Book of the Cafe/Documentation
This page lists other documentation in regards to Book of the Cafe.
Information[edit | edit source]
- Music Comments - JynX's music comments
- Notices - JynX's in-game notices, including the FAQ and update notes.
Various Translations[edit | edit source]
This section lists miscellaneous translations that do not fit anywhere on the wiki.
α Version[edit | edit source]
Introduction from unityroom[edit | edit source]
ハイスピード戦略カフェ経営バトルゲーム(予定) |
(Planned to be) a high-speed strategic café management battle game | |
URL、ゲームタイトル、作者名(コピー用) |
URL, game title, creator name (for copy-pasting) |
Title Screen Note[edit | edit source]
↑のタブに記されているversionと右下のversionが一致していない場合、 |
Please check that the version number listed in the right bottom is the same as that listed in the tags up top. |
α Version Disclaimer[edit | edit source]
参加していただき、誠にありがとうございます。 貴殿はなんか研修生的な立場なんで、 店のすべてをまかせるわけにはいかないですわ。 そんなわけで多くの機能には制限がかかってるし、 店も正式オープン前だからバグや不具合なども多々あると思われやがりますが、 その時は慌てずクールに連絡先へと報告いただいてれば幸いです。 また ここでの記憶・記録は 正式オープン時には無かったことになります。 どうかご了承ください。なんだって俺様がこんなことしなきゃ・・・ |
We thank you deeply
for joining this workplace experience-ish thing. You're just like a student or something, so it’s not like we can put you in charge of everything in the cafe. Because of this, a lot of the functions of the cafe are limited, and until the store officially opens there’s gonna be quite a lot of bugs and difficulties, so I ask that you remain calm and collected and contact me to make a report. Also, Any memories and records that you make here will be gone when the cafe officially opens. Please understand. Why do I have to be the one to do this... |
β Version[edit | edit source]
Google Play Description[edit | edit source]
カフェ経営&バトルゲーム |
A cafe management and battle game. |
β Version Disclaimer[edit | edit source]
参加していただき、誠にありがとうございます。 貴殿はなんか研修生的な立場なんで、 店のすべてをまかせるわけにはいかないですわ。 そんなわけで多くの機能には制限がかかってるし、 店も正式オープン前だからバグや不具合なども多々あると思われやがりますが、 その時は慌てずクールに連絡先へと報告いただいてれば幸いです。 また ここでの記憶・記録は 正式オープン時には無かったことになります。 どうかご了承ください。いつになったら正式オープンすんだが・・・ |
We thank you deeply
for joining this workplace experience-ish thing. You're just like a student or something, so it’s not like we can put you in charge of everything in the cafe. Because of this, a lot of the functions of the cafe are limited, and until the store officially opens there’s gonna be quite a lot of bugs and difficulties, so I ask that you remain calm and collected and contact me to make a report. Also, Any memories and records that you make here will be gone when the cafe officially opens. Please understand. God knows when we're finally gonna open for real... |
Spell Installation Background Text[edit | edit source]
The following text can be seen in the background when a spell installation is initiated in the game.
スペルカードの出力 |
Memory Extraction
Spell Card Output |
Mimetic Override Background Text[edit | edit source]
The following text can be seen in the background when an Mimetic Override is initiated in the game, the following example shows overriding a unit into "Tsurubami Senri [EE]".
■■■へのアクセス.....成功 |
Access to ■■■.....Successful | |
擬態オーバーライド開始 |
Appearance Override Begin |
Load Screen Tips[edit | edit source]
α Version Tips[edit | edit source]
The following is a transcription and translation of the load screen tips that have been added to the game since the version 0.1.10 update, released on 10 May 2020.
カフェの運営の基調は調理からだ! 店員をタッチして選択状態にしてから台所をタッチして、調理をしよう! |
Cooking is the bare basics for managing a cafe! Tap an employee to select them and tap a stove to start cooking! |
お客様はカフェの入り口からアクセスできる椅子にしか座ろうとしないぞ! 椅子は机の方向にきちんと向けなきゃダメだぞ! |
Customers are only going to try to sit in chairs that are accessible from the cafe entrance! Make sure your chairs and tables are facing each other! |
店員に洗浄ならばかふぇ画面を開いてない間も洗浄をし続けてくれるぞ! | Employees who are washing dishes will continue washing even if the cafe screen isn’t open! |
しばらくカフェ画面を開いてないと、売り上げは普段より少ないが自動で営業してくれるぞ! その際はアクセスできる机の数と暇してる店員の数で売り上げが上下するぞ! ただし、入り口からアクセスできない椅子や配膳台が全くないとダメだぞ! |
If you leave the cafe screen for a while, your cafe will sell food on its own, although at a slightly lower price than usual! How much you sell increases or decreases based on how many accessible tables and free employees there are! However, you also need to have chairs accessible from the entrance as well as food counters! |
家具をタッチするときは 家具が置いてある床を狙ってタッチすると狙いやすいぞ! |
When selecting furniture, you have an easier time if you aim for the floorboard that it’s placed on! |
適当に放置しながらまったりプレイすることをオススメするぞ! あまり根詰めずに空いた時にのんびりいこう! |
I recommend that you play this game leisurely, letting it go idle as appropriate! Slowly play the game in your free time, and take it easy! |
店員にはそれぞれ特殊能力があったりなかったりするぞ! 店員編成画面などで確認できるぞ! |
Some employees have unique skills! You can check these at the employee selection screen and such! |
ログインボーナスは郵便箱に届いているぞ! 毎日欠さずにチェックしよう! |
Log-in bonuses are delivered to the post box! Check them every day! |
α版だからといってバグを許されるわけではない、死すべし! 発見したら制作者に直訴だ! (バグのご報告お待ちしております) |
Just because this is the α version does not mean that bugs are tolerated, no mercy! If you find them, tell the creator directly! (I’m waiting for your bug reports.) |
レビュ-で高評価してくれたりSNSとかで宣伝してくれると制作者がチョー幸せな気持ちになるぞ! | If you would leave a good review or promote this game on social media, the creator would be really happy! |
まだ要素が少なくてTipsに書くほどのことがなくて困っているぞ! | There’s still not much to the game so there’s not much to write about for Tips, how troubling! |
β Version Tips[edit | edit source]
All tips from the α version can be found in the β version of the game, along with new additions pertaining to the combat portion of the game. In addition, all mentions of "α version" are replaced with "β version".
β版だからといってバグを許されるわけではない、死すべし! 発見したら制作者に直訴だ! (バグのご報告お待ちしております) |
Just because this is the β version does not mean that bugs are tolerated, no mercy! If you find them, tell the creator directly! (I’m waiting for your bug reports.) |
一部のステージを除き、戦闘は20ターン経過すると強制的に敗北しちゃうぞ 泥任合は許されないのだ |
With the exception of a few select stages, you are forced to lose all battles once 20 turns have passed. Stalling is not allowed! |
ユニットの強化に使うDISCはなかなか集まらないから、慎重に使おう! | It's quite difficult to save up the required amount of discs to enhance a unit, so use them carefully! |
ステージがクリアできないときはイベントステージなどで経験値や育成素材を集めてユニットを強化しよう! | When you can't clear a stage, try grinding for EXP and other materials to enhance your units! |
ステージは失敗してもデメリットはないから、どんどん挑戦していこう! | There's no downside to failing a stage, so keep challenging on! |
Differences Between Versions[edit | edit source]
Alpha/Beta Differences[edit | edit source]
The alpha version of Book of the Cafe only had the café gameplay compared to the beta version. Some general differences that were changed in the beta version include:
- Initial employees now only start with Yabusame, instead of having both Tsubakura and Yabusame.
- Multiple copies of the same employee cannot be held. As such, the gold compensation for having more than 10 copies of an employee is also removed.
- The Fried Blasphemy recipe's price has decreased from 12 to 6.
- "Notice", "Postbox" and "Mission" side inscriptions are no longer present in the Beta version
Party Formation Update (Version 0.2.60)[edit | edit source]
Prior to the version 0.2.60 update, party formation could not be freely set before every battle, but instead followed a different system as follows:
Each party formation was divided into 3 sections, the vanguard (前衛), middle guard (中衛) and rearguard (後衛). The vanguard is placed nearest to the enemy, the rearguard at the very back of the battlefield and the middle guard in between.
Each stage has its own requirement on the party formation, which are categorized based on the number of units in it, they are:
Formation | Number of units in | ||
Rearguard Position | Middle Guard Position | Vanguard Position | |
Duel (デュエル) |
0 | 1 | 0 |
Double (ダブル) |
1 | 0 | 1 |
Delta (デルタ) |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Quartet (カルテット) |
2 | 0 | 2 |
Hex (ヘックス) |
2 | 2 | 2 |
Overkill (オーバー) |
3 | 3 | 3 |
The player could have saved up to 10 combinations for each formation type, for 60 total patterns.
[edit | edit source]
Certain menu options can be seen in the game but cannot be accessed, covered up by a red cross and text describing why it's unavailable in the current version. They include:
- Under "Combat Unit Enhancement"
- Unlock Limiter [Raise Level Limit] (リミッター解除 [レベル上限解放]), which is "Unavailable in the β version" (β版では使えません).
- Mimetic Override [Ability Overwrite] (擬態オーバーライド [能力上書き]), unavailable as it is "Undecided" (未定).
- Under "Cafe Employee Enhancement"
- Raise Employee's Maximum Level (店員のレベル上限Up), unavailable as it is "To be implemented soon" (そのうち実装).
- Under "Memory Archives"
- Main Story (メインストーリー) and Sub-story (サブストーリー), which are "Unavailable in the β version" (β版では選べません).