Book of the Cafe/Gameplay/Cafe/Cafe Design
The following pages details the cafe layout options and mechanics in Book of the Cafe.
Arranging the Cafe Layout[edit | edit source]
By selecting the Layout option from the left menu, you can rearrange the cafe's layout, including furniture, flooring, walls and decorations. The four tabs to choose from are, from left to right: Furniture, flooring, walls and decorations.
All meal preparation and dish washing will be halted while all customers will leave. New layout options may be purchased from the Interior Design Shop.
The following text can be seen by tapping the question mark (?) icon at the Cafe Layout screen:
店内レイアウト |
Cafe Layout | |
ここで家具や床・壁の設置や移動ができます |
Here you can set down and move furniture, floorings, and walls. | |
◆家具や床・壁の設置 |
◆ Setting down furniture, floorings, and walls | |
◆家具や床・壁の削除 |
◆ Removing furniture, floorings, and walls | |
◆家具や床・壁の移動 |
◆ Moving furniture, floorings, and walls | |
◆アクセスできない家具 |
◆ Inaccessible Furniture | |
◆装飾品について |
◆ About Decorations |
Interior Design Options[edit | edit source]
The following section lists the furniture, floorings, walls and decorations available in the game.
Tables[edit | edit source]
Tables are what employees bring food to when serving customers, customers share a table with another customer and will not use a table with a decoration on it.
Item | Japanese Description | English Translation | Available From | |
Ordinary Table (Brown) (普通の机(茶色)) |
平凡な机 ガイアが囁く茶色 |
An average table. “Gaia’s whispers” brown. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 100 gold | |
Ordinary Table (White) (普通の机(白)) |
平凡な机 純粋無垢な白色 |
An average table. Purity white. | ||
Ordinary Table (Black) (普通の机(黒)) |
平凡な机 中二病な黒色 |
An average table. Chuunibyou black. | ||
Ordinary Table (Red) (普通の机(赤)) |
平凡な机 燃えるほど赤色 |
An average table. As red as burning flames. | ||
Ordinary Table (Blue) (普通の机(青)) |
平凡な机 クールでニヒルな青色 |
An average table. Cool and nihilistic blue. | ||
Ordinary Table (Yellow) (普通の机(黄)) |
平凡な机 なぜか雷のイメージがある黄色 |
An average table. “Invokes the image of thunder for some reason” yellow. | ||
Ordinary Table (Green) (普通の机(緑)) |
平凡な机 どことなくくさい緑色 |
An average table. Somehow smelly green. | ||
Wooden Table (木製机) |
木製のテーブル 小学生が自由工作で作るレベル 心配になるほど軽い |
A wooden table. Its quality is about the level of an elementary schooler’s free project. Worryingly light. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.10 Cost: 100 gold | |
Pipe Table (パイプ机) |
たたんで収納できるパイプ机 ガタガタしていて安定しない |
A pipe table which you can fold up and put away. It’s shaky and not very stable. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.15 Cost: 100 gold | |
Log Table (丸太テーブル) |
丸太をぶった切ったものをそのままドンッ! ん~ウイルド |
Chop up a piece of log and boom! You’ve got a table. Mmm~, how wild. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.20 Cost: 100 gold | |
Table (Yin-Yang) (机(陰陽)) |
太極紋な机 当たっても残機が減らない親切設計 |
A table with a taiji symbol. It’s designed so that you won’t lose a life even if you hit it, how nice! |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.25 Cost: 100 gold | |
Christmas Table (クリスマス机) |
ケーキっぽい柄の机 アリがたかる |
A cake-like table. Seems like it'd have ants. |
Christmas Gacha Machine (Cafe Employees) Book of the Cafe 1-Year Anniversary Gacha Machine [Cafe Employees] | |
Currently Unavailable | ||||
Pumpkin Table (かぼちゃ机) |
ハロウィンの時期にピッタリ 腐ったら食べよう |
Perfect for the Halloween season! And if it rots you can eat it! |
Interior Design Shop (During the 8th Anniversary Special Campaign) Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 100,000 gold |
Chairs[edit | edit source]
Chairs must be placed facing a table for a customer to sit in it, if a table-facing chair is unavailable, customers will not enter the cafe and line up outside instead.
Kitchens[edit | edit source]
Kitchens are where new dishes are prepared, multiple kitchens can be used at once.
Item | Japanese Description | English Translation | Available From | |
Ordinary Kitchen (普通のキッチン) |
普通台所 形容しがたい何かを煮詰めている |
An average kitchen. Something beyond description is being boiled there. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 300 gold | |
Wooden Kitchen (木製キッチン) LV.10 Cost: 35,000 gold |
カンナ掛けを無心でやってると いつのまにかゴハンができてる 料理の神秘ですね |
If you completely focus on planing wood, you’ll eventually make a dish. It’s the mystery of cuisine. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 300 gold | |
Campfire Cooking Station (焚火調理台) |
火事なん知ったこっちゃねぇ 屋内での焚火ってちょーワイルド |
I don't care about no fire. Making a bonfire indoors is super wild~. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.20 Cost: 300 gold | |
Kitchen Stand [Stir-fried Soba Noodles][a] (屋台キッチン【焼きそば】) |
味にも値段にも祭りバフ付き | Both the taste and the price got a festival-exclusive buff. | Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine | |
Kitchen Stand [Cotton Candy][b] (屋台キッチン【綿菓子】) |
綿菓子ってデカくて食べきれる気がしない | Cotton candy is so big that I never feel like I can finish it all. | Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine | |
Kitchen Stand [Shaved Ice][c] (屋台キッチン【かき氷】) |
どれも味は同じとか、噓でしょう? | You're telling me that they're all actually the same flavour? You're kidding, right?[d] | Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine |
Sinks[edit | edit source]
Sinks are where idle employees bring dirty plates to and where an employee may be assigned to wash them. Multiple sinks may be used at the same time.
Item | Japanese Description | English Translation | Available From | |
Ordinary Sink (普通流し台) |
平穏な流し台 一晩寝かせた水てよーく洗います |
A stable sink. Leave in it the water overnight and give it a good wash. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 300 gold | |
Wooden Sink (Bucket) (木製流し台(桶)) |
わしゃ昔っからこれでものを洗っとるんじゃない | Ah've been usin' these to wash dishes ever since ah was just a little kid. | Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.10 Cost: 300 gold | |
Log Sink (丸太流し台) |
切り株をくり抜いて作った流し台 衛生管理はワイルドなのでセーフ |
We hollowed out a stump to make this sink. Hygiene management’s wild so we’re good. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.20 Cost: 300 gold | |
Goldfish Scooping (金魚すくい) |
※この金魚は特殊な訓練を受けているので虐待ではありません | Note:These goldfish have all gone through special training, so it's not abuse. | Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine |
Serving Tables[edit | edit source]
Serving tables are where dishes collected after cooking go, and is where idle employees take food to serve customers from. Multiple serving tables can be placed in the cafe, but they all share the same food inventory and serving order, so only one dish may be served at once.
Item | Japanese Description | English Translation | Available From | |
Ordinary Serving Table (普通配膳台) |
平穏配膳台 衛生管理もばっちぐー |
A stable serving table. Hygiene is perfectly managed too. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 300 gold | |
Wooden Serving Table (木製配膳台) |
木製ってなんかいいよね ささくれに気付をけよう |
Wooden stuff sure is good for some reason. Be careful of splinters, alright? |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.10 Cost: 300 gold | |
Log Serving Table (丸太配膳台) |
ただの置き場 自然の恵みをダイレクトで味わえるワイルドさ |
It’s just log storage doubling as a serving table. So wild you can experience nature’s blessings directly. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.20 Cost: 300 gold | |
Red and White Platform[e] (紅白台) |
何か乗っかっててもおめでたく感じる | Anything feels festive when you put it onto this. | Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine |
Floorings[edit | edit source]
Floorings are purely cosmetic and serve no functional purpose.
Walls[edit | edit source]
Walls are purely cosmetic and serve no functional purpose, except for the shelves, on which decorations can be placed.
Item | Japanese Description | English Translation | Available From | |
Default Wall (初期壁) |
カフェの初期状態で貼ってある壁 買う意味ある? |
It’s the default wall of the cafe. What's the point in buying this? |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 100 gold | |
Window (窓) |
窓 今のハメゴロシでしゃ? うちのシマじゃノーカンだから |
A window. Those are fixed windows right? That doesn’t count on my island. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.10 Cost: 100 gold | |
Woodegrain Wall (Sparse) (木目(薄)) |
木目の壁 あたたかい木のにおいがしてる |
A woodgrain wall. It comes with the scent of warm wood. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 100 gold | |
Woodegrain Wall (Dense) (木目(濃)) |
木目の壁 落ち着いたイメージ、においはあまりしない |
A woodgrain wall. It’s relaxing and doesn't have that much of a scent. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.15 Cost: 100 gold | |
Log Wall (丸太) |
丸太の壁 ログハウスひはもってこい |
A log wall. Bring me a log house too, while you're at it. |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.20 Cost: 100 gold | |
Brick Wall (レンガ) |
レンガの壁 定番すぎてなんとも |
A brick wall. You all saw these coming, right? |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.25 Cost: 100 gold | |
Ash Wall (灰) |
灰でできた壁 なんの灰なんででしょねぇ・・・? |
A wall made from ash. Ash of what I wonder...? |
Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.05 Cost: 100 gold | |
Sudare Blinds (すだれ) |
日本家屋とかでよく見るアレ なんか涼むよね |
Those things that you often see at traditional Japanese houses. They make you feel cooler somehow. |
Summer Festival [2023] [Cafe Employee] Gacha Machine | |
Wall Shelf (Brown) [S] ウォールシェルフ(茶)[S] LV.00 Cost: 3,000 gold |
壁に備え付ける棚、小さめ | A shelf that can be installed onto the wall, small. | Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 2,000 gold | |
Wall Shelf (Brown) [M] ウォールシェルフ(茶)[M] LV.00 Cost: 3,000 gold |
壁に備え付ける棚、中くらい | A shelf that can be installed onto the wall, mid-sized. | ||
Christmas Pattern (クリスマス柄) |
12月はクリスマス! この時期にしか使えない壁だ |
Christmas is the highlight of December! A wallpaper that you can't use anytime else. |
Christmas Gacha Machine (Cafe Employees) Book of the Cafe 1-Year Anniversary Gacha Machine [Cafe Employees] | |
Currently Unavailable | ||||
Halloween-patterned Wall ハロウィン柄 |
10月末はハロウィン! 数日後にはクリスマスに浸食される |
When it comes to the end of October, it's Halloween for sure! It gets erroded by Christmas a few days after though. |
Interior Design Shop (During the 8th Anniversary Special Campaign) Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 10,000 gold | |
Painting [Rei-kun] 絵画[レイくん] |
レイくんでーす | It's Rei-kun~! | Interior Design Shop Unlocked At: LV.00 Cost: 999,999 gold |
Decorations[edit | edit source]
Decorations are purely cosmetic and serve no functional purpose. Some decorations may only be placed on tables, shelves or showcases.
Cafe Expansions[edit | edit source]
Cafe expansions unlock with level ups, and may be purchased from the Interior Design Shop (内装) under the Others (その他) section. Note that only 1 of each cafe expansion can be owned at a time.
Horizontal Expansions[edit | edit source]
Expansion Name | Japanese Description | English Translation | ||
Cafe Expansion Upgrade (Horizontal) (拡張(横)) | カフェの土地を横方向に1列分拡張する | Increases the cafe’s width by 1 space. | ||
Level | Unlocks At | Price | Japanese Flavour Text | English Translation |
LV.01 | Cafe LV.00 | Cost: 10,000 Cafe Money | 広いのは良いことだ | It’s nice to have more room. |
LV.02 | Cafe LV.06 | Cost: 40,000 Cafe Money | 大きいのは良いことだ | It’s nice to have a big room. |
LV.03 | Cafe LV.11 | Cost: 50,000 Cafe Money | でっかいのは良いことだ | It’s nice to have a large room. |
LV.04 | Cafe LV.16 | Cost: 100,000 Cafe Money | 広めなのは良いことだ | It’s nice to have wider room. |
LV.05 | Cafe LV.21 | Cost: 300,000 Cafe Money | なにはともあれ良いことだ | It's just nice. |
LV.06 | Cafe LV.26 | Cost: 700,000 Cafe Money | こんな大きくなるの!? | It's gonna get this big?! |
LV.07 | Cafe LV.31 | Cost: 1,200,000 Cafe Money | いや~さすがにね? | Dang~, that's more than enough now, right? |
LV.08 | Cafe LV.36 | Cost: 2,500,000 Cafe Money | おおきすぎ! | That's way too big! |
LV.09 | Cafe LV.41 | Cost: 4,000,000 Cafe Money | これで最大! | This is the biggest! |
Vertical Expansions[edit | edit source]
Expansion Name | Japanese Description | English Translation | ||
Cafe Expansion Upgrade (Vertical) (拡張(縦)) | カフェの土地を縦方向に1列分拡張する | Increases the cafe’s length by 1 space. | ||
Level | Unlocks At | Price | Japanese Flavour Text | English Translation |
LV.01 | Cafe LV.02 | Cost: 15,000 Cafe Money | 長いのは良いことだ | It's nice to have a long room. |
LV.02 | Cafe LV.07 | Cost: 45,000 Cafe Money | のびやかなのは良いことだ | It's nice to be free. |
LV.03 | Cafe LV.12 | Cost: 60,000 Cafe Money | のびのびなのは良いことだ | It's nice to be long and free. |
LV.04 | Cafe LV.17 | Cost: 150,000 Cafe Money | 長めなのは良いことだ | It's nice to have a lengthy room. |
LV.05 | Cafe LV.22 | Cost: 450,000 Cafe Money | とにかく良いことだ | Whatever the case, it's nice. |
LV.06 | Cafe LV.27 | Cost: 1,000,000 Cafe Money | こんな大きの見たころないでしょう? | Never seen such a large room before, have ya? |
LV.07 | Cafe LV.32 | Cost: 1,600,000 Cafe Money | だいぶでかい | Quite large. |
LV.08 | Cafe LV.37 | Cost: 3,300,000 Cafe Money | でででででででで | LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR- |
LV.09 | Cafe LV.42 | Cost: 5,000,000 Cafe Money | これで最大です | This is as large as it goes. |
Horizontal Expansions[edit | edit source]
Expansion Name | Japanese Description | English Translation | ||
Cafe Expansion Upgrade (Height) (拡張(高さ)) | カフェの高さを1列分拡張する | Increases the cafe’s height by 1 space. | ||
Level | Unlocks At | Price | Japanese Flavour Text | English Translation |
LV.01 | Cafe LV.03 | Cost: 30,000 Cafe Money | 高いのは良いことだ | It's nice to have a tall room. |
LV.02 | Cafe LV.13 | Cost: 90,000 Cafe Money | のっぽなのは良いことだ | It's nice to have a tall ceiling. |
LV.03 | Cafe LV.23 | Cost: 900,000 Cafe Money | おっきのは良いことだ | It's nice to have a biggie room. |
LV.04 | Cafe LV.33 | Cost: 2,000,000 Cafe Money | 車高制限は良いことだ | It’s nice to have a max vehicle height. |
LV.05 | Cafe LV.43 | Cost: 6,000,000 Cafe Money | あー、とにかく良いことだ | Ahh, it’s just nice. |
Cafe Backgrounds[edit | edit source]
A yet to be implemented function, players will be able to change the background on which the cafe sits. The following are the backgrounds available in game:
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The options below, from left to right, are "Cola" (コーラ), "Extra Large Serving" (特盛り) and "Large Serving" (大盛り).
- ↑ The flavour options below, from left to right, are "Mixed" (みっくす), "Ink" (いんく) and "Nasty" (まずい).
- ↑ The leftmost and rightmost flavour options are "Ink" (墨) and "Soup" (汁) respectively; The middle two are harder to make out, though could potentially be "hemorrhoid" (痔) on the left and "Grass" (草) on the right.
- ↑ A reference to how many shaved ice flavourings are actually just high-fructose corn syrup with different food colouring and fragrances mixed in. Thus, strictly speaking, the flavour is the same, but the syrup's colour and scent lead the brain into interpreting them as different flavours.
- ↑ A reference to similar looking or even identical platforms on which ritual performances are typically held during festivals.