! |
Whaaat?! |
Kurohebi |
おかげで玄鳥(つばくら)に弾き飛ばされた |
Because of that, Tsubakura just beat me up and flew off. |
Yabusame |
あはは~、そうだろうね~ |
Haha~, that sure figures~. |
Kurohebi |
っということで、 |
And so... |
BGM: メラニンインブラック ~ Colt_Snake |
BGM: Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake | |
Yabusame |
あはっ、暗殺だっけ~? |
Aha, you mean assassination? |
Kurohebi |
そゆこと |
Exactly. |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
卑怯だぞ! 手負いの状態を狙うなんて |
This is unfair! You fought me after I had already been weakened! |
Yabusame |
え? ・・・ごめんね |
Eh? ...Oh, sorry. |
Yabusame |
・・・強くしすぎた? |
...Was I too rough with you? |
Kurohebi |
ムカッ・・・ |
Uggh... |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Stage 2: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
……『声』か |
… "A voice", huh… |
Tom |
・・・・・・・・ |
........ |
NiLU |
誰の声かはだいたい検討がつくが、 |
I believe I have an idea as to whose voice that is, |
Tom |
いやいやいやいや! |
Wait, wait, wait, wait! |
NiLU |
どうした? |
What is it? |
Tom |
いや、さっきのヤブサメとクロヘビの |
Wha- That fuzzy conversation |
NiLU |
ユニークな会話だったな |
It was certainly a unique conversation. |
Tom |
はぁ~~~~ |
Sigh.... |
NiLU |
話の内容は分かるのだから、別に気にすることはないだろ |
You can still understand what they're saying, so it's nothing to get so bothered by. |
Tom |
お前とは物事に対する考え方が平行線だな |
You really think about everything in the same way, huh. |
NiLU |
アンドロイドに情緒なんて…… |
For an android to have emotions…… |
NiLU |
そうか! 『ギャグ』を言ったんだな |
Oh! That's what they call a "joke", right? |
Tom |
ギャグじゃねーーーーーーーー!!!!! |
It wasn't a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Stage 2: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それで、ここはどこなんだ? |
Well then, what's this place? |
Tom |
『時空の渦』……だってさ |
It's called…… the "Spacetime Whirlpool". |
NiLU |
「渦」・・・・・なるほど、 |
A "whirlpool"..... I see, |
Tom |
この辺りからそこにいる人物の能力が |
From here on out, it seems the abilities of the characters here |
NiLU |
"あの人"が所持する異道具 |
It's the effect of a certain magic tool that they have, |
Tom |
あのテントなのかマントなのかよく分からん |
Ah, that weird looking tool that kinda looks like |
NiLU |
『釁醒帳幕(きんせいちょうばく)』 |
The "Curtain of Awakening". |
Tom |
ここがこんな感じになってるのはこの空間が |
Which would mean that this space is the way it is |
NiLU |
"あの人"は次元洞窟の无現里側に |
They seem to have hung the "Curtain of Awakening" |
Tom |
つまり、その効果範囲に入ったということは |
Which would mean that, since we've entered its area of effect, |
Tom |
順調に進んでるな~ |
Things are going smoothly~! |
NiLU |
……「わくわく」って、どんな感じだ? |
"Getting excited"…… What exactly is that like? |
Tom |
…………お前には教えることが沢山ありそうだなぁ |
………… It would seem that I still have much to teach you… |
Stage 2: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
「わくわく」ってのはよ、今の気分だよ! |
"Getting excited" is exactly how you feel right now! |
NiLU |
どうって・・・・なにが? |
Feel.... about what? |
Tom |
これから无現里に向かうんだぜ? |
We're gonna go to Mugenri, y'know? |
NiLU |
お前は浮かれてるみたいだな |
It just looks like you're getting way too excited. |
Tom |
……お前は冷めてるなぁ |
…… And you're way too cold. |
NiLU |
无現里がどういう場所なのかまだよく知らないからな |
Well, I still don't know what kind of place Mugenri is. |
Tom |
これだからニワカは…… |
This is why I hate you casuals...... |
NiLU |
何か別の話になってないか……? |
I feel like you're talking about something else now…… |
Tom |
うるせぇやい! |
Shaddap! |
NiLU |
…………无現里って、楽しいところか? |
………… Is Mugenri really all that fun? |
Tom |
……『可能性と選択の世界』ってとこかな |
…… It's cause it's a "World of Possibilities and Choices", I guess. |
NiLU |
そうか…… |
I see…… |
NiLU |
……楽しみかもしれないな |
…… That does sound like it might be fun. |
Tom |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Stage 2: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
この近辺の主は『鵐 蒿雀(シトド・アオジ)』だったな |
The master of this area is "Aoji Shitodo", right? |
Tom |
アオジは……鵐家の最年少か、いちおう[c] |
Aoji…… they are the youngest of the Shitodo house, I believe. |
NiLU |
会得した異能力は『渦を巻く的な能力』 |
The ability they learnt was "something like creating whirlpools". |
Tom |
以前から異能力を持っていた奴でも |
So even those who already had special abilities |
NiLU |
そういうこともあるみたいだな |
It would seem so. |
Tom |
ぐるぐるだわー ぬるぬるだわー |
Spinning around and around... Slipping here and there... |
NiLU |
鵐蒿雀は随分と小心者のようで、 |
Aoji is apparently quite the timid one, |
Tom |
"少し"しか怯えてないって時点で |
Doesn't getting just "a bit" scared |
NiLU |
慣れてるのかもな、こういうことに |
They must be used to this kind of thing. |
Tom |
巻き込まれ体質ってやつか |
The type to just get swept up into the flow, huh? |
NiLU |
巻き込まれ…… |
Swept up into the flow…… |
NiLU |
蒿雀の能力が渦だから、渦巻きにかけたギャグだな!? |
Oh! It's a joke because Aoji can make whirlpools out of water, right?! |
Tom |
お前のギャグセンスに俺を巻き込まないでくれ |
Please don't sweep me up into your sense of humour. |
Stage 2: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
時空の渦 ~Emancipation of Time~ |
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~ | |
時にはその様を魅せる為に、 |
At times, in order to show off in such a way, | |
BGM: 錨さえ揺蕩ふ趨勢 ~ Lost_Anchorage |
BGM: Tendency that Sways Even Anchors ~ Lost Anchorage | |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Aoji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
ふ~、何なんだろ、この空間? |
Whew~. What's up with this weird space? |
Yabusame |
何か変なんだよね~、異次元みたいなー、 |
Something's really off here~. |
??? |
あ、やっぱり藪雨さんでしたか |
Ah, it's you after all, Yabusame-san. |
Yabusame |
あぁ! |
Ah! |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
はい? |
Okay? |
Yabusame |
あ・・・うー、あ、『あおい』くん? |
Umm... Err, "Aoi"-kun, right? |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
蒿雀(あおじ)です |
It's Aoji. |
Yabusame |
そんなことないよー? |
That's not true, you know? |
Aoji |
暗にですけどね・・・ |
Well, they didn't say it outright... |
Yabusame |
良く分かんないけど、 |
I don't really get it, |
Aoji |
はぁ・・・決め付けられても、 |
*sigh* ...Well, even if you say so, |
Yabusame |
けど~? |
Except? |
Aoji |
さっき会った玄鳥さんが言ってました |
There was something Tsubakura-san said earlier. |
Yabusame |
また玄鳥なのね |
Tsubakura again, huh. |
Aoji |
一番にゴールしたら |
They said that if you reach the goal first, |
Yabusame |
なんか変わってる・・・ |
Seems like it changed a bit... |
BGM: 攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke! |
BGM: Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke! | |
Aoji |
っということで・・・すみません藪雨さん |
And as such... I'm sorry, Yabusame-san, |
Yabusame |
・・・どういうことで? |
...As what? |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
うん、やっぱり玄鳥に聞くのが一番だね! |
Yep, it looks like it'd be best to ask Tsubakura directly! |
Aoji |
玄鳥さんでしたら、 |
If you want to see them, |
Yabusame |
そっか、じゃあそっちに行ってみよー |
Is that so? Then I guess I'll try going that way. |
Aoji |
せいぜい良い旅路を~ |
Enjoy your trip~. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Stage 3: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
また違った空間に出たな |
Yet another space. |
Tom |
とりあえずはさっきのヤブサメとアオンの会話を |
For now let's just look back on |
NiLU |
アオジな |
You mean Aoji. |
Tom |
どうも例の『声』はこの空間にいる連中同士で |
It would seem that the "voice" is intent |
NiLU |
何故か玄鳥自身もそれを促すようなことを |
It seems like Tsubakura themself was egging them on as well, |
Tom |
『声』の正体はツバクラだってことかーー!?? |
So the person behind the "voice" is actually Tsubakura??! |
NiLU |
そうかもな |
Might be. |
Tom |
何が目的なんだーーー???? |
What could possibly be their goal????! |
NiLU |
……その様子だとお前は答えを知ってるんだろ? |
......You clearly know the answer to that, don't you? |
Tom |
そのほうが楽しいじゃ~~~ん? |
Ain't it waa~~~ay more fun like this? |
NiLU |
そうですか |
Is that so? |
Tom |
あ、冷めたリアクション |
Oof, tough crowd. |
NiLU |
答えを知ってるやつに推測を語らされるのって、 |
I hate when someone who knows the answer makes me guess. |
Tom |
ニルちゃ~ん、意外と繊細だねぇ~? |
Oh, NiLU-cha~n! You're surprisingly delicate~! |
NiLU |
うざいです |
You're getting on my nerves. |
Stage 3: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それで、この空間は? |
So? What's this space? |
Tom |
『釁醒帳幕』の内部をショートカットするための回廊だな |
A corridor within the "Curtain of Awakening" that acts as a shortcut. |
NiLU |
しかし例外がいた 鳳聯藪雨は例の能力で入り込めた |
And yet, we have an exception. Yabusame Houlen, who slipped in here with that ability of theirs. |
Tom |
なんかズルイよなー |
What a cheater! |
NiLU |
この回廊は誰が何のために使ってるんだ? |
Who is using this corridor, and to what end? |
Tom |
それは若干ネタバレになるから、 |
That's kind of a spoiler, |
NiLU |
ネタバレはダメなのか? |
Are spoilers that bad? |
Tom |
当然だろ? |
Of course! |
NiLU |
…………別に、俺は気にしないけどな |
………… Can't say I care, really. |
Tom |
お前のような奴は滅びろ |
People like you should all die. |
NiLU |
おい |
Oi! |
Tom |
はあぁぁ~~~~~~~~~~~っ |
Sighhh........... |
Tom |
世の中から戦争がなくならない理由が、 |
I think I finally understand clearly, |
NiLU |
妙な真理に到達するな |
Don't reach some bizarre conclusion, now. |
Tom |
とにかく、俺はネタバレを話す気はないからな! |
Just... Listen, you won't be getting any spoilers out of me! |
NiLU |
分かったよ・・・楽しみにしておけばいいんだろ |
Fine... It's best to go in blind and enjoy myself, right? |
Tom |
そうだ おらおら 敵だぞ 蹴散らせ |
Sure. Oh, look, here they come. Drive 'em off. |
NiLU |
不機嫌だな |
Well, someone's in a bad mood. |
Stage 3: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
さて、ここで鳳聯藪雨は燕楽玄鳥に出くわすわけか |
So, this is where Yabusame Houlen comes across Tsubakura Enraku, right? |
Tom |
えええっ!? |
Whaat?! |
NiLU |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Tom |
ぁんだよ! |
WHAT?! |
NiLU |
さっきも言ったが、 |
I believe we went over this already, |
Tom |
まぁ部分的にはな |
Well, partially, yeah. |
NiLU |
故に不愉快 |
Hence my displeasure. |
Tom |
シンプルで素敵! |
How simple and wonderful! |
NiLU |
まぁ俺もここらへんはなんとなく知ってるから |
Well, I kinda have an idea at this point, |
Tom |
なんだよーつまんねーなー |
Whaaat? Booooriiing. |
NiLU |
ほら、さっさと続きを見るぞ |
Come on, let's go check out what's next. |
Tom |
へーい |
Ayup. |
Stage 3: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それで……その………… |
So uh…… Umm………… |
Tom |
今回は俺が説明係か |
Oh, so now it's my turn to explain? |
NiLU |
……たのむ |
…… Please. |
Tom |
『エンラク・ツバクラ』 |
"Tsubakura Enraku". |
Tom |
『遊ぶべきを楽しむ的な能力』 |
They appear to have several abilities…… |
Tom |
一部からは『有史以来最高の天才』 |
A person with such talent that some call them |
Tom |
金融コンツェルン「EN」系列の特殊研究所で |
It would seem that they work as the general chief researcher |
Tom |
表舞台には立たないが研究者としては |
They never take the front stage, but as a researcher |
Tom |
「すげー」の欲張りセットみたいな奴だな |
They really are the total package. |
NiLU |
……随分と事こまやかに教えてくれるんだな |
…… You sure explained that in detail. |
Tom |
お前の産みの親の一人だからな、詳しく知りたいだろ? |
Well, they're one of your parents. Don't you wanna know more about them? |
NiLU |
………別にそんなことはどうでもいい |
……… I don't care either way. |
Tom |
そうなるとこれから産みの親と感動の対面ってわけだな |
Which would mean that coming up is the touching reunion with your creator. |
NiLU |
どうでもいいって言ってるだろ! |
I said I don't care! |
Tom |
ニルちゃ~ん、そう意固地になるなよ~ |
Oh, NiLU-cha~n. No need to be so stubborn~. |
NiLU |
お前は……うるさい |
You're…… seriously annoying. |
Tom |
それはちょっとトムくん可哀そうじゃない? |
Aww, ain't that a bit too mean to little old Tom-kun? |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tom |
……まぁまぁ、なんだよ、ほら |
......Oh, what's with you? Come on! |
NiLU |
言われなくてもそうする |
I would have done so even without you telling me. |
Stage 3: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
介入者と収穫者 ~Curious_encounter~ |
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious encounter~ | |
この世界では |
Because, in this world, | |
BGM: エキストラマインド |
BGM: Extra Mind | |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
"Tsubakura Enraku" EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
さっき玄鳥っぽいのがいた気がするけど、 |
I think I ran into Tsubakura a minute ago, but... |
Yabusame |
なにか楽しそうだったな~、変だな~ |
They looked like they were having fun~. Talk about weird~. |
??? |
・・・こんなところでなにやってんだ? |
—ey, you! What are you doing in a place like this? |
Yabusame |
ん・・・? |
Hm...? |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
あ~、っと・・・やぁ、こんにちは、 |
Uhhhh... Um, yo, hello there! |
Yabusame |
ありゃ? なんかぎこちないけど、 |
Huh? You sound kind of stilted. |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・そんなことより、 |
No, no... Really, that aside, |
Yabusame |
えーっとね、グバッとしてズズゥーっと |
Umm, well, things sort of went all 'gworp', |
Tsubakura |
なるほどねぇ・・・ |
I see... |
Yabusame |
んー・・・なんかツマンナイ。 |
Mmm... Something's real dull about you. |
Tsubakura |
え? い、いや、別に・・・ |
Eh? No, it's nothing... |
Yabusame |
ふーん、ところで・・・ |
Hmmph. By the way... |
Tsubakura |
知ってるようなー、知らなくないようなー |
Maybe I know, and maybe I don't not know. |
Yabusame |
え、え・・・? |
Uh, huh...? |
Tsubakura |
そんなことより、急がなくていいのか? |
Anyway, who cares about that? Shouldn't you be hurrying? |
Yabusame |
そういえば、一番になったらどうなるの |
That reminds me, what happens if you get first? |
Tsubakura |
大金持ちになれるぞ |
You'll get rich! |
Yabusame |
また変わってる・・・ |
It changed again... |
Tsubakura |
まぁ取り敢えず、やっとくか~ |
Well, for now, shall we~? |
Yabusame |
なになに? 力比べするの? |
Do what? Compare our strength? |
BGM: インディスワールド ~ Monochrome_eye |
BGM: In This World ~ Monochrome eye | |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・これはテストだよ |
No, you see... This is a test. |
Yabusame |
・・・お前、ムカツク |
...You really are annoying. |
"Tsubakura Enraku" DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
へ~! それなりだな! |
Ho~! You're pretty good! |
Yabusame |
あっ! こらっ! 逃げるな! |
Ah! Hey! Don't just run off! |
Tsubakura |
ついて来れない方が悪い |
It's your fault for not keeping up with me. |
Yabusame |
うぃ、ムカツキ認定! |
Now it's official, you really are annoying! |
Tsubakura |
また後でな、サラバダー |
See you later! Farewell! |
Yabusame |
あ、まてー! |
Hey, wait already! |
Yabusame |
・・・行っちゃったよ・・・ |
...They're gone... |
Yabusame |
とりあえず・・・追おう♪ |
For now... I guess I'll chase after them. ♪ |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Stage 4: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それじゃあ先ほどの藪雨と玄鳥の会話を振り返るとするか |
Guess we should review that conversation between Yabusame and Tsubakura. |
Tom |
どう思った? お前はどう思った?? |
So? What'd you think?? |
NiLU |
とりあえず燕楽玄鳥が怪しすぎだな…… |
Well to start off, Tsubakura Enraku is way too suspicious…… |
Tom |
ほぉほぉーーう、そう思いますかぁ |
Ho ho...! I see... |
Tom |
で、っで、それで、どう考える? |
And? And? What do you think? |
NiLU |
……現段階で断言できることは、 |
…… The only thing I can say for certain right now, |
Tom |
ほほほぉーう? 詳しく詳しく~? |
Uh-huh? Which ii~~is? |
NiLU |
例えば、"あの燕楽玄鳥"は実は... |
For example, perhaps this Tsubakura Enraku is actually- |
Tom |
ああああぁぁぁーーーーーっっっとおおお!!!! |
AAAAaaahhhhh WAIT!!!! |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Stage 4: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それで、今度の空間は何なんだ? |
What's up with the space this time? |
Tom |
火山のような灼熱と、雪山のような極寒 |
This space belongs to one with wings of the two extremes, |
NiLU |
ここの主は冷熱を司っているわけか |
So the master here controls both hot and cold. |
Tom |
「熱」も「冷」も相対的な値の差があるだけで、 |
"Hot" and "cold" have an opposing difference in numerical value, |
NiLU |
お前にしてはまともなことを言うな |
That was surprisingly good, coming from you. |
Tom |
トムくんはかしこいのだ |
Tom-kun is smart, after all! |
NiLU |
またギャクか? おもしろいぞ |
Another joke? It was humorous. |
Tom |
おまえ むかつく |
You. Frustrate me. |
NiLU |
? なぜ不機嫌になる? |
? Why are you mad? |
NiLU |
すまない……俺は笑うのが下手だからな |
I apologize…… I'm not all that good at laughter. |
Tom |
おまえ きらい |
I. Hate you. |
Stage 4: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
それにしても暑いなー |
Sure is hot in here... |
NiLU |
さっきまで寒かったけどな |
It was cold just a while ago, though. |
Tom |
・・・・・そういえば、今更だけど |
....Oh yeah, it's a bit late but |
NiLU |
そういえば感じるな・・・・ |
Now that you mention it, I am feeling it right now.... |
Tom |
記憶の中だからかね? |
Maybe it's 'cause we're in a memory? |
NiLU |
なるほど、これが暑さか・・・ |
I see, so this is heat... |
Tom |
いい経験になったな |
A nice experience, huh? |
NiLU |
ところでお前も暑さとか感じるんだな |
Wait, so you can feel heat as well? |
Tom |
トム君は感受性が高いのだ |
Tom-kun is quite sensitive! |
NiLU |
それは…………関係ないんじゃないか? |
That………… doesn't seem related? |
Stage 4: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
さて、ここの主は「シトド・ホオアカ」だな |
So! The master of the space is "Hooaka Shitodo". |
NiLU |
「鵐 頬赤」 鵐家の人間か[f] |
"Hooaka Shitodo"... A human of the Shitodo house, huh. |
Tom |
冷熱を司る魔法使い |
A magician that controls hot and cold. |
NiLU |
会話の調子? どういうことだ? |
The mood of the conversation? What does that mean? |
Tom |
会話相手にだけ伝わるような感じの…… |
Something that's only expressed to your conversation partner…… |
NiLU |
あれか |
Ah, like that. |
Tom |
そう、それだ |
Yup, that's it. |
NiLU |
なるほどな |
I see. |
Tom |
うん |
Yeah... |
NiLU |
んー |
Hm... |
Tom |
えっへっへっへっへっへっ・・・ |
Ehehehehehe.... |
NiLU |
ふっふにっひっひっふっふっふっ |
Fufunihihifufufu... |
Tom |
おまえ笑い方キモイなー |
The way you laugh is creepy as hell. |
NiLU |
……………………… |
……………………… |
Tom |
冗談だってニルちゃ~ん |
I was just kidding, NiLU-cha~n! |
NiLU |
全然気にしてないです[f] |
I wasn't bothered by it at all. |
Tom |
気にしてんじゃ~ん |
You totally were~! |
Stage 4: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
上下する存在 ~Air Master!~ |
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~ | |
同等の地平において圧倒的な |
Show off your overwhelming difference in power | |
BGM: 凍て緩むは凍み氷る心 |
BGM: The Frozen Heart is What Has Thawed | |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Hooaka Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
こっちのほうから匂いがする気が・・・ |
I thought I smelled someone from over here... |
Yabusame |
速いけど遅いなー |
They're really fast, but they're really slow, too... |
??? |
あれ? やっぱり藪雨か |
Oh? Well, if it isn't Yabusame. |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
おっ、頬赤だったのかー |
Oh, so it was you, Hooaka! |
頭寒足熱で熱暴 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
やっぱり・・・? |
As you thought...? |
Yabusame |
うん! |
Yeah! |
Hooaka |
俺も今さっき玄鳥に弾かれたところだ |
What a coincidence! I was just finished getting beaten up by Tsubakura myself. |
Yabusame |
おまえもかー |
You too, huh. |
Hooaka |
取り敢えず、負けといてやった |
I figured my best option was to lose nice and quick. |
Yabusame |
はいはい、言い訳ね |
Yeah, yeah, nice excuse. |
Hooaka |
お前も頑張れよー |
You'd better do your best, too! |
Yabusame |
それって弾けってこと? |
With what? Beating you up? |
Hooaka |
お、結構キてるのね? |
Woah, you're a little riled up, huh? |
Yabusame |
気分晴らしとく? |
Mind if I blow off some steam? |
Hooaka |
おけー、おけー |
Okay, okay. |
Yabusame |
やった〜 |
Hooray~! |
BGM: エア・マスター! 〜 Soul_Dualism |
BGM: Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism | |
Hooaka |
・・・ってオイッ |
...Okay, though, seriously now! |
Yabusame |
ご遠慮なく〜 |
No holding back, now~. |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
はぁ〜、たぶんスッキリした、 |
Aah~, that felt nice. |
Hooaka |
どうってことないぜ・・・ |
It was no biggie... |
Yabusame |
ところで、なんでそんなにボロボロなの? |
By the way, why are you so worn out? |
Hooaka |
まぁ・・・そうくるよな |
Welp... I saw that one coming. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Stage 5: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
ヤブサメとホオアカ、すごい会話だったなーーー |
What an amazing conversation between Yabusame and Hooaka... |
NiLU |
俺は良く分からなかったが・・・ |
I didn't really get it... |
Tom |
当人たちは意思疎通できてるから大丈夫なんじゃないか? |
Ain't it fine as long as the parties involved understand one another? |
NiLU |
それにしても二人とも鵐蒿雀の名前を間違えてるな |
And they both got Aoji Shitodo's name wrong. |
Tom |
ホオアカなんて血縁者なのにな |
Even though Hooaka's related to them by blood... |
NiLU |
気を抜くと俺でさえも間違えるし…… |
Even I get it wrong if I'm not careful…… |
Tom |
ある |
Yeah. |
NiLU |
なにがあるんだ? |
What is it? |
Tom |
内緒です~ |
A secret~! |
NiLU |
お前はいつも秘密主義だな |
You and your secrets... |
Tom |
ネタバレは滅びよ |
All spoilers are evil! |
NiLU |
聞いてる俺自身が気にしてないのに…… |
But I'm the one being spoiled and I don't even mind…… |
Tom |
そういう問題じゃねーーーんだよーーーー!!! |
That's! Not! The! Point!!! |
NiLU |
わ、わかったから |
Al-alright already, |
Tom |
俺はお前に物語を楽しんでもらいたいんだよ! |
I want you to enjoy this story! |
NiLU |
別に大した話でもないだろ |
It's nothing that major, right? |
Tom |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
NiLU |
そんなにじっと見るなよ…… |
That look is getting stale…… |
Tom |
ミル ちがう ニルを ニラむ |
Stale? No. This is a stare, NiLU. |
NiLU |
ギャグか、すごくおもしろい |
Another joke? How very humorous. |
Tom |
次行くぞーーー |
Let's move ooooon! |
NiLU |
不機嫌だなー |
Someone's in a bad mood... |
Stage 5: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
さて、さっきの空間の上空に来たみたいだな |
So, now we're in the air above the last space, right? |
Tom |
ここら辺からはそれぞれの空間が密接しているから、 |
From here on out the spaces are in close proximity. |
NiLU |
ということは、もうすでに次の空間に到着しているのか |
Which would mean, we're almost at the next space? |
Tom |
そういうことだ ここは逆転を象徴する世界だな |
Indeed. This is a world that symbolizes turnabouts. |
NiLU |
遠くに塔のようなものも見えるな |
There's some kind of tower in the distance. |
Tom |
あれは「面倒の塔」だ |
That would be "Annoyance's Tower". |
NiLU |
……………………はぁ? |
…………………… Huh? |
Tom |
あれは「面倒の塔」だ |
That would be "Annoyance's Tower". |
NiLU |
面倒"な"塔ではなく? |
You mean that it's an annoying tower? |
Tom |
あれは「面倒の塔」だ |
That would be "Annoyance's Tower". |
NiLU |
…………そういう名前の塔なのか? |
………… That's its name? |
Tom |
ああ |
Indeed. |
NiLU |
嘘だろ |
You're joking, right? |
Tom |
半分ぐらい |
Halfway. |
NiLU |
……まぁ後々あそこに行くだろうから、 |
……Well I'm sure we're heading there afterwards anyways, |
Tom |
おっ! お前にもネタバレ配慮の気持ちが芽生えたか!? |
Oh! Has the concern for spoilers finally sprouted within you?! |
NiLU |
というか、あまり興味がないだけ…… |
Actually, I'm just not all that interested…… |
Tom |
そっか~ 興味がないなら仕方ないね~~~ |
I see~. No helping that, then~~~. |
NiLU |
……なんか怖いぞ? |
…… I'm kind of scared now? |
Stage 5: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
たかぁーいなぁー |
We sure are hiiiigh up! |
NiLU |
雲の上だからな |
We're above the clouds, after all. |
Tom |
思ったんだけどよぉ |
I've been thinking about it... |
NiLU |
「車酔いしやすい人でも運転してるぶんには酔わない」 |
"Those who get carsick easily remain fine when driving." |
Tom |
うん |
Mm. |
NiLU |
そそもそも飛べるということは |
You have no danger of falling |
Tom |
そういう感覚って簡単になくなるもんじゃないと思うけどなー |
I don't think those feelings can go away just like that, though... |
NiLU |
そうなのか? 人間ってのは? |
Is that how it is? With humans. |
Tom |
そうなんだよ 人間ってのは |
That is indeed how it is, with humans. |
NiLU |
勉強になるな |
I see, I've learnt something today. |
Tom |
トムくんは賢いからな~、俺から色々学べよ~ |
Tom-kun's real smart~, so you can learn all sorts from me~! |
NiLU |
賢いとは思わないけど、学べるものは学ばせてもらう |
I wouldn't say that you're smart per se, but I will learn whatever I can from you. |
Tom |
おーい 思えよー |
Oi! I am smart! |
Stage 5: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
さて、ここの主であるシトド・クロジに関しては |
Now then, how much do you know about |
NiLU |
『鵐 黒巫鳥(シトド・クロジ)』 |
"Kuroji Shitodo". |
Tom |
性格にも裏表がありそうなやつだな |
They're someone who probably has two sides to their personality as well. |
NiLU |
それはどうか分からないが、 |
I don't know about that |
Tom |
へー |
That so? |
NiLU |
フィールドワークで独自に得た物質文化資料を基に |
Based on the material cultural evidence that they obtained through solo fieldwork, |
Tom |
あーーあーーああーー!!! |
NiLU |
……まぁとにかく先史学を専門としているらしいが、 |
.…… Whatever the case, while prehistory is their speciality, |
Tom |
頭いいやつが多いなー |
There sure are a lot of smart folks here~. |
NiLU |
秀才ゆえか独断的な言動が多く、 |
Perhaps precisely because of their genius, they tend to act and speak arbitrarily, |
Tom |
なんか嫌な奴っぽいもんなー |
Not exactly the most likeable fellow. |
NiLU |
黒巫鳥は他の鵐家二人──―アオニと頬赤を |
They're something like a leader |
Tom |
まー今回迷い込んだ鵐家の中では最年長だしな |
Well they are the eldest amongst the Shitodo who wandered in this time, |
NiLU |
いちおう? |
Technically? |
Tom |
色々あるからなぁー |
Weeell, there's a lot to it. |
NiLU |
ほー? |
Ho~? |
Tom |
身長は一番下だしなー |
They're the shortest too... |
NiLU |
へぇー |
Huh... |
Tom |
まぁ、特になんもないからあまり気にするなよ |
Well, it's nothing special, so pay it no mind. |
NiLU |
……それだけ言っておいてなにも説明しないつもりか |
…… You're really gonna say that and not elaborate? |
Tom |
おおーっと! 都合よく敵が出たぞ!! |
Oh look! It's a convenient enemy! |
NiLU |
えぇー………… |
Oh, come on………… |
Stage 5: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
陽を娩む塔餤らう塔 ~Creation and Destruction~ |
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~ | |
相手に絶対的な敗北感を |
Gain a single instance of control over your opponent | |
BGM: 虚、実を表裏上ぐ |
BGM: The Untruth Patronizes the Truth | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
ちぇー、完全に見失っちゃったよ・・・ |
Bah, I totally lost sight of them... |
Yabusame |
それにしても何か凄く変な匂い・・・ |
Even so, there's such a weird smell... |
??? |
蜂蜜に砂糖を混ぜたら甘くなる |
Honey with sugar mixed in becomes disarmingly sweet.[g] |
Yabusame |
あ、黒巫鳥さんだー |
Oh, it's you, Kuroji-san! |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
どうやらここは、いる者が持つ力に |
It seems that this place is influenced by the power |
Yabusame |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Kuroji |
私が得た能力から察するに・・・ |
Judging by my newfound power, I can assume that... |
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さんって |
Did you have some weird power before, Kuroji-san? |
Kuroji |
ここに来てから身に付いた |
I've gained it since coming here. |
Yabusame |
相変わらず意地悪だー |
You're just as disagreeable as always. |
Kuroji |
どっかの別の黒い奴には劣るがね |
Still not as disagreeable as our other black-haired individual, though. |
Yabusame |
あ、そうそう |
Oh yeah, right. |
Kuroji |
会ったといえば会ったし、 |
If we want to say I "met them", then I did. |
Yabusame |
弾かれたんですね〜 |
So they beat you up too, huh~. |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Yabusame |
そいつはどっちに行きましたか? |
Mind telling me where they went? |
Kuroji |
意地悪だと言ったのは、 |
You did just say I was disagreeable, |
BGM: エンドオブヒストリー |
BGM: End of History | |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ、 |
Well then, |
Kuroji |
手負いとはいえ、 |
Even if I'm already wounded, |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
それじゃ、教えてくださいな♪ |
Okay, please tell me. ♪ |
Kuroji |
玄鳥ならまだしも・・・・ |
I would have been fine if it had been just Tsubakura, but... |
Yabusame |
えへへー |
Ehehe. |
Kuroji |
影を放つ太陽に近づくことは |
I wouldn't recommend going near |
Yabusame |
あぁ、そうですか |
Ah, is that so? |
Kuroji |
この先には |
There's only ever going to be bad-natured people there, you see. |
Yabusame |
・・・予想がついたかも |
...I think I have a feeling who you're talking about. |
Kuroji |
その予想は確信へと変わるだろう |
That feeling will give way to conviction soon, I'm sure. |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Stage 6: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
「鵐 黒巫鳥(シトド・クロジ)」か…… |
"Kuroji Shitodo"…… |
Tom |
何か思うところがあるか? |
Didja think of something? |
NiLU |
ずいぶんと回りくどい話し方をする人物だな |
They sure talk in a roundabout way. |
Tom |
ねー |
Right? |
NiLU |
この人はここに来てから異能力に目覚めたらしいな |
Apparently they only awakened to their ability after coming here. |
Tom |
,ってことはそれ以前は特殊な能力を持たない |
Which would mean that they had no special ability prior. |
NiLU |
他の鵐二人はここに来る前から異能力を持っていたんだろ? |
The other two Shitodos had abilities even before coming here, right? |
Tom |
らしいねー |
So it would seem... |
NiLU |
鵐黒巫鳥だけが能力を持ってないってのも、なんか妙だな |
Isn't it peculiar that Kuroji Shitodo was the only one without an ability? |
Tom |
そうだねー |
Yeah... |
NiLU |
・・・? |
..? |
Tom |
答えはお前の中にあるよ………… |
The answer is within you………… |
NiLU |
あ? |
Huh? |
Tom |
いつも胸の中に………… |
Always in your heart………… |
NiLU |
なに言ってんだ? |
What are you talking about? |
Tom |
お前なら全部分かるだろぉ? |
You should know it all, no? |
NiLU |
…………なにも分からんが? |
………… I have no idea what you're on about. |
Tom |
だーめーだーなー |
It didn't work......... |
NiLU |
……なんかむかつくです |
…… That kind of bothers me. |
Tom |
まぁ今のお前に言っても無駄か |
Well, there's no point in telling you with the state you're in, anyway. |
NiLU |
…………何がいいたい? |
………… What are you trying to say? |
Tom |
次にいこー! |
Moving on! |
NiLU |
・・・・・変なやつ |
..... What a strange person. |
Stage 6: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
・・・っで、ここは何て名前だって? |
... So? What's this place's name? |
Tom |
面倒の塔 |
Annoyance's Tower. |
NiLU |
わかった はやく次に行こう |
Got it. Let us move on quickly. |
Tom |
そうしよう |
Let's. |
Stage 6: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
无現里がもうすぐだぞー! わくわくだな! |
We're almost to Mugenri! So hype! |
NiLU |
ふーん |
Hmm... |
Tom |
お前はー! |
Can! You! |
NiLU |
分かった 努力しよう |
Fine, I'll try my best. |
Tom |
それではクエスチョン! |
And so I have a question! |
NiLU |
ようやく来るところまで来たって感じだな |
It's like, we've finally come to where we set out for. |
NiLU |
これがお前のいう「わくわく」って感情なのかもな |
Is this the "excitement" you speak of? |
Tom |
ふーん |
Hmm... |
NiLU |
おまえー |
You... |
Tom |
うへへへへへ |
Uhehehehehe... |
Stage 6: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
ここの主について、解説お願いします |
Please introduce the master of this space. |
NiLU |
……名前は |
…… Their name is |
Tom |
はい、もう一回 |
Again! |
NiLU |
『ヴィルヘルム・フォン・クラウゼヴィッツ・ハルシオン・翡翠丸』 |
"Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU". |
Tom |
よく覚えてるなー |
I can't believe you have it memorized. |
NiLU |
アンドロイド舐めるなよ |
Don't underestimate us androids. |
Tom |
俺は面倒だから覚えねーでおこー |
I think I'll leave it be, it's too much of a bother to remember. |
NiLU |
………… 当然この呼び名は偽名だが、 |
………… Of course, this is just a pseudonym. |
NiLU |
周りからは面倒だから「クラウゼ」と呼ばれているらしい |
It's quite annoying, so those around them just call them "Clause". |
Tom |
「(前略)クラウゼ(後略)」 |
"(Omitted) Clause (Omitted)". |
NiLU |
種族は『面倒』 |
Their race is "annoyance", |
Tom |
すてきー |
How lovely! |
NiLU |
志操堅固で傲慢無礼、直情径行で酔狂者…… |
Stubborn and arrogant, an impulsive eccentric…… |
Tom |
つまり面倒な奴ってことだな |
In other words, an annoying person. |
NiLU |
話が長くて、何故か節々で単語を強調してくる |
They make long speeches, and emphasize certain words at various points in their sentences for some reason. |
Tom |
つまり『面倒』な『奴』ってことだな |
In other words, an "annoying" "person". |
NiLU |
なかなか強力な能力を得たことで、 |
They've gotten quite the powerful ability, |
Tom |
面倒な奴が力を持つとこうなる、っていう教訓だな |
So the lesson is that this is what happens when annoying people obtain power. |
NiLU |
……児童向けの絵本みたいだな |
…… You make it sound like a children's picture book. |
Tom |
面倒だね |
It's annoying. |
NiLU |
……なんか、もう面倒だし、 |
…… Urgh, it's just a bother, |
Tom |
うん |
Yeah. |
Stage 6: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
影を放つ暘鳥 ~And the opponent dies~ |
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the opponent dies~ | |
争い事で命を奪うなんていう |
In the first place, there are none here | |
BGM: 掌の上の星 |
BGM: A Star's Light in the Palm of One's Hand | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
しつこいようですまないが・・・ |
I must apologize for being so persistent... |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
うわー、凄くやな感じ・・・ |
Woah, I'm starting to get a real bad feeling about this... |
Yabusame |
面倒臭いよ〜・・・この匂い・・・ |
This smell... Just reeks of annoyance... |
??? |
『面倒』・・・とは、 |
"Annoyance"... |
Clause ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
やっぱりクラウゼか・・・相変わらずだね |
It was Clause after all, huh...? You're the same as ever. |
「混沌」の異名を持ち重力を自在に操る永遠なる皮相浅薄 |
Eternal Senselessness Bearing the Alias of "Chaos" who Manipulates Gravity at Will | |
Clause |
やぁ藪雨 |
Salutations, Yabusame. |
Yabusame |
それ以上話さないでほしいなぁ♪ |
Alright, the conversation can stop right here, thank you. ♪ |
Clause |
玄鳥をお探しかな? |
Perchance are you looking for Tsubakura? |
Yabusame |
へぇ、それで負けたんだ |
Ah. And so you lost, then. |
Clause |
負けた? まさか! |
Lost? Most certainly not! |
Yabusame |
はいはい、分かったからそれ以上喋らないで |
Alright, I get it, so please don't explain any more. |
Clause |
僕はまだ自分の『能力』を |
It was simply that I have not yet mastered my "ability", |
Clause |
まぁ『強大』かつ『異質』なものだから使いこなすのに[d] |
Well, it is indeed a law of the world's providence that something |
Clause |
それに、僕は少し[d]『手加減』をしてやっていた |
In addition to that, I was "going easy" on them; |
Clause |
抑えられなくなってしまうからね |
I would find it quite difficult to hold "myself" back. |
Yabusame |
うるさいよぉ〜、誰か助けて〜 |
Oh god, shut up already~! Someone save me~! |
Clause |
まぁ『全力』を出さなくてもこの『能力』を |
Although, even without releasing my "full power", |
Yabusame |
分かった! |
I get it already! |
Clause |
くくくっ、まぁそう急かすな、 |
Heh heh, now do not be in such a rush. |
Yabusame |
よし分かった、黙らせる |
Alright, I get it, I'll shut you up. |
BGM: エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal_Force |
BGM: Empire Power ~ Eternal Force | |
Clause |
『短』く儚い『気』力では自らが『損』 |
By focusing too much on "haste", |
Yabusame |
たしかに、気力がもたないね・・・ |
This certainly is wasting both my time and energy... |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Extra Stage[edit | edit source]
Extra Stage: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
クラウゼ………すごい奴だったな |
Clause……… sure was something else. |
Tom |
俺は眠ってたからなにも聞いてない |
I was asleep so I didn't listen to them at all. |
NiLU |
賢明な判断だな |
A wise decision. |
Tom |
さて、はやく行こうぜ! |
Now, let's hurry on! |
NiLU |
元気だな |
How lively of you. |
Tom |
もうラストスパートだぜ!? |
We're almost at the end, y'know?! |
NiLU |
あんな面倒を味わったあとだぞ? |
After I just experienced that annoyance? |
Tom |
無理ですよねー |
I suppose that would be asking the impossible... |
NiLU |
とはいえ、頑張らないとな…… |
Even so, I have to work hard…… |
Tom |
そうですわよ お頑張りなさい! |
Exactly! Let's push on! |
NiLU |
おー |
Alright... |
Tom |
………重症だな |
……… They got you good, huh? |
Extra Stage: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
さて、黒い太陽に呑み込まれたと思ったら、 |
Hm, I thought we were swallowed by the black sun, |
Tom |
もうすぐ无現里だー! |
Almost to Mugenri! |
NiLU |
いよいよか・・・ ここはどういう空間なんだ? |
At long last... What kind of space is this? |
Tom |
んーーー |
Hmmmm... |
NiLU |
………持ち主も影響を受けるのか? |
……… Can the owner of the curtain be affected by it as well? |
Tom |
もしくは、无現里の結界周りの |
Or maybe this is just how it actually looks |
NiLU |
"あの人"に詳しく聞けないのか? |
Can't you ask them for details? |
Tom |
無茶言うなよー |
Don't be ridiculous! |
NiLU |
まぁ聞いてもどうせ教えてくれないか |
Well it's not like they'd tell you even if you asked. |
Tom |
秘密ですー |
It's confidential info! |
NiLU |
さて、兎にも角にも无現里まであと一歩だな |
Whatever the case, we are but a step away from Mugenri. |
NiLU |
一気に行こうぜー! |
Let's goooo! |
Extra Stage: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
ヤブサメのお話も、もう終わりが近づいてきたな |
So Yabusame's story is already coming to an end. |
NiLU |
これまでの話をまとめると・・・ |
To sum it all up... |
NiLU |
異次元に入り込んだ鳳聯藪雨は知り合いである |
Yabusame Houlen, having entered an alternate dimension, |
NiLU |
……ってとこか |
…… Something like that? |
Tom |
おかしな話だけど、それで合ってるんだよなぁ~ |
It sounds weird, but that should be right... |
NiLU |
そしてこれから向かう、最後の場所とは………? |
And so the final location we are headed towards is………? |
Tom |
おいおい! それはこれからのお楽しみだろ? |
Hey, hey! That's for you to find out, right? |
NiLU |
ネタバレは解禁ならずか……… |
Even now spoilers are banned, huh……… |
Tom |
おまえ~ ここまできてか~~~?? |
You-! After you've come aa~aall this way?? |
NiLU |
まぁいいか、どうせもうすぐ分かることだし |
Well, whatever, I'll know soon enough. |
Tom |
そうそう 我慢せい |
Exactly, be patient. |
NiLU |
ようやくあの燕楽玄鳥に変装したやつの正体が… |
At last, we'll see that the one who disguised themself as Tsubakura Enraku is- |
Tom |
ネタバレー!!! |
Extra Stage: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
それじゃあ最後の登場人物であるここの主 |
So let's go over the final character, |
Tom |
いまさら必要か? |
Is that really needed at this point? |
NiLU |
記憶整理のためには必要なことだ |
It's absolutely necessary for memory organization. |
Tom |
けどなー なんかなー |
But... it's just... |
NiLU |
………どうかしたのか? |
……… What is it? |
Tom |
いや、タイミング的になー |
Well, it's just... the timing... |
NiLU |
どういう意味だ? |
What do you mean? |
Tom |
よし! ここでの紹介はまた後にしよう! |
Alright! We're saving this introduction for later! |
NiLU |
は? |
What? |
Tom |
そうと決まったらさっさと行くぞー! |
It's settled, then! Let's go, go, GO! |
NiLU |
………変なことにこだわる奴だな |
…… Always hung up on the strangest things, they are… |
Extra Stage: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
現では无い里 ~To the End of Time...~ |
The Land Outside Reality ~To the End of Time...~ | |
勝者が敗者を従える... |
The loser must submit to the victor... | |
BGM: 鳳雛天奔 |
BGM: Phoenix Chick's Heavenly Rush | |
Clause ENTERS | ||
Clause |
無様なままで終われる程、 |
I am not so much of an "imposing person" |
Yabusame |
汚名挽回? |
Trying to recover your dishonor?[i] |
Clause |
そういうことだ |
Yes, quite. |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
それにしても、変なとこ・・・ |
Really, though, this is such a weird place... |
??? |
名誉をへんじょー♪ |
Are you here... ♪ |
Yabusame |
へっぽこな音が・・・ |
This can't be anything good... |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
Tsubakura |
・・・しに来たのかな? | wipe away your prestige?[k] |
Yabusame |
わざわざ着替えてるオマエの方がご苦労だよ |
I'm impressed you went to the trouble of changing your clothes. |
Tsubakura |
しかしここまで来ていいという許可は |
However, I never gave you permission to come all this way here. |
Yabusame |
そんなもん関係ないもんねー♪ |
That's got nothing to do with me. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
らしいな、まぁ時間稼ぎにはなったか・・・ |
It sure doesn't seem to. Well, it at least bought me some time... |
Yabusame |
へはぁ? |
Huh? |
Tsubakura |
ちょっと時間が必要だったんだよ、 |
I'm saying that I needed a little more time |
Yabusame |
・・・なんか凄くムカツクこと言ってない? |
...Is it just me, or are you saying something really irritating? |
Tsubakura |
言ってるぞ、二回も、それも言い換えてな |
I am. I've even said it twice now, using different words. |
Yabusame |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tsubakura |
言葉遣いに現る通り、 |
You still seem upbeat, |
Yabusame |
おかげさまで・・・それで、玄鳥はどこ? |
Why, thank you... So, where's Tsubakura? |
不可解な袴 |
The Inexplicable Hakama | |
Tsurubami |
ありゃ、やっぱりニセモノだっていうのは |
Oh, so you were able to see through my disguise. |
Yabusame |
誰なの? |
And who are you? |
Tsurubami |
まぁ詳しい話は一番を決めてからだ |
Well, the details can wait for after we decide who gets first place. |
Yabusame |
・・・玄鳥がどこにいるのか、 |
...Where's Tsubakura? |
Tsurubami |
それなら力づくがオススメだ |
If you want me to answer, I recommend brute force. |
Yabusame |
・・・そうしよっか |
...Guess I'll go with that, then. |
BGM: 永劫舞踏機関 〜 Shall_We_Dance!! |
BGM: Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!! | |
Tsurubami |
ははっ、いいねぇ、 |
Haha, very good! |
Yabusame |
・・・玄鳥に化けたのは失敗だったね |
...Your mistake was trying to impersonate Tsubakura. |
Tsurubami Senri "DEFEATED" | ||
Tsurubami |
いや〜、強い強い・・・ |
Oh my~, you're so strong... |
Yabusame |
・・・本気でやってないくせに |
...I'm not satisfied punishing you |
Tsurubami |
あいや、バレテタカ |
Oops, you found me out. |
Yabusame |
なんなの、お前? 誰なの? |
What's up with you? Who are you? |
Tsurubami |
う〜ん、[d]『?』が多くて俺から話すのは面倒だから、 |
Hmmm~mmm? It's a pain for me to answer all those question marks of yours, |
Yabusame |
えっ! うそ!? 近くにいるの? |
Eh!? No way! They're around here somewhere? |
Tsurubami |
ジャジャーーーン!! |
Ta-dahhhhh!! |
・・・・・・・・・・ |
......... |
Yabusame |
・・・・・? |
.....? |
Tsurubami |
・・・・あれ? |
...Huh? |
Yabusame |
誰も出てこないよ? |
No one came out, you know? |
Tsurubami |
おかしいなぁ・・・・[d]あん? なんだこれ?置手紙? |
That's strange.... Hm? What's this? |
「一番乗りGet! by玄鳥」 |
"I got first place! -Tsubakura" |
Yabusame |
・・・・・? |
.....? |
Tsurubami |
・・・あいつ、 |
...Why, that little... |
Yabusame |
もしかしてウソだったりする? |
Or maybe you're lying about all this? |
Tsurubami |
なるほどね、面倒を押し付けられたわけか・・・ |
I see. So they foisted all the annoying parts on me, huh...? |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ、 |
Well then, |
Tsurubami |
・・・こりゃ難問だな..... |
...Now this is a dilemma..... |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Tabooed Land (禁足地 kinsokuchi) is a concept in Shinto. Typically found within Shinto shrine grounds, they are sacred spaces that humans are prohibited from entering and are restricted for the gods only, said to be where they dwelled or descended from the heavens.
- ↑ Lost Horizon is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton, famous for being the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 This line is indicated to be said by NiLU, but Tom's portrait is highlighted during the textbox.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 These highlighted in grey were removed in v1.10a.
- ↑ Tom originally describes the conversation as "fluffy" (フワフワ) instead of "fuzzy", which similarly means "ambiguous" here, "fuzzy" was used instead to preserve the joke.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 This line is indicated to be said by Tom, but NiLU's portrait is highlighted during the textbox.
- ↑ Potential wordplay with "甘くなる", which can mean both "to become sweet" and "to become lenient". Referencing Tsurubami using the alleged goal prize as bait?
- ↑ Originally "It seems that this space is heavily influenced by the power of those within it, and changes its form to match." (どうやらこの空間は、そこにいる者が持つ力に 大きく影響され、その姿を変えるみたいだな) before v1.10a.
- ↑ Omei bankai (汚名挽回): a well-known mistake made with the phrases "omei henjō (汚名返上, to wipe away one's dishonor)" and "meiyo bankai (名誉挽回, recover one's prestige)".
- ↑ Pun on owareru (追われる, be chased) and owareru (終われる, be ended).
- ↑ The inverse of Yabusame's mistaken phrase from earlier.
- ↑ The phrase "cha-cha" was once a long-enduring mistranslating of chatcha to (ちゃっちゃと, quickly) that lead to a popular Western meme surrounding Tsurubami.