Book of the Cafe/α Version Notices
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's notices in Book of the Cafe α version.
2020[edit | edit source]
10 May 2020[edit | edit source]
アップデートのお知らせ |
Update Notice [version 0.1.11] | |
◆ Main Additions and Changes
| |
◆ Other Fixes
| |
アップデート内容は以上となります。 |
That concludes the updates. |
27 April 2020[edit | edit source]
アップデートのお知らせ |
Update Notice [version 0.1.8] | |
◆ Main Additions and Changes
| |
◆ Other Fixes
| |
アップデート内容は以上となります。 |
That concludes the updates. |
14 April 2020[edit | edit source]
アップデートのお知らせ |
Update Notice | |
Main Additions and Changes
| |
Other Fixes
| |
アップデート内容は以上となります。 |
This concludes the contents of this update. |
5 April 2020[edit | edit source]
修正・追加・変更した箇所 |
What’s Fixed, Added and Changed | |
Fixed bugs, additions and changes
| |
Other fixes, additions and adjustments
| |
現バージョンでの修正箇所は以上となります。ご迷惑をかけてしましたこと、深くお詫びいたします。 |
That concludes all the fixes I made in the current version. I profusely apologise for any trouble it’s caused you in the past. |
4 April 2020[edit | edit source]
近々に追加する予定の機能 |
Things I Plan to Add to This Version Soon | |
These are the things that I plan to add soon:
4 April 2020[edit | edit source]
よくありそう質問 |
Questions That Seem Like They’d Be Frequently Asked | |
ろくなチュートリアルもないこのα版ゲームでなにをすればいいかわからないユーザーのための |
For those of you who don’t know what to do in this α ver, since there’s not even a crude tutorial: | |
Q.このゲームって何すればいいの? |
Q. What should I even do in this game? | |
Q.っで、具体的のなにすればいいの? |
Q. So, what should I actually do? | |
Q.セーブしたい時、やめたい時はどうすればいいの? |
Q. What should I do if I want to save? | |
Q.なんか画面下に表示されてる調理時間が変わるんだけど? |
Q. Uhh, the waiting time for cooking is different in the bottom bar? | |
Q.家具がタッチしても反応せんのだが? |
Q. Umm, the furniture isn’t reposting even if I tap it? | |
Q.机を置いたのに客が座ってくれないんだけど? |
Q. Emm, the customers aren’t sitting down even if I put a table down? | |
Q.なんかレイアウト完了したら赤いレーザーと「!」マークが出たんだけどバグ? |
Q. A red mark and “!” show up after I’m done with the layout, is it some kinda bug? | |
Q.はぁ? なんか皿が足りなくて調理ができねぇんだけど? |
Q. Huh? I don’t have enough plates to cook for some reason? | |
Q.そもそも皿の最大数が作りたい料理に足りてね―よーだが????? |
Q. For some reason, there are dishes I don’t even have enough total plates for????? | |
Q.カフェ画面のBGMくぐもってねーか? ちゃんとしろよ |
Q. Isn’t the BGM on the cafe screen kinda muffled~? Do your job properly man. | |
A.くそガチャ |
Q. Shitty gacha | |
A.製品版はいつ出ますか? |
Q. When’s the full version coming out? | |
以上で「よくありそうな質問コーナー」を終了致します。 |
And this concludes the “Questions That Seem Like They’d Be Frequently Asked Corner”. |
4 April 2020[edit | edit source]
製品版に向けて今後実装する予定の要素 |
Elements That I Plan to Add as We Move Towards the Full Version | |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This line was added in the version 0.1.6 update.