Book of the Cafe/α Version Notices

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The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's notices in Book of the Cafe α version.

2020[edit | edit source]

10 May 2020[edit | edit source]

[version 0.1.11]

Update Notice [version 0.1.11]


  • 店員編成画面のリニューアル
  • 調理時間短縮カードを使ったときの仕様を変更
  • 人気レベルの上下が緩やかになりました
  • 自動営業の仕業を変更
    • 想定していた通りの効率でなかった不具合を修正
    • 暇な店員の数が売り上げに影響与えるようになりました
    • 入口からアクセスできる配膳台がない場合、売り上げが全くなくなるようになりました
  • 人気レベルが最大の時、人気値が溜まらなくなりました
  • ロード画面にTipsが表示されるようになりました
    • ロードが短いと読んでいられません、悲しい
    • なのでロード時間が少し長くなりました、許してください。
  • カフェ画面に現在のバージョンと動作環境が表示されるようになりました

◆ Main Additions and Changes

  • Renewed the Employee Selection Menu
    In order to accommodate future additions, I renewed the menu.
    As for the additions themselves, please wait a while longer.
  • Changed the way Time Skip cards work
    Up until now, it cut time based on the employee’s stats,
    but in order to make it more direct, it now cuts from the time shown.
  • Slowed down the popularity level’s rise and fall
    ※ You might find your popularity level lower after the update, that’s how it’s supposed to be.
  • Change the way idle sales work
    • Fixed: That it was not at the rate I wanted it to be
    • The number of idle employees now affect the sales
    • If there is not a food counter accessible from the entrance, no sales will be made at all.
  • When your popularity level is maxed out, you can no longer gain popularity points
  • I added Tips to the load screens
    • Load times are so short you can’t read them, it’s sad
    • So I made them a bit longer, please forgive me
  • It now displays what version and device you are playing on at the cafe screen


  • レイアウト移動モードの移動元表示がモードを解除しても残るバグの修正
  • 家具の「!」マークがレイアウト時に残り続けるバグの修正
  • レベルアップ時にカフェ拡張が最大なのにも関わらず拡張ができるアイコンが表示されるバグの修正)
  • 自動営業時に洗浄をしなくなるバグを修正できたかも

◆ Other Fixes

  • Fixed bug: Where the selection icon from “move furniture” mode in layout remains even after you exit layout mode
  • Fixed bug: Where the “!” over furniture stays even in layout mode
  • Fixed bug: Where it shows that you can expand your cafe even when it’s already at the max size when you level up)
  • I might have fixed the bug where dishes don’t wash when idle
    I wonder if it’s fixed~? (Not really confident)


That concludes the updates.
There’s still much, much~ more I plan to add and adjust,
so please wait for a while fishing for coelacanths or something.

27 April 2020[edit | edit source]

[version 0.1.8]

Update Notice [version 0.1.8]


  • 店員に個別のスキルを実装
  • 人気値と自動営業に関するものの調整
    • 人気値の形式を変更しました。一定の人気値ごとに人気レベルが上下するようになりました。
    • 自動営業時の効率を微減しました。
    • 人気値の増加量を増加、減少量を減少しました。
    • 来店人数を調整し、全体的な来店率が上がりました。
    • 自動営業時、食事可能な机の数によって効率が変わるようになりました。
  • 調理した料理が配膳台のどこに並ぶか設定できるようにしました
  • レイアウトの移動・入れ替え機能の実装
  • 郵便箱・ミッションに受け取れるものがある場合に通知がさりげなく表示されるようになりました

◆ Main Additions and Changes

  • Individual skills for each employee
    You can check these at the employee selection screen or the gacha details list.
  • Adjustments to the popularity points and the idle cafe sales
    • Changed the popularity system, it now levels up every set amount of points
    • Decreased the rate at which food is sold when idle by a small bit
    • Increased how much popularity goes up, decreased how much it goes down
    • Adjusted the customer flow, they’ll now come into the cafe more often
    • When the game is idle, the rate at which you sell food now changes with the number of tables you have available
  • You can choose where new dishes are added to the row at the food counter
    There’s a button in the dishes menu at the counter.
  • Added the ability to choose between move and replace in the layout menu
  • There is now a notification to show you have something to collect in the postbox and the mission menus


  • カフェの高さが購入しても適応されない不具合の修正
  • 赤髪のお客様が新手のスタンド使いになっていた不具合の修正
  • ガチャ排出率一覧の料理ステータスが正しく表示されていなかった不具合の修正)
  • 皿が一瞬で洗浄されてしまう不具合の修正
  • カフェの名前が消えてしまう不具合の修正ができたのかな~?
  • その他UIなどの微調整

◆ Other Fixes

  • Fixed Bug: Height upgrades not applied to the cafe
  • Fixed Bug: Where the red-haired customer is a new stand-user
  • Fixed: Recipe stats not showing correctly in the gacha details menu)
  • Fixed Bug: Where the dishes are washed immediately
  • I think I fixed the bug where the cafe name disappears?
    (I’m not sure about this so please contact me about it if it happens again)
  • Other UI fixes


That concludes the updates.
There’s still much~, much more I plan to add and adjust,
so please wait a bit while longer, thank you so much.

14 April 2020[edit | edit source]

[version 0.1.6]

Update Notice
[version 0.1.6]


  • ゲーム非起動時にも皿の洗浄をするようになりました。
  • 配膳台にある料理を確認できるシステムの実装
  • 人気システムの仮実装
  1. カフェ画面右上に人気値が表示されるようになりました。
  2. 人気値は料理をおみまいするたびに微増加していきます。
  3. 人気値が高いほど客の出現頻度、来店確率、行列の人数が増加します。
  4. 人気値の最大値は配膳台にある料理の種類、店員の種類の数で決まります。
  5. 客を列や机で一定時間以上待たせると人気値が減少していきます。
  6. 人気値は現状ではだいたい150で最高効率なります(数値自体はそれ以上いきます)
  • ゲーム非起動時などで一定時間カフェ画面を開いてないと自動で営業をする機能の追加
  1. 自動営業時の回転率はゲーム起動時より大きく下がります。
  2. 自動営業時の人気値の上昇量はさらに下がります
  3. 調理・洗浄をしていない暇な店員がいないと自動営業は行われません。
  4. 自動営業時に獲得した店員の経験値は暇な店員全員に均等に割り振られます。
  5. 配膳台に料理が足りないとその分人気値が下がります。
  • 多くの料理のステータスを調整
  • 店の名前変更機能の追加
  • ミッション一覧画面に「全て受け取る」ボタンを追加
  • レイアウト画面にて、設置されている家具や床をタッチしたとき、選択中と同じものだった場合回転するようにしました。

Main Additions and Changes

  • The game will now wash your dishes even when it’s not open
  • I added a system where you can check your current dishes at the food counters
    If you tap the food counter you can check the dishes you currently have prepared.
    Also, you can change the order dishes are served there.
  • Installation of a popularity system
  1. Popularity points are now shown at the right-top corner at the cafe.
  2. Every time you serve a dish, the point goes up slightly.
  3. The higher the number, the higher pedestrian flow, customer entrance chance and the number of people that will line up.
  4. The maximum popularity point value is determined by the number of different dishes at the food counter and the number of different employees you have. It’s recommended that you try your best to have different dishes and staff.
  5. If your customers wait above a certain amount of time at a table or at the line, the popularity point will go down.
  6. You’d be the most efficient at a popularity of 150 points. (The number itself can get higher.)
  • When the game is closed, and the cafe is left alone for a certain amount of time, the cafe will run on its own
  1. The turnover rate is much lower when the game is closed.
  2. The popularity point increment rate will be even smaller.
  3. If you don’t have any idle staff who are not washing dishes or cooking, the cafe will not run on its own.
  4. EXP earned when the game is closed is divided among all idle employees.
  5. If you run out of a certain type of dish at the food counter your popularity will drop accordingly.
  • Various stat adjustments for most recipes
  • You can change the cafe’s name now!
    Tap the cafe’s name at the top and you can change it.
  • Added a [Collect All Rewards] button to the mission menu
  • In the layout menu, if you replace one furniture or flooring with another one, the new object will go in the direction the old object is placed


  • 初期床・壁が買えないバグを修正
  • お知らせ一覧画面のスクロールの不具合の修正
  • たまに文字表示がおかしくなる不具合の修正(あんま修正できた自信ない)
  • ミッションが更新されないことがある不具合の修正
  • 一部のキャラクターが正しく表示されていなかった不具合の修正
  • 洗浄する必要のある皿の枚数がカフェ画面上部メニューに表示されるようになりました。

Other Fixes

  • Fixed Bug: Unable to buy default flooring and walls
    Along with this, you can now get the default floor and wall back when you replace them.
    Also, when you expand the cafe, if you have default flooring and walls in your inventory, you’ll use those on the new spaces.
  • Fixed Bug: Notices scrollbar not working properly
  • Fixed Bug: Text shows up weird occasionally (I’m not confident I actually fixed this one)
  • Fixed Bug: Missions not updating
    I’m sorry about this, but the bug will be fixed once the current missions reach their deadline.
  • Fixed Bug: Certain characters not appearing as intended
  • The number of dishes that need to be washed are now shown at the right-top corner of the cafe screen
    The number can reach below 0.
    In such cases, a dish would be immediately cleaned once it is put into the sink.


This concludes the contents of this update.
There’s still a lot I plan to add and change,
but for now please wait a while longer, thanks for your cooperation.

5 April 2020[edit | edit source]

[version 0.1.5]

What’s Fixed, Added and Changed
[version 0.1.5]


  • くそぼったくりSHOP店長をこの世から解雇しました。
  • 調整が終わった店員がすぐ他の仕事をしに行く行為は无現里の労働基準法に違反していたため、廃止されました。
  • 一人の店員ばかりに仕事を押し付けてたのも无現里の労基の人に怒られたので、いろんな店員に仕事が行き渡るようになりました。
  • しばらく何もしてない店員は暇なので時々ふらふら歩くようになりました。
  • 料理一覧を表示中に右サイドメニューを押すと操作不能になるしょうもないバグはもうこりごりです。
  • 店員がもうエア仕事をしなくなりました(透明化していた家具が正しく表示されるようになりました。)
  • 初期で配置されている壁や床は交換したら手元に戻らなくなりました。新SHOP店長にっこり。
  • 客の量を試しにアホみたいに多くしてみました。
  • 店の前に5人まで列ができるようにしました。

Fixed bugs, additions and changes

  • The shitty rip-off shop manager has been fired from this world.
    (The bought items being missing bug has been fixed)
  • Employees going to do something else right after cooking is against Mugenri’s labour laws, so I got rid of it.
    (Employees will now rest for about 10 seconds before they start working on something else)
  • The people from the Labor Standards Inspection Office got mad at the cafe for forcing all the work onto one of the employees, so they’ll now take turns working.
  • Employees not doing anything at the moment will now walk around the cafe from time to time.
  • I disciplined the helpless bug that made it so that the game soft-locks when the right menu is opened on the cooking menu.
  • The employees will no longer do “air work”. (Invisible furniture will now show up properly)
  • You can no longer get the default walls and flooring when you replace them with something new. The new shop manager sends their regards.
  • It’s just a test, but I toned up the customer flow to stupid high.
    It’ll go up with your popularity level in future updates.
  • Up to 5 people can now line up outside the store.
    The line will get longer with your popularity level in future updates.


  • ガチャを全結果画面までスキップできるボタンの追加
  • 家具を設置したとき向きの矢印が表示されるようになりました。
  • レイアウト画面で椅子のアイコンがデカ買ったのを修正して家具全体にスケールを統一

Other fixes, additions and adjustments

  • I added a button to let you skip to the final result screen at the gacha.
  • There is now an arrow that shows you what direction the furniture is facing when you set it down.
  • The chair icon was really big on the layout screen, so I unified the scale of the furniture there


That concludes all the fixes I made in the current version. I profusely apologise for any trouble it’s caused you in the past.
Also, if you find anything else that isn’t properly fixed, or encounter any other difficulties, I’d be glad if you contacted me about it.

4 April 2020[edit | edit source]


Things I Plan to Add to This Version Soon


  • 他の画面に移動しても客が帰らなくなるようにする
  • ゲームを閉じてる間でも店が営業できるようにする
  • ゲームを閉じてる間でも皿を洗うようにする
  • お店の人気システムの実装
  • その他ばぐ修正、UIなどの調整多々

These are the things that I plan to add soon:

  • Customers won’t leave even if you go to another screen
  • The cafe will continue to serve customers even if the game is closed
  • They will wash the dishes even if the game is closed
  • A popularity system
  • Mostly other bug fixes, UI adjustments, etc.

4 April 2020[edit | edit source]


Questions That Seem Like They’d Be Frequently Asked


For those of you who don’t know what to do in this α ver, since there’s not even a crude tutorial:
The Questions That Seem Like They’d Be Frequently Asked Corner!!


Q. What should I even do in this game?
A. It’s only the α version so there’s not really much of a goal yet.
Just do missions and get money, gems (Ink Gems) and tickets to spin the gacha.
Feel free to gather up characters, recipes and furniture that you feel like having.
By the way, Ink Gems are only used for the gacha right now so feel free to use them without saving up.

A.まずは調理をしよう! [店員]をタッチして選択状態になったら次に[台所]をタッチ!
回収した料理は配膳台に自動で瞬間移動するじ! 不思議だね!

Q. So, what should I actually do?
A. First, let’s make something! Tap an [Employee] to select them and then tap the [Kitchen]!
Once you do so the Cooking Menu will pop out, choose the one you want to make and tap the [Start Cooking Button]!
Then all you have to do is wait for it to get done!
While it’s cooking you can close the app and leave it be and it’ll continue cooking!
Once it’s done cooking just repeat the first step and tap [Employee] then [Kitchen] to collect the meal!
Collected meals move to the counter automatically! Isn’t it amazing!?
Idle employees will automatically deliver the dishes on the counter to the customers!


Q. What should I do if I want to save?
A. For those on smartphones, the game autosaves so just close the app and you’re good!
But those on the web version, autosaves are less frequent,
so before you quit push the [Quit Game Button] on the bottom of the left menu,
once you’ve returned to the title screen you can close the browser!


Q. Uhh, the waiting time for cooking is different in the bottom bar?
A. The actual cooking time varies based on the staff’s stats.
Try to have employees with high Cooking Stats cook!


Q. Umm, the furniture isn’t reposting even if I tap it?
A. Just tap the square tile that the item is placed on!


Q. Emm, the customers aren’t sitting down even if I put a table down?
A. Well ya can’t sit without a chair now, can you?
Please place a chair next to your table in the layout screen
And make sure to make your chairs and tables face each other!
To do so just tap the furniture without having selected anything!


Q. A red mark and “!” show up after I’m done with the layout, is it some kinda bug?
A. Prithee, No-Eyes, take a closer look. Mayhap there lacks a clear path from the door to the furniture?

Q.はぁ? なんか皿が足りなくて調理ができねぇんだけど?
(version 0.1.6にてアプリを閉じても洗うようになりました)

Q. Huh? I don’t have enough plates to cook for some reason?
A. My, isn’t your sink all clogged up with dirty dishes.
Tap [Employee] then [Sink] to make them clean up the dishes.
However, they’ll skip out on dishwashing and meal delivery when the app is closed!
(They will now wash the dishes even when the game is closed in version 0.1.6)[a]
I’ll make sure to hammer in a good lesson so that they’ll be ready by the real deal~.
And while I’m at it I’ll hammer in that useless brain of yours too.

A.はったおすぞ、カフェのレベルが上がれべ皿の最大数は増えるってママに教えてもらわなかったのか? タコが

Q. For some reason, there are dishes I don’t even have enough total plates for?????
A. I’m gonna beat you up, didn’t your mom ever teach you that the max number of plates available increases with level-ups?

Q.カフェ画面のBGMくぐもってねーか? ちゃんとしろよ

Q. Isn’t the BGM on the cafe screen kinda muffled~? Do your job properly man.
A. So now I well understand that your eardrums have rotten and fell off~.
(It’s supposed to sound like that, please enjoy the atmosphere as if a radio or a cassette player is playing the song in the cafe)


Q. Shitty gacha
A. Die! (I’m going to make the gacha in the full version better)


Q. When’s the full version coming out?
A. I plan to release it for free within the century.


And this concludes the “Questions That Seem Like They’d Be Frequently Asked Corner”.
I deeply apologize for any inappropriate remarks I made.

4 April 2020[edit | edit source]


Elements That I Plan to Add as We Move Towards the Full Version

  • 戦闘要素の実装
  • それに伴って戦闘用のキャラの実装
  • 店員や客を多数追加!
  • カフェオリジナル新キャラ追加
  • 既存ストーリー、およびオリジナルストーリー、サイドストーリーなどの実装
  • 料理多数追加!
  • 様々なインテリアを多数追加!
  • 様々な種類のガチャ追加!
  • 期間限定イベントなどの実装
  • スマホ版では縦持ち時に簡易モードに切り替わる機能の実装
  • ブッシュの機能の対応
  • カフェの機能の拡張
  • アプリ非起動時にも売り上げ、皿洗いなどをする処理
  • ユニーク客に機能を追加
  • ガチャの演出も増やすよー
  • 随所の演出、UI、効果音、バランスなどの変化や見直し・追加をガンガンする予定です
  • ガチャもテスト用なので製品版では全く違うものになります
  • BGMの追加、もっと落ち着いた曲も欲しいなぁ
  • 現在の簡易で意味不明なチュートリアルを
  • その他にもいろいろ追加予定!
  • Implement battle elements
  • Implementation of battle-use characters along with it
  • Much more customers and staff!
  • Addition of new original character(s)
  • The addition of past stories, as well as an original story and side stories, etc.
  • More dishes!
  • More interior design options!
  • More types of gacha!
  • Implement time-limited events
  • An easy mode for vertical play
  • Push notifications
  • More to do in the cafe
  • Make it so that sales and dishwashing continue even when the app is closed
  • More about unique customers
  • More gacha effects and scenes~
  • Changes, fixes and additions to the performance, UI, SFX, balance, etc. all around the place
  • The gacha is only for test-use, so the full version will see something completely different
    (I want to make it so that you can get the character you want for sure somehow)
  • More BGMs, I want more relaxed songs~
  • To make the simple and confusing tutorial into a…
    a more proper tutorial
  • And much more!

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. This line was added in the version 0.1.6 update.