Book of the Cafe/Story/Back Issue EE Tsubakura's Route
< | Yabusame's Route | Story |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Stage 1: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
いやー |
NiLU |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tom |
誰も想像できなかったよなっ!? |
No one could have seen that coming! |
NiLU |
まぁ、鳳聯藪雨たちは鶴喰さんの存在すら |
Well, Yabusame Houlen and the rest |
Tom |
お前は想像できたかっ!!!!? |
Did you see this coming?!!!! |
NiLU |
全然想像できなかったな~~~ |
I absolutely did no~~~ot. |
Tom |
よし! |
Alright! |
NiLU |
それじゃあ鶴喰さんについて情報をまとめるか? |
So let's round-up everything we know about Tsurubami-san, shall we? |
Tom |
いや! それはまた後でいいだろう |
No! That can still wait. |
NiLU |
そうなのか? |
It can? |
Tom |
あそこにはもう一回行くからな |
Let's leave it until after the second round. |
NiLU |
……そういえば気が付いたら |
…… Now that you mention it, we have returned |
Tom |
ここからはエンラク・ツバクラ編だ! |
We're moving on to the Tsubakura Enraku chapter! |
NiLU |
つまり変装した鶴喰さん視点での話ってことか? |
So we're looking from the viewpoint of the disguised Tsurubami-san? |
Tom |
そーゆーこと |
Ya got it. |
NiLU |
本物の燕楽玄鳥はどこに行ったんだ? |
So where's the real Tsubakura Enraku? |
Tom |
そこらへんにいるんじゃね? |
Aren't they just around there somewhere? |
NiLU |
いい加減だなー |
What a half-baked answer... |
Tom |
ここからはだいたい同じ道中だから、 |
It's pretty much the same path, |
NiLU |
……無駄話してるのは主にお前だろー |
……I'm pretty sure it's mainly you who's been wasting time talking... |
Stage 1: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
次元洞窟 ~D-Cavern~ |
Dimensional Cave ~D-Cavern~ | |
この場所において必要なのは |
What's necessary in this place | |
BGM: エキゾチッククリスタル |
BGM: Exotic Crystal | |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
さ~て、そろそろ他の奴等とも |
Now then... It's about time for me to |
Tsubakura |
それじゃあ、 |
For starters, |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
お、玄鳥だ、てっきり死んだのかと思って、 |
Oh, Tsubakura! I thought for sure that you'd died. |
Tsubakura |
早速最下位に追いついちゃったか |
Looks like I caught up with the lowest-ranking member already. |
Kurohebi |
だが、ここであったが百年目っつってね |
But, it was real bad luck that you ran into me here! |
Tsubakura |
えっと、誰? |
Um, who are you? |
Kurohebi |
・・・記憶喪失のふり? |
...Are you feigning amnesia? |
Tsubakura |
ヘビってウナギみたいらしいな |
Snakes are a lot like eels, aren't they? |
BGM: メラニンインブラック ~ Colt_Snake |
BGM: Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake | |
Kurohebi |
まぁ丁度良い、仕事と洒落込むか |
Well, whatever. I'll treat myself to a bit of work, I think. |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
それで、誰なんだっけ? |
So, who were you again? |
Kurohebi |
結局、話がかみ合わないんだな |
We're really not talking on the same wavelength in the end, huh. |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Stage 2: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
さっきの烏蛇と玄鳥───というか変装している |
About the conversation between Kurohebi and Tsubakura, |
Tom |
面倒だから『偽ツバクラ』って呼ぼうぜ |
It's getting annoying so just call them "Fake Tsubakura". |
NiLU |
じゃあその『偽玄鳥』との会話だが、 |
So... that conversation they had with "Fake Tsubakura", |
Tom |
内容がないよー |
It had no actual content. |
NiLU |
……得た情報としては、偽玄鳥は |
…… All I got is that |
Tom |
そういうことになるな |
That is correct. |
NiLU |
しかし、何のために? |
But, for what purpose? |
Tom |
なーいしょ |
Thaaaaat's a secret! |
NiLU |
またネタバレ禁止か |
No spoilers again, huh? |
Tom |
そりゃそうよ |
Of course! |
NiLU |
じゃあ早く次の会話に行こうか |
Well let's move on to the next conversation quick then, shall we? |
Tom |
お、続きが気になってきたかな? |
Oh, interested in what happens next, are we? |
NiLU |
……早く終わらせたいだけだ |
…… I just want to wrap this up soon. |
Tom |
ニルちゃーん |
NiLU-cha~n, |
NiLU |
うるさい |
Shut up. |
Stage 2: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
時空の渦 ~Emancipation of Time~ |
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~ | |
時にはその様を魅せる為に、 |
At times, in order to show off in such a way, | |
BGM: 錨さえ揺蕩ふ趨勢 ~ Lost_Anchorage |
BGM: Tendency that Sways Even Anchors ~ Lost Anchorage | |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Aoji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
さ〜て、そろそろかな |
Alright~, any minute now... |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Aoji |
あ、玄鳥さん |
Ah, it's you, Tsubakura-san. |
Tsubakura |
おぉ、やっぱり思ったより大漁だなー |
Ooh, I really did make a bigger catch than I thought. |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
? |
? |
Tsubakura |
取り敢えず早くかかってこーい |
For now, just come at me already! |
Aoji |
はぁ、意味が分からないんですけど |
Huh? I'm really not sure what you mean, but... |
Tsubakura |
そこまで言うなら仕方ない、 |
If you're gonna be stubborn about it, then fine. |
BGM: 攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke! |
BGM: Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke! | |
Aoji |
えぇ!? |
What!? |
Tsubakura |
俺を倒せたら教えてやる |
If you defeat me, I'll explain everything. |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
何か知らないうちに負けた〜 |
I lost with no idea what was happening~. |
Tsubakura |
一番にゴールできればここから出られるぜ |
Whoever makes it to the goal first gets to leave this place. |
Aoji |
じゃあ無理じゃないですか・・・しくしく |
Well then, it's impossible for me... *sob* |
Tsubakura |
なに、気にするな |
Eh, don't sweat it. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Stage 3: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
んー、偽玄鳥は想像以上の人数が |
Hmm, the fake Tsubakura seemed to be saying that more people |
Tom |
そうなると今回の集団失踪事件は |
Would that mean that this mass disappearance incident |
NiLU |
それは分からないぞ? |
We can't be sure of that, you know. |
Tom |
その割には罪悪感とか全然なさそうだな |
Not that it looks like they feel bad about it, though. |
NiLU |
そういう人なんだろう…… |
Guess that's just the kind of person they are…… |
Tom |
まぁそうだな |
Yeeeah, pretty much. |
NiLU |
とにかく、この話の直前の出来事が分からない今、 |
Whatever the case, since we don't know what happened right before this |
Tom |
いつかそこらへんのお話も見てみようぜー |
We should give that a look sometime, too. |
NiLU |
見つかればいいけどな…… |
I don't mind, if we can find it that is…… |
Tom |
それじゃあ次はヤブサメとご対面だー |
Next up is their face-off against Yabusame! |
Stage 3: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
介入者と収穫者 ~Curious_encounter~ |
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious encounter~ | |
この世界では |
Because, in this world, | |
BGM: エキストラマインド |
BGM: Extra Mind | |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
Yabusame Houlen EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
さっき変な奴がいたな・・・ |
There was some weirdo in here a minute ago... |
Tsubakura |
まぁ別に構わないんだけど・・・ん? |
Well, it doesn't really matter anyways... Hm? |
Tsubakura |
またいるよ・・・おーい、お前 |
There they are again... Hey, you! |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
ん・・・? |
Hm...? |
Tsubakura |
あ~、っと・・・やぁ、こんにちは、 |
Uhhhh... Um, yo, hello there! |
天衣無縫の能天気 |
Flawless Thoughtlessness | |
Yabusame |
ありゃ? なんかぎこちないけど、 |
Huh? You sound kind of stilted. |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・そんなことより、 |
No, no... Really, that aside, |
Yabusame |
えーっとね、グバッとしてズズゥーっと |
Umm, well, things sort of went all 'gworp', |
Tsubakura |
なるほどねぇ・・・ |
I see... |
Yabusame |
んー・・・なんかツマンナイ。 |
Mmm... Something's real dull about you. |
Tsubakura |
え? い、いや、別に・・・ |
Eh? No, it's nothing... |
Yabusame |
ふーん、ところで[a] |
Hmmph. By the way... |
Tsubakura |
知ってるようなー、知らなくないようなー |
Maybe I know, and maybe I don't not know. |
Yabusame |
え、え・・・? |
Uh, huh...? |
Tsubakura |
そんなことより、急がなくていいのか? |
Anyway, who cares about that? Shouldn't you be hurrying? |
Yabusame |
そういえば、一番になったらどうなるの |
That reminds me, what happens if you get first? |
Tsubakura |
大金持ちになれるぞ |
You'll get rich! |
Yabusame |
また変わってる・・・ |
It changed again... |
Tsubakura |
まぁ取り敢えず、やっとくか~ |
Well, for now, shall we~? |
Yabusame |
なになに? 力比べするの? |
Do what? Compare our strength? |
BGM: 時空を越える翼 〜 M_theory |
BGM: Wings That Transcend Spacetime ~ M-Theory | |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・これはテストだ[b] |
No, you see... This is a test. |
Yabusame |
・・・お前、ムカツク |
...You really are annoying. |
Yabusame Houlen DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
へ~! それなりだな! |
Ho~! You're pretty good! |
Yabusame |
あっ! こらっ! 逃げるな! |
Ah! Hey! Don't just run off! |
Tsubakura |
ついて来れない方が悪い |
It's your fault for not keeping up with me. |
Yabusame |
うぃ、ムカツキ認定! |
Now it's official, you really are annoying! |
Tsubakura |
また後でな、サラバダー |
See you later! Farewell! |
Yabusame |
あ、まてー! |
Hey, wait already! |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・・ |
....... |
Tsubakura |
・・・ふーん、 |
...Hmm. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Stage 4: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
さっきの藪雨と偽玄鳥の会話はどうだった? |
So how was Yabusame and fake Tsubakura's conversation? |
NiLU |
どうだった、っと言われてもなぁ |
What's the point in asking? |
Tom |
そりゃな |
Well, yeah. |
NiLU |
それもそうか |
That's also true. |
Tom |
で、どうだった? |
So, how was it? |
NiLU |
偽玄鳥は藪雨が侵入したことを |
It would seem that fake Tsubakura |
Tom |
そうだな 名前すら知らなかったみたいだしな |
Yeah, they didn't even seem to know their name. |
NiLU |
先ほどの烏蛇やアオシの名前も |
Not that they sounded like they knew |
Tom |
ツバクラのことしか知らないのかもしれないな |
They might have only known about Tsubakura. |
NiLU |
だとしたら他の連中はとんだとばっちりだな |
Which would make the others very unfortunately caught up in all this. |
Tom |
けどあんまり慌ててる様子はなかったよな |
Not that any of them seemed all that panicked about this, |
NiLU |
慣れてるんじゃないか? |
Aren't they just used to it? |
Tom |
……異次元に迷い込むことがかー? |
......"Stuff like this" being wandering into other dimensions? |
NiLU |
ああ |
Yeah. |
Tom |
……慣れたくねぇなぁ |
…… Sure wouldn't wanna get used to that. |
Stage 4: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
上下する存在 ~Air Master!~ |
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~ | |
同等の地平において圧倒的な |
Show off your overwhelming difference in power | |
BGM: 凍て緩むは凍み氷る心 |
BGM: The Frozen Heart is What Has Thawed | |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Hooaka Shitodo EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
さて、他に誰かいたな・・・ |
Now, there was someone else too... |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Hooaka |
おっ! なんだ、玄鳥だったか |
Oh! So it's you, Tsubakura. |
Tsubakura |
いたいた・・・それじゃあな〜 |
There you are... Well, bye then~. |
Hooaka |
うぃ、またな〜 |
Yup, see ya~. |
Tsubakura |
よかった、すんなり行けそうだな |
Whew. That couldn't have gone any more smoothly. |
頭寒足熱で熱暴 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
・・・ってオイッ |
...Okay, though, seriously now! |
Tsubakura |
だよな・・・まぁいいや、 |
Yep, saw that one coming... Oh well. |
Hooaka |
それはつまり、 |
Oh, I gotcha. |
Tsubakura |
どうやらそばつゆのようだな |
I... Uh, I guess we're talking about noodle sauce? |
Hooaka |
流石だな、柚子胡椒は用意してある |
Yeah, that's just what I'd expect! You've got your yuzu-and-pepper paste all ready to go. |
Tsubakura |
ほら、しゃぶってないで、始めるぞ |
Come on, quit being such a dip already. Let's get started. |
Hooaka |
おう、おっけー |
Oh. A'ight. |
Tsubakura |
随分と軽いな |
You sure are easygoing. |
BGM: エア・マスター! 〜 Soul_Dualism |
BGM: Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism | |
Hooaka |
・・・ってオ... |
...Okay, though, serious-- |
Tsubakura |
遅いぞー? |
Too slow! |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
まぁほどほどでした |
Well, that was about average. |
Hooaka |
惜しい |
Ouch, that's a shame. |
Tsubakura |
まるで惜しくないけどな |
It's hardly a shame at all, though. |
Hooaka |
せんずるところかよ〜 |
Really, though? That's it'~? |
Tsubakura |
せいぜい足止めでもしてくれ |
At least try to slow the others down, please. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Stage 5: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
さっきのホオアカの会話はヤブサメの時より |
That conversation with Hooaka sounded |
NiLU |
あれが哲学というやつか? |
Is that what they call philosophy? |
Tom |
ある意味そうかもしれないな |
That might be correct, in a sense. |
NiLU |
会話の中に「しゃぶってないで」とあったが、誤植か? |
The line, "quit being such a dip already", was that a typo? |
Tom |
おまえ~~~ それ聞くか~~~? |
Are you rea~~~lly going to ask tha~~~t? |
NiLU |
どうした? |
What? |
Tom |
ギャグを説明することは塗炭の苦しみを味わうが如しだ |
To explain a joke is to taste the bitterness of charcoal. |
NiLU |
急に難しい言葉を使うなよ |
What's with the fancy speech all of a sudden?! |
Tom |
真面目にならなきゃ やってらんねーよー!! |
You have to be serious, god dammit!! |
NiLU |
わ、わかったよ・・・ |
A-alright... |
Tom |
次いくぞーーー!!! |
Moving OOOOOONNNN!!! |
NiLU |
あ、あぁ・・・ |
O-okay... |
Stage 5: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
陽を娩む塔餤らう塔 ~Creation and Destruction~ |
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~ | |
相手に絶対的な敗北感を |
Gain a single instance of control over your opponent | |
BGM: 虚、実を表裏上ぐ |
BGM: The Untruth Patronizes the Truth | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
一度見つかってから隠れるなんて |
Come on, already. Hiding after I already found you once? |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
気配を完全に消す訓練をしていただけさ |
I was just training myself on how to completely erase my presence. |
Tsubakura |
それならまだ訓練が足りないな |
If that's the case, then you need a lot more training. |
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
らしい苦言だね |
Advice that blunt is very like you. |
Tsubakura |
知らんがな |
Well, it's not like I would know. |
Kuroji |
とにかく、今はここを出る方法を |
Anyway, I have to find a way out of here. |
Tsubakura |
そうか・・・ |
That so... |
Kuroji |
・・・またお前はすでに |
...Don't tell me you already know some key information again? |
Tsubakura |
またじゃないが・・・知ってるよ、 |
I dunno about "again"... |
Kuroji |
出来ればタダで知りたいところだ |
I'd like to hear about it for free, if possible. |
Tsubakura |
俺を倒せば・・・って言ったやん |
I already said "if you defeat me...", didn't I? |
BGM: エンドオブヒストリー |
BGM: End of History | |
Kuroji |
つまりそれはタダってことか? |
In other words, I get to hear it for free? |
Tsubakura |
だから早くしろよー |
Sure, whatever, let's get to it already. |
Kuroji |
そうすることにしようか |
Well then, let's. |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
うーん、及第点 |
Mm, I guess you get passing marks. |
Kuroji |
まぁこうなることは分かっていたさ・・・ |
Well, I suppose I knew this would happen... |
Tsubakura |
それなのに向かってくるとは、酔狂なことで |
And you still came at me like that? How capricious of you. |
Kuroji |
毎回毎回・・・・ |
Every single time... |
Tsubakura |
だから言ったろ・・・・? |
Didn't I already tell you...? |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Stage 6: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
鵐黒巫鳥という人物は燕楽玄鳥に対して |
This Kuroji Shitodo character sure seems to have |
Tom |
哀れなやつだぜ |
How pitiful... |
NiLU |
人間ってのはそういうことが気になるのか…… |
Humans care about that kind of stuff, huh…… |
Tom |
人間について学ぶなら、シトド・クロジを見るといいかもな |
If you want to learn about humans, observing Kuroji Shitodo should be a good way to go about it. |
NiLU |
ふーん………… |
Hmm………… |
NiLU |
……一つ気になるんだが、 |
…… There's something on my mind, |
Tom |
!?? |
!?? |
Tom |
ちょっと~~~~ |
Wooooaaa~~~~aah! |
NiLU |
知ってるぞ |
I know about this. |
NiLU |
「ショーガクセー」とか「ツンデレ」とか言うらしいな |
They are apparently called "grade school students" or "tsundere". |
Tom |
なんでそういう偏った知識があるんだよお前は |
Now where'd ya get such biased knowledge from? |
NiLU |
えらいだろ? |
Aren't I great? |
Tom |
……まぁ実際どうなのか知らないが、 |
…… Well, I dunno how things are between these two, |
NiLU |
どういうことだ? |
What could that be? |
Tom |
人間ってのは |
Humans are |
NiLU |
ふーん…… |
Hmm…… |
NiLU |
……人間って面白いな |
…… Humans sure are interesting. |
Tom |
だろ? |
Right? |
Stage 6: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
影を放つ暘鳥 ~And the opponent dies~ |
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the opponent dies~ | |
争い事で命を奪うなんていう |
In the first place, there are none here | |
BGM: 掌の上の星 |
BGM: A Star's Light in the Palm of One's Hand | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
今日のお前は何か違和感を感じるんだが、 |
Something feels a bit off about you today, but... |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
へぇ、随分と境内まで近づけた奴が |
Hmm. Looks like one of them made it quite close |
??? |
くっくっく・・・ |
Keh heh heh... |
Tsubakura |
ますます面倒だ |
Sounding more annoying by the minute, too. |
Clause ENTERS | ||
「混沌」の異名を持ち重力を自在に操る永遠なる皮相浅薄 |
Eternal Senselessness Bearing the Alias of "Chaos" who Manipulates Gravity at Will | |
Clause |
んん〜? これはこれは、玄鳥ではないか |
Hmmmm~? Oh my, if it is not Tsubakura. |
Tsubakura |
もういっか、どうでも |
Yeah, whatever. I'm fed up. |
Clause |
くっくっふっふ、『声』を聞いただろう? |
Keh heh hoo hoo... You also heard the "voice", did you not? |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そうかもな |
Yeah, might be. |
Clause |
『声』曰く、僕達は『選ばれた者』らしいな |
According to the "voice", it seems that we are "chosen ones". |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そうなのかもな |
Ah, might be so. |
Clause |
さて、ところで玄鳥・・・ |
So by the way, Tsubakura... |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そうなんだ |
Oh, yep. Mm-hm. |
Clause |
僕が得た『能力』を使えば、 |
If I use the "ability" that I have gained, |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そうでもない |
Oh, no. Mm-mm. |
Clause |
この『力』がどの程度か試してみたくてね |
I want to test out just how strong this "power" is. |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そう |
Uh huh. |
Clause |
我が『深遠』に沈みし『潜在能力』、 |
How long have I waited for this day...? |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そ |
Mm. |
BGM: エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal_Force |
BGM: Empire Power ~ Eternal Force | |
Clause |
では始めようか、『覚悟』をするんだね |
Now, shall we begin? Do you have the necessary "resolve"? |
Tsubakura |
あぁ・・・・・・ |
Mm...... |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Extra Stage[edit | edit source]
Extra Stage: Chapter 1[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
…………さすがに二度目の面倒は応えるな |
………… A second round of annoyance really takes a toll on ya. |
NiLU |
アナフィラキシーショックだな |
Anaphylactic shock, huh. |
Tom |
一度目で過剰摂取で致死量だっつーのによぉ |
One dose is already borderline lethal, and yet here we are... |
NiLU |
とにかくせっかく乗り越えたんだ、 |
Well, we soldiered through it, |
Tom |
えーっと、・・・・・・次はなんだったっけ? |
Erm...... what's up next again? |
NiLU |
おい、もうラストスパートだぞ |
Oi, it's the last spurt. |
Tom |
あぁそうだった |
Ah right, right. |
NiLU |
気持ちは分かるが…… |
Well, I do understand how you're feeling…… |
Tom |
どうせ偽玄鳥が手加減して負けて終わりだろー |
Come on, I'm pretty sure it's just gonna end with fake Tsubakura holding back and losing... |
NiLU |
突然いい加減になるなよ |
Hey, don't get sloppy all of a sudden. |
Tom |
………待てよ、 |
……… Wait. |
Tom |
これは……どういうことだってばよ!? |
But then…… What is this?! |
NiLU |
たしかに妙だな、 |
This is peculiar... |
Tom |
自分自身と戦うなんて、禅問答じゃねーんだからよー! |
Wha- Fighting yourself, what is this? A zen question?! |
NiLU |
わ、わかったから |
Al-alright, alright! |
Tom |
どけーっ!! ザコども!!!! |
Out of the way!! Small fries!!!! |
NiLU |
……急に元気になったな |
…… Suddenly back in high spirits again, huh. |
Extra Stage: Chapter 2[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
……よし、だいたい分かったぞ |
…… Alright, I think I get the general picture now. |
Tom |
早く教えろーーー!!!! |
Well tell me then!!!!!!! |
NiLU |
落ち着けって…… |
Calm down…… |
Tom |
はい |
Sure. |
NiLU |
いきなり落ち着くなよ |
Not that fast! |
Tom |
はよ |
Come on! |
NiLU |
はいはい、えーっと、 |
Okay, okay, uhh... |
Tom |
はー へー ほー |
Oh... Hm... Ah... |
NiLU |
だからここでは本物の玄鳥と偽玄鳥が |
Which would mean that the upcoming fight is |
Tom |
なるほどねー 納得 |
I see, I get it now. |
NiLU |
ようやく本物の玄鳥の登場ってわけだな |
Which means, it's finally time for the real Tsubakura to make their appearance. |
Tom |
だな! なんだかわくわくするぜー |
Yep! I'm getting all excited again! |
NiLU |
……本物の玄鳥はどのような人物なんだろうな? |
…… I wonder what kind of person the real Tsubakura is? |
Tom |
そうか |
Oh yeah. |
NiLU |
そういうことになるな |
That would be so. |
Tom |
楽しみか? |
Looking forward to it? |
NiLU |
……まぁな |
…… Well, yeah. |
Tom |
おっ! |
Oh?! |
NiLU |
うるさいなぁ |
Oh, shut up... |
Tom |
へぇええええ~~~~~ |
Hmmmmm~~~~~. |
NiLU |
なんだよ |
What? |
Tom |
お前も少しは成長したなぁ |
You've grown a bit as well. |
NiLU |
……うるさい |
…… Shut up. |
Extra Stage: Chapter 3[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
Tom |
いよいよ最終決戦だな! |
The final battle is at hand! |
NiLU |
そうだな |
Yep. |
Tom |
いやー |
Wheeew. |
NiLU |
どっちだよ |
Which is it? |
Tom |
長く感じるようで短くも感じるってことだよ |
It refers to a period of time that feels long, but also short. |
NiLU |
人間ってのは馬鹿なのか? |
Are humans stupid? |
Tom |
そうだよ 今更気が付いたのか? |
Yeah, did you just notice? |
NiLU |
………それで、 |
……… So? |
Tom |
そうだな |
Let's! |
NiLU |
【現代の神隠し】と呼ばれている |
The mysterious case of multiple people disappearing at the same time, |
NiLU |
実際にそれは外の世界から |
In reality, it was the event in which several people, |
NiLU |
事の発端はいまのところ不明だが、 |
What instigated the incident is still unclear, |
NiLU |
・・・といったところか? |
... That should be about it? |
Tom |
それで合ってるだろうな |
Sounds 'bout right. |
NiLU |
その際に燕楽玄鳥の近くにいたであろう数名も |
During this, the several people near Tsubakura Enraku |
NiLU |
・・・というより鶴喰さんによって引きずり込まれた、 |
... Although I supposed "drawn in by Tsurubami" would be more accurate than "wandered in". |
Tom |
そうかもしれないな |
Might be. |
NiLU |
その次元洞窟内に鶴喰さんは |
In this Dimesional Cave, Tsurubami-san |
NiLU |
鶴喰さんの能力と、この結界の効果により |
Through the combined power of Tsurubami-san's ability and the barrier's effect, |
Tom |
効果がなかった奴もいるみたいだがな |
Some of them remained unaffected, though. |
NiLU |
そして異能力を得た者たちの力を推し量るかのように |
And in order to gauge the power of these who gained new abilities, |
Tom |
殺してはいないからなー |
They didn't kill them, though! |
NiLU |
その目的は今のところ不明 |
The purpose of this course of action is unclear as of now, |
Tom |
それらはこれから明らかになると思うぜー |
I think those will be revealed soon. |
NiLU |
そう願うよ |
Let us hope so. |
Tom |
さて、それじゃあその『闡裡鶴喰』についても |
Welp, let's sum up what we know about |
NiLU |
わかった、今やってみるよ・・・ |
Got it, I'll get on it now... |
Tom |
じゃあその間にザコを蹴散らしますかねー |
While you're doing that, I'll be kickin' these small fries around! |
Extra Stage: Chapter 4[edit | edit source]
NiLU & Tom C. Zemlja ENTER | ||
NiLU |
『闡裡 鶴喰(センリ・ツルバミ)』 |
"Tsurubami Senri", |
Tom |
闡裡神社だってー!? |
Did you say the "Senri Shrine"?!! |
Tom |
知っているのかニル!?[c] |
Did you know, NiLU? |
Tom |
闡裡神社っつったら『无現里』の |
The Senri Shrine can be said to be |
NiLU |
そうらしいな |
So it would seem. |
Tom |
おまえー! |
Wha-! |
NiLU |
今思い出したからな |
I remembered it just now. |
Tom |
ふーん・・・ |
Hmm... |
NiLU |
有する能力は |
Their abilities are |
Tom |
それはどういう能力なんだ? |
What sorta abilities are those? |
NiLU |
『文字を操る』の方はよく分からないが、 |
I'm not sure about "manipulating letters", |
Tom |
じゃあここにいる連中の一部は |
Well, some of these folks must have had |
NiLU |
そう推測できるな |
A reasonable assumption. |
NiLU |
鶴喰さんはかなりの武力行使派で |
Tsurubami-san is apparently quite an advocate for the use of force, |
Tom |
こわいよー |
How scary~. |
NiLU |
そのせいで妖怪たちは鶴喰さんを恐れて |
Because of this the youkai live in hiding |
Tom |
无現里には妖怪がいるのか!!? |
There's youkai in Mugenri?!! |
NiLU |
知っていないのかトム!? |
You didn't know, Tom?! |
Tom |
いや知ってるけどよ |
Nah, I did. |
NiLU |
でしょー? |
I'd think so. |
Tom |
それにしてもなんで玄鳥に変装していたんだろうな? |
But I still don't see why they disguised themself as Tsubakura? |
NiLU |
んー |
Hmm... |
Tom |
・・・・・ノーコメント |
..... No comment. |
NiLU |
ちなみに他者に覚醒させた能力は |
By the way, it seems they can use any ability |
Tom |
チートじゃねーか!! |
What a cheater!! |
NiLU |
だからこそ无現里の支配者になれたんだろうな |
That's why they're the ruler of Mugenri, I suppose. |
Tom |
しかし対象がもともと異能力を持っていた場合は |
But what if the target already had special abilities, |
NiLU |
んー |
Hmm... |
Tom |
ずーるーいー |
So unfair. |
NiLU |
あと分からないことは・・・ |
What else do we still not know... |
Tom |
それもこの後分かるだろうぜー |
I bet we'll learn that right after this. |
NiLU |
そういう事ならさっさと行こう |
Well then, let us hop to it. |
Tom |
ついにかー |
Finally~! |
NiLU |
………だな |
……… Indeed. |
Extra Stage: Chapter 5[edit | edit source]
現では无い里 ~To the End of Time...~ |
The Land Outside Reality ~To the End of Time...~ | |
勝者が敗者を従える... |
The loser must submit to the victor... | |
BGM: 古く噎せる記憶 〜 BEGAN |
BGM: Old Stifled Memories ~ BEGAN | |
Clause ENTERS | ||
Clause |
先ほどはどうも・・・ |
I must thank you for your help earlier... |
Tsubakura |
お構いなく、病院に帰れ |
Don't bother with that. Just go back to the hospital. |
Clause |
今度は少し『本気』を出させてもらうから、 |
I shall get a little "serious" this time, |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
まったく、ちょっと随分出遅れたっぽいな |
Geez, looks like I'm still late, even after I've hurried so much. |
Tsubakura |
少し調べてただけなのに、 |
Even though I was just looking into things a little, everyone went off without me. |
Tsubakura |
それになんだが偽者もいたし・・・ |
And there's also an imposter among them... |
Tsubakura |
ま、いろんな疑問はそいつを懲らしめてから |
Well, I'll have to punish them anyway, |
??? |
そこまでだっ! |
You'll go no further! |
Tsurubami Senri ENTERS | ||
Tsubakura |
噂をすれば影なんちゃら |
Well, speak of the devil... |
??? |
そうだ、っと言ったらどうする? |
How would you react if I said "yes, I am"? |
Tsubakura |
質問文に対して質問文で答えると |
Don't you know that you'll get a zero |
??? |
ほー、外の世界の試験はシビアなんだな |
My, tests in the outside world must be pretty severe. |
Tsubakura |
・・・ってことは、お前はこの世界の者なんだな? |
...So, you mean you're from this world? |
??? |
イェース、オッケー! |
¡Exactamente![d] |
Tsubakura |
・・・とりあえず[e]何語でも構わないから答えろ、 |
...Okay, I don't care what language you use, just answer this: |
??? |
フーアーユー? |
¿Quién eres tú?[d] |
Tsubakura |
0点 |
That just got you a big fat zero. |
??? |
おや、厳しいな |
Man, this really is severe. |
Tsubakura |
真面目に答える気がないって事は |
Well, I at least learned that you have no intention of |
不可解な袴 |
The Inexplicable Hakama | |
Tsurubami |
俺はこの先にある『无現里』って国 |
I live in the land of "Mugenri" just past here, |
Tsubakura |
『夢幻』に『戦利』・・・? |
"Mugging" a "Sentry"...?[g] |
Tsurubami |
字が違うぞ |
No, you've got it messed up. |
Tsubakura |
『無限』に『千里』とは・・・ |
So it's "Mugging Senselessly"?[h] |
Tsurubami |
真面目じゃないのはお互い様か |
It seems that you have no intention of being serious either. |
Tsubakura |
そんなことより・・・ |
So anyway... |
Tsurubami |
質問してきたのはお前だろ |
I mean, weren't you the one who came to me asking questions? |
Tsubakura |
そんなことより! [e]なんで俺を真似するんじゃい!? |
So anyway! Why are you imitating me like this!? |
Tsurubami |
目的もないのに真似なんかするものか? |
Why would I imitate someone if I didn't have something to accomplish? |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・趣味とか |
...I'unno, as a hobby? |
Tsurubami |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tsurubami |
・・・それじゃあ1番を決めるかー、 |
...Well looks like you made it here first. |
Tsubakura |
まだ詳しいことを全然聞いてないんだが? |
I still haven't asked you any of the important stuff though? |
Tsurubami |
俺を懲らしめてから聞くって言ってたろ? |
You said you were going to punish me, didn't you? |
Tsubakura |
おやおや、聞こえてたか |
Oh, you heard that? |
Tsurubami |
さっさと懲らしめてみせな |
So, show me how you're going to punish me. |
Tsubakura |
ギャランティーは? |
What'll I get in return again? |
Tsurubami |
ワンコイン |
Tsubakura |
たったの100円ぽっちかよ |
Probably just a measly 100 yen. |
Tsurubami |
10円だ |
It's 10 yen. |
BGM: 永劫舞踏機関 〜 Shall_We_Dance!! |
BGM: Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!! | |
Tsubakura |
けち |
Tightwad. |
Tsurubami Senri "DEFEATED" | ||
Tsurubami |
ありゃ〜、参ったなぁ〜負けちゃうとは、 |
Oh my~, I give up~. |
Tsubakura |
なんで本気を出さないんだか、面倒な奴 |
You didn't even fight with your true power? What a troublesome person. |
Tsurubami |
それってめんどうか? |
Is that really what you would call troublesome? |
Tsubakura |
気分がね、メンタール[j] |
It makes you seem pretty crazy. |
Tsurubami |
なるほど、それは悪いことをした・・・ |
I see, so going easy on you was bad... |
Tsubakura |
・・・っで、結局目的を教えてもらおうか、 |
...Anyways, why don't you finally tell me |
Tsurubami |
うむ、まぁ答えは単純でな、 |
The answer is very simple. |
Tsubakura |
あぁん? |
Whaaa? |
Tsurubami |
まぁなんだ、俺が旅行中の間、 |
Well, you see, I want you to do my job, |
Tsubakura |
仕事って、なんの? |
And what job is that? |
Tsurubami |
うちの神社の |
I already told you, I work at the shrine. |
Tsubakura |
はぁ・・・神職さんになれと? |
Ahh... So you're saying I gotta be a priest? |
Tsurubami |
そ、この先にある国を護る正義の神主様に! |
Yes! The righteous priest who protects the land beyond here! |
Tsubakura |
・・・まぁ |
...Well, |
Tsurubami |
そうかい、やってくれるかい、 |
Is that so? You'll agree to do it? |
Tsubakura |
強引に話を進めるな |
Don't force the conversation along on your own. |
Tsurubami |
まぁ詳しい話は、乱入者を歓迎した後でな |
I'll tell you more about it, after I welcome the intruder. |
Tsubakura |
乱入者? |
Intruder? |
Tsurubami |
アレって、お前の知り合いだろ? |
They're an acquaintance of yours, aren't they? |
Tsubakura |
あ〜、アレか |
Oh~, them. |
Tsurubami |
連続で手加減するってのも、 |
It's quite tiring, |
Tsubakura |
あいつには手加減しないほうが |
I think it'd be better not to hold back in their case, |
Tsurubami |
あら、そう? |
Oh, you think so? |
Tsubakura |
まぁ俺はそこいらの物陰でニヤニヤしながら |
Well I'll just hide over there, smirking while I watch. |
Tsurubami |
・・・お前ら、仲間じゃないのか? |
...Aren't you two friends? |
Tsubakura |
ノーコメント |
Sin comentarios.[k] |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This line does not match with Yabusame's scenario (ふーん、ところで・・・).
- ↑ This line does not match with Yabusame's scenario (これはテストだよ).
- ↑ This line is indicated to be said by Tom, but NiLU's portrait is highlighted during the textbox.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Tsurubami is speaking English in the original text of these areas, meaning "Yes, that's right!" (actually "Yes, okay!"), "Who are you?" and "One coin." respectively. The English translation is in Spanish.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 These highlighted in grey were removed in v1.10a.
- ↑ Mugenri (无現里) and Senri (闡裡) originally had furigana next to them to indicate the pronunciation, but were removed in v1.10a since their pronunciations are now obvious.
- ↑ Original pun: mugen (夢幻, fantasy) and senri (戦利, war spoils).
- ↑ Original pun: mugen (無限, infinite) and senri (千里, thousand miles), with Tsubakura questioning if there could even be a shrine that big.
- ↑ Likely a reference to a quote by Flandre Scarlet from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- ↑ Wordplay on mendou (面倒, troublesome) and mentāru (メンタール, mentality).
- ↑ Same as Tsurubami speaking English. The original English is "No comment."